Nokia G60
- ?
- Anonymous
- 64i
- 26 Sep 2022
The phone makes actually nice quality photos I like it
- S
- Sin
- 3ag
- 26 Sep 2022
Subramanian CN, 25 Sep 2022I am replying to you, just to make you understand where you... moreYes I do understand
Yes I know there are rules and conditions that you have too agree too use the Google app store and apps etc but no-one ever reads them let's be real
It's not possible too surf web properly without a
ad-blocker because ads and pop ups slow down the browser and make it freeze up all the time
So as a result ever good browser has a built in ad browser too speed them up
Most browsers by default offer too and block some ad blockers are better than others though
Alternative app stores are just like the Google app store but with less restrictive rules and conditions as I said Aptoide & uptodown have there own security and check if apps are safe so there trustworthy
Also many brands of phone also have there own app stores also like Samsung galaxy phones have the Samsung app store
and more freedom for both the add developers and consumers
It's just randomly instilling APK from random unknown weird sites that's not at all safe
The main brand's that are truly bad are apple Nintendo and Microsoft there the inventions and restrictions or the reason for everything wrong with the tech industry
The main problem is there getting away with it and are a bad inference on other brands that see there making extra money by removing features and disable stuff or force updates and silly software systems requiredments etc
Look at all the Android manufacturers copying there bad ideas so many copies just get extra money
All of this happens at the cost of the customers getting taken advantage of
The worsted part of that is mainstream people don't even realize that and pay too have this happen too them more
Mainstream people are very brand washed especially the apple fans that probably can't be saved and are a lost cause
I am upset with this problem as too few people support good brands by buying there products instead of bad products and don't punish bad brands with boycott and law suits for making such locked down devices
Law makers also don't do enough especially in the us apple won 🤢 Vs epic games
The EU a little better at least there trying make devices more reliable flexible and repairable
Golden stars for Brazilian pro-cosummer agency for ban iPhone for not including changer in the box
- J
- Joszy
- 25 Sep 2022
The point raised below with respect to OS roll-back option is a very valid point. Manufacturer/Developer should include this option in an easily understandable form.
Recently, lots of folks could no longer use their device smoothly after updating the OS from android 11 to android 12 OS. If the OS roll-back option is available, it will address this concern.
- S
- Subramanian CN
- uuY
- 25 Sep 2022
Sin, 25 Sep 2022The Google app store definitely good for some apps that req... moreI am replying to you, just to make you understand where you are wrong. I don't intend to intimidate you or anyone because, I find no pleasure in doing so. There is nothing wrong if you spell a word wrongly or if there are grammatical error(s) while you speak or write. But, the point is that there shouldn't be any content error.
Coming to the point, take for example products of Apple. You have to pay nearly 4 to 10 times more than a budget Android device, if you opt to buy their devices. Also, you can't do anything as you can do with Android mobiles. Can you blame Apple for not providing the services you want? Now, businesses exits and function to make money. Those people who own businesses are not philanthropists though some of them involve in philanthropic activities with the money they earned. Every business is governed by rules and regulations which is framed by its respective owners. You can't break their rules. If they come to know that you are trying to break it, you will be sued. What you've said here is out of the rule book of Play Store. At the same time it is not necessary that you have to abide by all their rules. If their rules are against your requirements just don't buy their products. This is law. What you've said is against the laws that governs intellectual properties. As you have said, you spend your hard earned money to buy their products but, under conditions. You can create and use free email accounts only if you abide by their rules. Even, every App is bounded by rules. You say that Google restricts. But, the actual name for these restrictions are called "Rules".
Alternative App store! You are simply out of your minds. How can one claim ownership of others property. Google claims the ownership of every Android mobile with Play Store services. You can claim ownership of only the device you buy but, nothing inside it which comes under intellectual properties of Google.
Every App you find in Play Store is governed by rules of Google. Google will not simply admit any App inside Play Store. Moreover, every Aop has to share 30% of revenue with Google. Apps you find elsewhere out of Play Store are not governed by the rules of Google. You can install it on your own risk. What is the risk factor here? The risk is the consequences that you might face upon installing them.
As you've said you may root your device to remove adds. But, you've said that you only like Stock Android devices. Hence rooting becomes unnecessary for you. But, you can't get rid of browser adds because Google's 80% revenues comes from these adds the reason why their browser is offered free of cost. Nothing is free in this world. If you wish to watch YouTube videos without adds you have to go in for a premium subscription. If you aren't ready to pay for it, just don't watch videos. This is the rule. All these rules are stated by Google at appropriate places. But, consumers fail to read it.
Additionally, every gadget you buy has got a life which can't be extended. Even our life, our planet's life and our Sun's life can't be extended. Your plan is to use an old hardware with latest software which isn't wrong for which you've do your own research. The life of your mobile ends when it goes out of warranty. But, no one restricts you to do anything with your device. But, you can't seek the help of Google. If you feel that you are being cheated by Google and by device manufacturers don't buy their products. As you've said not everyone is tech savvy, the reason why rules and regulations exist.
Your life in this world is governed by rules, regulations, laws and your beliefs. You have to follow the right path to take you to the right destination. I am writing all these things just to help you. If you keep on beating around, you can't be happy at any point in your life. You will be left only with complaints in the end. Take it or leave it. Good luck.
- S
- Sin
- 3ag
- 25 Sep 2022
Sin, 25 Sep 2022The Google app store definitely good for some apps that req... moreLittle spalling mistake
I ment Aptoide app store
Not uptoide was spalling mistake
The app store name is Aptoide it's a really good app store sorry for the mistake for anyone reading this
- S
- Sin
- 3ag
- 25 Sep 2022
Subramanian CN, 24 Sep 2022First of all organisations Google, Nokia, etc., doesn'... moreThe Google app store definitely good for some apps that requires Google play services and I definitely recommend using it for anyone wondering where I stand about it
So like everyone else I use it a lot
Am rather normal smartphone users in the end of the day
Just frustrated by the tech industry is full corruption and greedy tech companies
Something even as simple as a mum trying to even buy a smartphones for there children that is powerful enough too even run Fortnite Is expensive
Then there's the task you got too sideload the game from either Fortnite own website or a app store like uptoide download the game from the browser then install the APK
Have too turn unknown source on and also enable the browser too download unknown apps
This is not the easiest task for people who are not tech savvy at all
- S
- Sin
- 3ag
- 25 Sep 2022
Subramanian CN, 24 Sep 2022First of all organisations Google, Nokia, etc., doesn'... moreThe devices we buy belong too us
We pay for them with are own money and choice
Them for are needs and wants
The Google play store is very restrictive so using alternative app stores is a must
Android App stores like uptodown uptoide have there own security too check apps and are trustworthy and apkpure also reliable
Many apps like browser or ad blockers and virtual machines can't function properly without root privileges
Half of games are not even on the Google app store
And are APK files that can be find from the game developers website or game websites full of indie games
You need instill there APK apps
The web is full of ads and pop-ups and restrictions
Slowly down devices
So just too be able too surf the web properly you need a VPN and a ad blockers working
There has been a law suit over there's kinds of problems it shouldn't even be legal for Google too do this
Am just a consumer and anti consumer product restrictions and limitations are bad
Also my device's being useless after 10 years is also bad and wrong
I own it not the big tech companies it belongs too me I payed for it it's mine now not there's
I should be able do whatever I want with my own devices
- S
- Subramanian CN
- uuL
- 24 Sep 2022
Sin, 24 Sep 2022I know of root switch from generic TV box's that come ... moreFirst of all organisations Google, Nokia, etc., doesn't belong to any of us. They belong to the people who own them and they are the sole decision makes for everything they do. Just because Android is an Open source operating system, doesn't mean that we have a stake in their company. Of course, since Android is an Open source OS anyone may use it in anyway but, not their Play Store. We can't take advantage of their services to ask anything we want. Play Store can only be used under strict license from Google. Since you are very much interested to hack (the right word, because your discussion proves that) into their system you may develop your own hardware and use Android OS as you like, as it is Open source without Play Store which is legally permissible. Using Apk files is actually prohibited by Google and respective manufacturers of devices which uses Play Store services. Still some use it. This doesn't mean that Google permits use of Apk files. When anyone speaks about Google it always goes with their Play Store and not about Android OS since it is free to all. But, Google updates Android on a yearly basis to keep their Play Store alive and thrilling. Rooting a device is highly useful for those who are system developers. Third party Custom UI installations are not permitted by device manufacturers. But, some install it on their own risk. If you want to help the Global society at large you may start your own company to manufacturer devices which has the specifications as you prefer. Moreover, you can use Android OS legally or you may make changes to Android to call it by any name as you like. You may legally permit your consumers to use Apk files as they like. But, if you want to use Google's Play Store you have to follow every rule specified by Google. Using Apk files are not advisable just because they are not secured. Apk files might contain hacking codes to steal data from your phone. Stealing is an offence but, still some do it. It doesn't mean that it is right. Freedom doesn't mean that you can do anything in this world.
- S
- Sin
- 3ag
- 24 Sep 2022
Carol, 24 Sep 2022Well yeah, but the people would be to d... to understand th... moreI know of root switch from generic TV box's that come with them as far as am aware no manufacturers add them too smartphone
Using alternative app stores is another freedom of Android app stores use as uptodown optoide apkpure
Have many apps that can't be found on the Google app store
The Google app store is very strict with rules some apps offer features Google don't like others like fortune don't like the Google play store 30%
If manufacturers added settings like the root switch under advanced settings or developers settings it help
Can put underlocking and overclocking under advanced power management settings
For overclocking for performance adding processor speed opinions with GPU and CPU in a safe enough range
As for choosing android versions just tick a box on the sellers page
Like giving opinion of AndroidOne or androidgo come with the smartphone perinstilled
Can add more Android OS versions
Could possibly add very simple way too rollback updates as simple as a phone does update
There's always going be people that go in and mess around with stuff and don't know what there doing
It's possible people can brick phones but there is ways too make it much more understandable
For noobs that want power user tools
Back too supporting old phones
It's possible too support really old smartphones but
it's hardware that holds them back mostly I think moose law software gets heavyer and only made for stronger hardware
Trying too run smoothly on new android versions is a struggle is reason stress the importance of strong hardware and a lot of storage is needed for ever growing storage needs for os growth and user storage needs everything needs a app now
I can't see battery replacement being hard too make personally I could be wrong
There's a lot of old phones phone could still use depending on there needs or budget
The flagship from 2014/2015 still can do the basics
But the budget phones from 2014/2015 this a different story
For example Alcatel pixi with mt6572 with only 512mb ram this was a fully functional smartphone from 2015 it only cost 30 pound back then
is painfully obvious a bad experience today for anyone who dare try too even use it
It's clearly obsolete
Looking at it though today's modern standards Len's
It's hard review it either call it trash or forgive it for it's price point
- S
- Subramanian CN
- uwC
- 24 Sep 2022
Sin, 24 Sep 2022Mainly app compatibility is my reason for rooting There... morePlease list out the apps you like the most that requires rooting, (a short list of three apps) and please explain what do you plan to do with it. Android One is not a version like Android 10,11 or 12.. It is a licence agreement between the manufacturer and Google. As you've talked about privileges to permit users to rollback and switch between Android versions may I ask you again about the advantages of your plans.
- C
- Carol
- n@x
- 24 Sep 2022
Sara, 24 Sep 2022Also some question... -Screen supports play 4K videos ? (... moreBy "support" you mean, if it's playing 4k videos in full resolution or if the device is able to play 4k videos alltogether? This are two different things. To play videos, no matter what the original resolution is, has everything to do with cpu and gpu power, the screen beeing just the output device. So to answer your question, the device will play anything you throw at it, most probably without any heating, but will this vidoes be rendered in 4k? Of corse not, the screen is not 4k so they will be rendered down to screen resolution. Don't get dissapointed to fast tough, cause... no smartphone but some sony premium league ones have 4k displays. So do not let yourself tricked into thinking that if a smarphone can take 4k vidoes also means that your display is able to show them in full resolution. Also the mistake a lot of people do is to think that if you play a 4k video on your phone or PC, they're actually seeing 4k resolution. It is not the case, no 4k screen? No 4k viewing.l is mostly a marketing gimmick, especially in phones world. The naked eye won't be able to make a difference between 4k and let's say, 2k screen resolutions on such small screens sizes. Without a magnifier, you ain't gonna see the pixels density. Hope i could help.
- C
- Carol
- n@x
- 24 Sep 2022
Sin, 24 Sep 2022Yeah the level of control the normal user has over there ow... moreWell yeah, but the people would be to d... to understand the power of the root user, and would very probably brick the phone, get hacked, data stolen and so on. I do not know how many people understand "rooting" the device, in my opinion the action itself is named falsly. Root user on unix based systems, and not only, is nothing but Administrator on windows. So actually "rooting" means nothing but giving your user administrator privileges on the device. A way to powerfull user that in the wrong hands could do nothihg but damage. This is most probably one of the reasons why brands like hmd would not be willing to allow so much power into the users hands, they guarantee the devices for a long time, so they do not want to have them keep returning for OS falsh because devices was bricked, or having law suits because some hacker stolled info, money, identity, and so on. In my experience people are really like that, lack of responsibility for their own actions but willing to have everything (pretty much a childish behaviour) is in trend this days. Knowing nothing, understanding nothing, yet demanding, wanting is also a part of this trend... so yeah, no root would be a way for an oem to protect himself. So then the question, who's to blame?
Coming back to old devices, hmm yeah those ones ar a bit too old, but i also think, it would be possible to support them. But yeah, that would also mean, further battery production and so on. for such old devices i do not know if sustainability would also mean eviromental friendly.... if you know what i mean😅
- S
- Sin
- 3ag
- 24 Sep 2022
Subramanian CN, 24 Sep 2022Rooting is a simple process. You can easily learn it from w... moreMainly app compatibility is my reason for rooting
There's a lot of apps that require root
My favourite android version is AndroidOne
I like clean stock android
- S
- Subramanian CN
- utI
- 24 Sep 2022
Sin, 24 Sep 2022Yeah the level of control the normal user has over there ow... moreRooting is a simple process. You can easily learn it from www. No switch is required. May I know your purpose of roofing your device so that I may learn something from it. What version of Android you like the most? Fortunately, we can do such things only with Android devices. We can't do anything with iPhones or iPads. Thanking you in advance.
- S
- Sara
- 0Vd
- 24 Sep 2022
Also some question...
-Screen supports play 4K videos ? (try youtube)
-FM radio does it have RDS ,recorder option and speaker mode ?
-What about night camera mode .Is is good or must use Gcam
- S
- Sara
- 0Vd
- 24 Sep 2022
Anonymous, 24 Sep 2022After 5 days of usage
High quality
Smooth UI
Nice disp... moreWhat about speaker ? Is it loud ?
Is any sound improve function ? Other devices uses Dolby Atmos
- S
- Sin
- 3ag
- 24 Sep 2022
Carol, 23 Sep 2022Actually new features does not mean new software. Let'... moreYeah the level of control the normal user has over there own smartphones is small
People should be given more control over there own smartphones they payed for and own and have too live with
I think smartphones should have a built-in root switch so anyone can use apps that requires root privileges
Also I think settings menu should have user friendly way CPU & GPU settings too either improve battery life or performance based on what people prefer
Basically overclock for performance or underclocking for battery life
As for Android version people should be able choose ideally what version they want there smartphone too have and ship with and updates that are easily too rollback too old Android version if needed
I think Google should just keep supporting the old Android version forever Google made them in the first place and app developers should make 32bit lite versions of there apps for older Android versions would be best for sustainability and longevity and benefits the customers and be eco-friendly
Sadly this never happen
Am all for sustainability I want smartphone last forever if it was possible
but as you said no OEM is for sustainability also there are realistic limitations with old hardware new software
For example there's many Nokia Lumia smartphone let's look at there flagship modal for example
Nokia Lumia 930 the top model is today's most basic budget smartphone by today's standards it's not even 64bit
It's 32bit the Snapdragon 800 is so 64bit app compatibility I don't know if a workaround for this be possible or not
It's a budget smartphone by today's standards it's still got a good oled screen that still hold up even today if modern drivers was available for it with a lot of effort put in and lite versions of apps 32bit versions
if only optimization from game developers with potato graphics settings for less powerful phones
It be possible
I could see phones like this having a new life as Androidgo 11 budget smartphones instead of becoming handle capped by dead windows os
Just the way technology is set up and Morse law the growing size and new Android versions system requirements for new software it's set up too kill of old technology
The main reason technology turn's into e-waste I think is none removable battery poor battery health storage space limitations new software too heavily and old software not supported
- ?
- Anonymous
- ps8
- 24 Sep 2022
After 5 days of usage
High quality
Smooth UI
Nice display
Data is not sold
Good camera
Fair price
Highly recommendable
- C
- Carol
- n@x
- 23 Sep 2022
Sin , 23 Sep 2022New software and old hardware don't go well together ... moreActually new features does not mean new software. Let's put it this way, everything android 12 does, android core was always able to do, just that the user was not Permited to change it. Even now, android can deny internet acces for any app even for itself (and the list of posibilities is huge), but the normal user is not permited to change that, the Root (user) could control that tough. Anyhow, what i wanted to point out ist that the changes are less at the OS core, and more to do with the UI, ongoing changes to the core would mean a very messy and unstable OS... forever. Since android 10, there are no significant changes to the core, well at least, none that i can think of. I could even state that android 13 would run without to much trouble on 2015 devices if their CPU would still be receiving drivers and yeah, developers would want that to happen. No OEM wants sustainability, randering old hardware trash and making people think that only the newest hardware is the way to go. Before this consumerism mindset, techies would be ashemed to say that they are not able to Optimize an OS, therefore more and more hardware is needed...So actually, new software on older hardware is no problem as long as the core did not change to a ridiculous amount where certain RAM and CPU are not supported anymore. The more mature the OS, the more stable and better Optimised should be.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Vd
- 23 Sep 2022
People never used quality build phones to check ,just jealous brands offer true and function software updates in their devices, and advertising that .