Nokia Lumia 830
- D
- AnonD-89006
- uuT
- 01 Aug 2015
He me also bought mine from SOUQ.UAE and to be frank they where the best online seller to me since they refunded my whole money and now am glad that i got released from all of these Nokia Lumia 830 camera mess. If you have the souq seller warranty then please initiate the service request else give to nokia care they will repair it in 20 days and again if you update to the newer firmware versions it will prompt you the same problems.
- D
- AnonD-236716
- sSN
- 01 Aug 2015
AnonD-360359, 01 Aug 2015@fireblade... To solve your camera problem Please upgrade ... moreDid Windows 10 solved problem with your phone?
- D
- AnonD-236716
- sSN
- 01 Aug 2015
It was working properly last 6 months. Now currently it fails to start, but it'll work sometimes.
- ?
- Anonymous
- LiF
- 01 Aug 2015
What is the real problema of the camera of Nokia 830? Should i buy it?
- D
- AnonD-360359
- 01 Aug 2015
@fireblade... To solve your camera problem Please upgrade your l830 to windows 10 build 10166. And enjoy.
- D
- AnonD-18458
- 3xJ
- 01 Aug 2015
Lumia 830 has this main camera problem which shows something went wrong and neither any of the resets-soft/hard or even flashing the firmware using navifirm versions will help resolve this issue. This has something to do with the hardware or probably a faulty main camera module. I bought my unit from at a reduced price and i had doubts even at that time about the pricing then only i came to know that they were dumping faulty batches trough and cheating customer i am sure many of the customers facing this problem would have bought this in UAE would be tru
- D
- AnonD-236716
- 2S%
- 01 Aug 2015
Did anybody got fixed their camera problem with Lumia 830?
- D
- AnonD-360359
- 31 Jul 2015
in real world performence windows is better than android! it is lag free! im using nokia lumia 830 and it is great! you never need a ton of aap! as well as we use 40-50 apps in genaral! you get them easily from wstore. i was really shoked when i saw xperia z3 lolipop v5.1 using 67% of ram whether l830 using 48% of ram! for a daily driver windows phone are better! battery performence, touch wz are great! for an android phone you must use antivirus and clean app but windows don't need! windows is super optimised! lag free! go for lumia! go for windows!
- S
- Sepl27
- n$0
- 30 Jul 2015
Anonymous, 28 Jul 2015I'm getting a new phone and I can't decide between the LG g... moreBuy the Lumia, I have a Lumia 630 rigth now, because when I buy it I do it just for try de new OS and I like it and now just finish to buy the Lumia 830 Gold Edition. It comes tomorow at my house! :D Love it!
- D
- AnonD-422788
- v0q
- 29 Jul 2015
Anonymous, 28 Jul 2015I'm getting a new phone and I can't decide between the LG g... moreTry both in the stores, basically ur just choosing between an android or windows phone. U will only b disappointed with 830 on the quantity and even the quality of apps but windows phones never lags and really fast. Get the g3 if u prefer android after trying both systems
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y7Q
- 28 Jul 2015
I'm getting a new phone and I can't decide between the LG g3 or Nokia Lumia 830. If someone could recommend which is better it would be of great help.
- s
- staneless
- N9@
- 28 Jul 2015
is it a must to update ur lumia 830 phone...why can't you just leave it the way u bought it. if u don't want any problem with your phone, please don't update
- i
- imsshivs
- H4s
- 28 Jul 2015
Me too has the same problem.
- L
- Leya
- dW7
- 27 Jul 2015
The solution is here:
Some good news :)
There's a new version of Lumia Camera Beta v5.21.2.0 and it is (contrary to previous versions) available for Lumia 830 & it seems to fix the bug
- G
- utg
- 25 Jul 2015
AnonD-418425, 25 Jul 2015well, have you updated your phone to latest windows 8.1 upd... moreSorry for mistake.
My lumia 830 camera not working from 3rd week of April; 2015.
- G
- utg
- 25 Jul 2015
AnonD-418425, 25 Jul 2015well, have you updated your phone to latest windows 8.1 upd... moreMy lumia 830 camera crased on the month of APRIL. I think UPDATE 2 was not avaialble on that time.
- D
- AnonD-418425
- uve
- 25 Jul 2015
well, have you updated your phone to latest windows 8.1 update 2 ? because this is the update which has killed our phones camera....not only me but many others (read here or forumswindowscentral and many other windows platforms)
- G
- Gui
- 7Eb
- 25 Jul 2015
Can this phone do T-Mobile wifi calling?
- a
- anand kumar jaiswal
- bCa
- 24 Jul 2015
Nokia Lumia 830 is the best phone that i had purchase ever in my life. I m using this phone since November 2014 and never comes complain uptil now. when it launch after a week i purchase. But a Battery is backup only 1 day but overall its good.
My ratings is 8/10 ********
- D
- AnonD-418425
- uw%
- 24 Jul 2015
well i have tried everything to sort out this "something went wrong" problem in lumia 830....soft reset .....hard reset.....unistalling and reinstalling apps.....cheking various settings but of no use.....i think its not just a simple issue....may be a deep software or totally hardware failure.......service centre is only viable now.....don't know how long they will take .....MICROSOFT......DAMNED.....