Nokia Lumia 920
- S
- Sando
- M1w
- 17 Oct 2012
nokia cant make slim phones.
So big bezels........
Tha OS is flat and boring as my wp.
- e
- eVita
- L7k
- 17 Oct 2012
when i saw this phone, i know that i will never EVER buy an android. Soon as will be avaliable in my state i will buy it. With this phone starts the end of android empire!
- D
- AnonD-18713
- sUU
- 17 Oct 2012
Windows 6.1 etc was bad, but still it had its market right? It was not flop..right?
Hence Windows Phone 8 will survive and infact it has the potential to gradually over a period of time....defeat iOS and Android, as it starts gaining acceptability.
- D
- AnonD-18713
- sUU
- 17 Oct 2012
I own a Lumia 710, will upgrade to Lumia 920.
Previously had used Android. I have to agree that WP is ultra smooth OS.
Its refreshingly different, Android is still a bit buggy (less noticable on flagships like S3)while iOS is running short of innovatiion.
Lumia 920 with Windows Phone 8 is better than any other Android phone and iphone any day.There is no comparison, its just better.
- N
- Nokia Engineer
- JEu
- 17 Oct 2012
PK, 16 Oct 2012This is awesome phone, but one looking at it and reading co... moreWhy are you guys complaining about an OS that hasn't been annouced yet? Did you or anyone try it before judging? NO.
Trust me I work for Nokia and have most Apple products and switched from iOS to android last year Xperia S ; Android is good and I like many things about it but Windows Phone 8 is just another league. The only annoying thing is that the OS is locked and restricted but again, iOS is locked, yet it's eating a big portion of the market share.
And Btw, I am not a fan boy,; I didn't go for the Lumia 900 when it was out because I knew it would be too early ( Application wise and minor issues ) however, I am more than eager to get the Lumia 920. Marketplace is now competitive with almost all essential applications available.
Goodluck finding the phone that suits you.
- D
- AnonD-75357
- Tj%
- 17 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 16 Oct 2012Good, but 185g? What did Nokia think? There,s a 249g tablet!!!It depends on what is inside and material used. nokia is known for making durable handsets. they last longer, thats why i prefer nokia phones.
- D
- AnonD-70078
- m5f
- 17 Oct 2012
The new surface matches lumia perfectly
- n
- nickst
- t7X
- 17 Oct 2012
AnonD-76139, 17 Oct 2012I m Too using Samsung Galaxy S3 and Nokia N8 both of these ... moreI perfectly understand you bro. ( except I just had a really bad case of nosebleed ). I suggest you try the new Lumias, N8 was so last decade already.
- n
- nickst
- t7X
- 17 Oct 2012
AnonD-50083, 17 Oct 2012All complaints are coming from people who have never actual... moreI totally agree with you dude.
- D
- AnonD-76139
- tt1
- 17 Oct 2012
AnonD-4814, 17 Oct 2012People are talking about how good Android is in multitaskin... moreI m Too using Samsung Galaxy S3 and Nokia N8 both of these I still prefer to buy next smartphone is my Nokia N8 .coz Samsung's Android is much good than Symbian. just because multitasking S3 lacks. it's not having that much of battery life as of Nokia N8. in galaxy S3 they are claims 2100 mah battery then too in 3G network 11 hours and 40 minutes but it last only for 4 hours in real that also not in one S3 I have exchanged about 3-4 Times via service center. and my Nokia N8 battery is 1200 Mah and it lasts uptown 6 hours and 30 minutes company claims 5 hours and 50...
- D
- AnonD-50083
- 3DV
- 17 Oct 2012
PK, 16 Oct 2012This is awesome phone, but one looking at it and reading co... moreAll complaints are coming from people who have never actually handled a Windows Phone.
Seriously, what are the complaints? "The tiles are boring" comes from someone who never used the phone, and is not seeing a background picture on it, so it is "boring" to him. He actually means "different" but doesn't know it because he's never seen what those tiles can really do when you're online.
What else? "Closed OS". What's so closed about it? With WP 8 you got mass storage and Bluetooth file transfer too. Also you can drag and drop files in the phone using Windows 8 on your laptop. It's not like MS is against flexibility like Apple is.
And last, "few apps". That's just a perception you get from a number, and to the majority that means nothing, as you already got most of the apps there are on other ecosystems. With WP8, limitations are lifted so number of apps will grow fast too.
I'd take the innovation in WP over now aging iOS everyday. Also, the stability and ease of use of WP is orders of magnitude above Android.
Seriously though, much of the complaints are just hate toward the name "Windows" other than that there is little objective ground for complaining about Windows Phone.
- D
- AnonD-4814
- tA$
- 17 Oct 2012
Anonymous, 17 Oct 2012With a little faster processor, a bigger resolution, more c... morePeople are talking about how good Android is in multitasking. But to be honest, I'm using GS3 right now, and my mom's still using Nokia N8. In my opinion, N8 has a better, much more mature multitasking. Android is always running a lot of things in the background, make it slower and takes a lot of battery life. While N8, it never open anything (or at least it's not appear and I can't figure that out), and when you open the apps the phone will never close it until you close it by yourself or restart the phone (yes, it'll become laggy and hang if you open more than 6 apps). It's not a fair comparison, S3 is much much smoother, much better user experience, but it's right Symbian is still great, but just lack of software support and hardware capabilities.
- n
- nickst
- t7X
- 17 Oct 2012
everyone is complaining about the OS. For me, symbian is good, but Meego is better, and yet WPhone is the best. Nokia will not survive without an ecosystem, that is why symbian and meego have no chance of competing in a multiple-device-compatible driven market. Microsoft gave Nokia that chance. Windows 8 are going to be massive and popular, it will benefit nokia a lot. And come on guys, why don't you try WinPhone 8 first before counting it out.
Personally, WP is the most secure OS of all, it is the most elegant and most professional.
Du umb people who dont know how to use smartphones should not use smartphones they should use featurephones instead.
- b
- basil
- 2T6
- 17 Oct 2012
lumia utter failure, again comes lumia, think nokia very well, iam a fan ur
- G
- Goatsnake
- Is0
- 17 Oct 2012
Prabhat Attreya, 16 Oct 2012Why did Nokia not include RADIO in such a pricy device? No... moreWhat's a radio?
- W
- Pcw
- 17 Oct 2012
I love nokia phones actually this enteprise going bad, (because samsung win more popularity), but nokia still are the best phone saler. (samsung are in the top number 2)
- A
- Anonymous
- iwt
- 17 Oct 2012
PK, 16 Oct 2012This is awesome phone, but one looking at it and reading co... moreWith a little faster processor, a bigger resolution, more cores, and more apps, Symbian's capability is actually better than others. Honestly.
Don't look at S60 (that's not fair).
Symbian is now Belle FP2 and It's very much alive now (not dead yet, unless it's really ditched by it's owner). Symbian is on par with other OSes, or even better in some aspects, because it is mature, stable, and very capable OS. What Symbian needs is just a fair treatment. Tha's all !
- P
- PK
- i{B
- 16 Oct 2012
This is awesome phone, but one looking at it and reading comments must agree, that only weak part of this phone is Windows system. Nobody is complaining on HW part and fact is that it is almost perfect. All complaints are coming for SW part.
Would it be Symbian phone, Nokia could maybe regain its smartphone share back.
There was nothing wrong with Symbian, it is still wonderful system (I own Nokia 808 Pureview) and people just wanted bigger screens and faster processors.
I enjoy true multitasking in my N808 every minute of usage.
For WP we are only hearing what is not possible, what we can not do. Some people argue, that they are not using all possibilities of phone so it is OK. But what is better? To have all possibilites in phone and not use it as average user, or to not have them and be restricted sometimes?
I think WP will be fail for Nokia, because it is system which is simply not acceptable for really big part of users. And with addition that it is restricted, target population for this phone is very small.
Microsoft is not giving to Nokia any special privileges, you can buy phone with WP8 from other producers. So Nokia shouldn't burn all bridges and continue with Symbian on same HW. Customer should decide which OS they will buy and I can guarantee that it would be one with Symbian which would win...
- D
- AnonD-70078
- m5f
- 16 Oct 2012
What colour is everyone thinking
- D
- AnonD-70078
- m5f
- 16 Oct 2012
Xboxxxxxxxx . Android not needed its to slow