Nokia Lumia 920

Nokia Lumia 920

User opinions and reviews

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  • XuG
  • 09 Oct 2012

Nice wdp8 lumia phone
.....but wide distributions and availability in all local markets before the arrival of the latest Android OS smartpone will mainly determine Nokia success.

    • D
    • AnonD-70078
    • m5f
    • 08 Oct 2012

    Very good

    • 👍
    • n
    • neutral
    • v$D
    • 08 Oct 2012

    [deleted post]Innovation is bringing something new that is useful for consumers. I phone initially did that but failed to continue the level of innovation in their later phones...Samsung mastered the art of commercializing innovation for common public...Nokia really lagged behind...but for quality and one can compare to Nokia..Nw that Nokia realised they hv to step up in the technology dept. they brought out lumia 920..granted that sony had 8MP & 12 MP in 2008 but 4 yrs after that also they have not improved the quality of the pictures taken by their 8MP & 12 MP phones. Thats wat Nokia did with its Pureview tech. Just see the comparison of the pics taken...its unbelievable...When Nokia competes, it competes in style...They leveraged on all the technologies introduced by Samsung, Apple, Sony etc and incredibly improved them and brought out lumia 920 with a bang...The only thing that can be questioned is the success of the OS-Windows 8!!!

      • D
      • AnonD-7829
      • nxQ
      • 08 Oct 2012

      AnonD-18125, 08 Oct 2012Research the history. Lets come back in 2007. iPhone got a ... moreOnly if championship is measured in screen size. I personally think my 3,5" is ideal, but sadly no flagship devices are that small anymore, so I'll just have to adapt to 4,5", but I doubt that we'll see mainstream flagship phones ever really go over 5", simply cos it genuinely starts to get way too big for average hands.

      I'm sure Note 2 is the champion for you cos you it suits your needs. It doesnt suit mine, thus its not the champion for me.

      Please stop claiming your personal opinions and preferences to be global truths.

      Also I give that the original iPhone was some sort of an innovation, seeing that it made the touch screen mobile phones take off, however very little innovation has happened in comparison to other manufacturers since that.

        • D
        • AnonD-18125
        • fxH
        • 08 Oct 2012

        AnonD-7829, 08 Oct 2012And the Note 2 is a joke in comparison to my PC. What? W... moreResearch the history. Lets come back in 2007. iPhone got a HVGA display of 3.5". Now in 2012, iPhone got 4" display with apple's lame excuses. The only fact that apple were bound to large their screen is: current smartphone lineup. and they realised that 3.5" isnt the perfect display ever. Nokia made their first touch phone with 3.2" display. Later? 3.5"? Later? 4.0"? Later? 4.3" and now? 4.5" in 2010, i wonderd a htc phone having 4.3" display thinking a phone crosing a display of 4" is too much and it makes the phn a monster. There is no guarantee that nokia wil not cros the 4.5" range in the future years. And i think nokia wil cross 4.5" display within the year of 2015. Bcoz its microsoft's wp. So, galaxy note 2 is the champion.

          • D
          • AnonD-7829
          • nxQ
          • 08 Oct 2012

          AnonD-18125, 08 Oct 2012Waiting to see a "true" innovative product from n... moreNokia could easily make lighter devices if they wanted to, but they've opted for making a more durable phone instead.

          Naturally it comes down to other things too, but the platic used on Galaxies is nothing in comparison to that in the Lumias. I'd say that's where most of the weight comes from too.

          Personally I could never imagine using something like a Galaxy S3, it's too lightweight for it's size, it feels like a toy. It's naturally personal preference and some like their phones lighter but I would see it as a negative downside if the Lumia 920 was 130g or something.

          That said, Samsung hasnt really innovated anything either. Neither did Apple really either, they just managed to mainstream what others had invented years ago (but time and technology wasnt ready for them yet back then). Nokia could make thin devices too, but not with the superior cameras they sport. I dont think thickness is a problem in any current phone, but for me screens start to get too big already. People who want slim phones can go for the options you mentioned, it's not important for everybody. That said, the innovation in Lumia 920s screen is far more innovation than making phone slimmer if you ask me. Making an iPhone double as powerful isnt hard either when the device was never powerful to begin with.

          Note 2 is a really fine device, no doubt about it, but I dont understand why are you running your mouth here? Most of us wouldnt even consider lugging around a 5,5" device. Go to the Note 2 page, I'm sure there are better conversations for you there. If the people here want a Note 2, I'm sure they'll get one or come over to the Note 2 page, here we are surprisingly more interested in the Lumia that is closer to the specs we want, which most likely excludes a 5,5" device.

            • P
            • Polen
            • NXx
            • 08 Oct 2012

            I really hope WinP8 will resolve the lack of either a sim toolkit or capabilities to execute USSD codes? I visited a phone vendor to ask for discounted Lumia phones today. the vendor adviced me to buy a Nokia phone with Symbian Belle instead. he told me that I will not be able to use Nokia Windows phones to access mobile banking facilities (usually accessed through sim toolkit or USSD codes). If what I heard today is correct WinP 7.5 and 8 will not sell in Markets where there is a mobile banking boom. Despite the problems, I still have a resolve to buy Nokia phone.

              • D
              • AnonD-18125
              • fxH
              • 08 Oct 2012

              AnonD-7829, 08 Oct 2012And the Note 2 is a joke in comparison to my PC. What? W... moreWaiting to see a "true" innovative product from nokia. Apple made iPhone 5 slimmer meanwhile lighter as well as 2x powerful than prdcsr. Ya, thats a true innovation. Galaxy note 2? Slim,powerful,lighter(than 920)! But nokia? Huge battery? Heavy weight and fat! Pureview camera?(weighty!) cant they make something which is slim,light,powerful! No. Nokia phones are made to invent nothing new but to use heavily than others. And? No other phn has more longibility than nokia(mayb in past!)

                • D
                • AnonD-7829
                • nxQ
                • 08 Oct 2012

                [deleted post]And the Note 2 is a joke in comparison to my PC.

                What? We werent allowed to take considerably bigger devices and make invalid comparisons?

                For most people a Note 2 is not even an option when thinking about getting a new smartphone.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-51996
                  • m1W
                  • 08 Oct 2012

                  AnonD-18125, 08 Oct 2012Pls dont be angry man but the truest fact is that nokia han... moreAre you high or what??? The camera departement is where Nokia has always been six steps ahead of its competitors, they introduced the first cameraphone, the first 5MP sensor, the first cameraphone with optical zoom, the first cameraphone with Xenon flash, the first 8MP cameraphone and they had no competition regarding the camera departement except for some Sony phones, which still catched up just when Nokia had something better to announce. And then it came the Nokia N8, the best cameraphone for almost 2 years until the mighty Nokia 808 came in scene and now the Nokia Lumia 920 is again ahead of the non-Nokia competition (it still can't hope to compete with the 808).

                  • 👍
                  • D
                  • AnonD-51996
                  • m1W
                  • 08 Oct 2012

                  Nokia N95 8G, 08 Oct 2012Screen quality almost same, you can't see different in both... moreYou're wrong. The difference beetween their screens isn't just in the ppi, the luminance and colors are... Lumia 920's screen has more than twice the luminance of Ativ S screen...

                    • j
                    • just me
                    • mcC
                    • 08 Oct 2012

                    ..:..Is Nokia making mistake again ? . Why no memory card?, Why no card slot?. Is just 32GB internal memory enough to do wonders for a supersmart phone like D Lumia's with such great capabilities & functions?. WHY? WHY? WHY?.......

                      • D
                      • AnonD-70078
                      • m5f
                      • 08 Oct 2012

                      Still here lol. My baby

                        • R
                        • RaijinT
                        • u1b
                        • 08 Oct 2012

                        God i can't wait any longer for this!!

                          • D
                          • AnonD-7829
                          • 9yp
                          • 08 Oct 2012

                          AnonD-73681, 08 Oct 2012I'm a Nokia fan but I would never downvote the SGN2. Voting... moreSame here, pretty die hard Nokia fan, but I would never downvote another phone. I've only really voted on the N8, as that's what I have myself.

                          I havnt even voted on 920 yet, cos I can only really say about design this far. Half of the features and any proper videos (let alone experience) of performance is still missing.

                          I feel I dont have enough experiences with most of the competing phones like the Note 2 to say much about it. Well, I can say about design, it's the usual bad (opinion) Samsung stuff, would probably give it a 5. The feature list sure is quite impressive, would probably give a 9 and I did see some benchmarks and video of it too and it seemed to perform without major issues, so I guess 8 or 9 maybe, but as you can see, these are just "well in the video/spec sheet it looks", I dont wanna vote based on that. As long as Nokia is alive and kicking, I dont think I could ever justify getting a phone with the usual Samsung-design, not from a visual standpoint but neither from a durability standpoint.

                          That said, I cant ever see myself considering the Note 2 in the first place. The huge screen is total turn off for me, but I'm sorta thinking this through "if I had no problems with getting one"

                            • D
                            • AnonD-73681
                            • 3TL
                            • 08 Oct 2012

                            Mobilemaster, 08 Oct 2012Not Gsmarena was the one to vote, but people! Nokia fans pr... moreI'm a Nokia fan but I would never downvote the SGN2. Voting is appraising, not showing stupid special feelings on a device without soul, that's disgusting. I give design 8, features 9 and performance 10 to sgn2 and 10, 9, 9 to L920.
                            I remember earlier in 2010 I gave to iph4: 10, 8, 10 and to N8: 6, 9, 6 and, as a Nokia fan i bought the N8. But noone deserves to be underestimated, everyone's got some merits.

                              • g
                              • geon97
                              • Tj%
                              • 08 Oct 2012

                              Anonymous, 07 Oct 2012depends on the kind of ur standard.if u can grab a lumia u ... moreaffordability is not the issue here. I listen to certain programs from our local FM stations, though i may have lots of music but it doesn't mean that i tune to a radio becoz i what to listen to the music only. dont be in a box my friend.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-73681
                                • 3TL
                                • 08 Oct 2012

                                Anonymous, 08 Oct 2012Lol? My N8 doesnt hav panorama mode. 808 to0, 920 to0(!) wt... moreIf you have an N8 open Nokia store and download Panorama for free, and you'll see how amazingly the outdated symbian software synthesizes separate shots into a single panorama. Just imagine what kind of panorama that OIS can do with that hand shaking reduction capability, and envy me, but please don't buy the Lumia 920. I want it for myself only!

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-74637
                                  • Sgv
                                  • 08 Oct 2012

                                  Miscrosoft is going to destroy the army of androids whilst chewing on apple.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-7829
                                    • 6u8
                                    • 08 Oct 2012

                                    Chiffon, 08 Oct 2012Lumia 920 is a good phone, Why Mr Ilari, the marketing VP... morePErhaps smoked out due to bad calls with misleading marketing with the "fake" videos and pics