Nokia Lumia 920

Nokia Lumia 920

User opinions and reviews

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  • i
  • iSJ5
  • t7X
  • 19 Sep 2012

[deleted post]gsmarena is fair!
i have survay bot iphone 5 and lumia 920! lumia 920 gets 5-12 comments per 10-25 minutes. wile iphone 5 gets triple it! thats true!

    • V
    • Vinod
    • YTL
    • 19 Sep 2012

    I'm bored with both os android & ios,they comtetite eachother,i dont know who will win,but we the peaple ignore wp8 with lumia 920,this is the best design with some new features with come,so i really want to move this marvellas hendset,this is know why becoz it bring the wireless charging,puremotion hd screen,better resolustion & ohh yaa pureview camareas here,so now guys think different.

      • i
      • iv
      • sF$
      • 19 Sep 2012

      microsoft done a great job,
      send a Trojan horse, then own nokia for free,
      spend tons of nokia $$$ to help Microsoft to promote their Win7.5 Win8,
      push the nokia stock as low as possible, but dont worry, they wont buy nokia,
      their just want all nokia engineer to jump ship,
      hire all nokia engineer to microsoft is cheaper then buying nokia,
      NOKIA board of director just sleeping too much
      Who will succeed in Win8, sorry, not nokia, is Samsung

        • w
        • wp
        • LE@
        • 19 Sep 2012

        ok i just dont understand how an android fanboy can come to this article and talk of any android phone in front of the nokia lumia 920 pureview

        any android phone compared to the lumia 920 its just a stupid comparation.

        the l920 its the phone with better camera, better gps, better screen, better quality, better design, its a no brainer

          • D
          • AnonD-4709
          • t7E
          • 19 Sep 2012

          AnonD-70078, 18 Sep 2012Does anyone buy lgwho are you? what is LG? LOL

            • m
            • mahe
            • 98W
            • 19 Sep 2012

            it's good but function is to high,,,
            that means it's good mini computer......
            i like that........
            thankyou nokia

              • I
              • Ineedallspecificatio
              • m5N
              • 19 Sep 2012

              AnonD-478, 18 Sep 2012you can buy nokia bh-221 bluetooth headset which has a buil... moreIt's not solved problem as I say that I need all in one without any extra Bluetooth headphones! Since 1998 when I buy first my Nokia I never used Bluetooth headphones. So I repiting again - I NEED ALL IN ONE PIECE!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3Yf
                • 19 Sep 2012

                AnonD-70078, 18 Sep 2012Does anyone buy lgHardly and the ones who do immediately regret it. Lg buyers please put your comments on another page. It's just a too cheaply made phone to be compared to the top contenders regardless of its specs. I am in shock to find lg fanboys here. Who are you people. Attention seekers?

                  • D
                  • AnonD-50083
                  • JE7
                  • 19 Sep 2012

                  Anonymous, 18 Sep 2012The Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro chipset is doing a great job... moreOh, they didn't notice any lags! So the next generation quad-core CPU and the Adreno 320 FINALLY managed to render ICS smoothly!
                  Hallelujah! A dream come true!

                  Take your hippie Android loving a** somewhere else, little boy.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-70078
                    • m5f
                    • 19 Sep 2012

                    Nokia king

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • t7y
                      • 18 Sep 2012

                      The Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro chipset is doing a great job of keeping everything perfectly smooth. Even without Jelly Bean and its Project Butter we experienced no lags or holdups while handling the LG Optimus G.


                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • t7y
                        • 18 Sep 2012

                        LG Optimus G.
                        EXCEPT FOR BEING THE FAST PHONE!

                        BROUGHT SOMETHING NEW :

                        is talking up the phone’s ability to ‘cross-task’, which it says goes beyond multi-tasking, and it includes a range of features which showcase this:

                        • QSlide Function shows two different screens simultaneously on one display. As it doesn’t just show a part of the screen but the entire screen of both functions, the user can complete two tasks concurrently -– such as sending a text message or searching the web while watching a video;

                        • Live Zooming enhances the video-watching experience as users can zoom in up to five times while the video is being streamed for a close-up of one’s child while watching a recorded video from a school recital;

                        • Dual Screen Dual Play not only allows mirroring between the smartphone and a TV, it also has the ability to display different content on each screen wirelessly. For example, a slide presentation can be displayed on the TV while the Optimus G shows the accompanying speaking notes;

                        • QuickMemo allows users to write, draw, or jot a memo with their finger directly on the captured screen for sharing instantly with others as an attachment or a URL. The QuickMemo can also be used as an overlay feature — like jotting down a number using the QuickMemo and directly dialing the number while the number is on the top layer;

                        • Screen Zooming allows for the zooming in and out of lists in music player, email, text messages and photo gallery. It also offers the ability to change the font size and screen layout;

                        • Application Link launches preset applications (email, calendar, weather, etc.) when the alarm is turned off -– making preparation time in the morning go a little faster with all the information on your screen;

                        • Icon Personalizer allows users the ability to customize icons by editing size and adding images so the most frequently used apps can be most easily accessible.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-70078
                          • m5f
                          • 18 Sep 2012

                          Ooooooops I have to take that back. I'm compared the wrong one. Lol. Dill.
                          Lumia is better looking phone but. LG is just more endless androids.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-70078
                            • m5f
                            • 18 Sep 2012

                            LG should just have made a tablet. Its huge.hhhmmmm Do you get a man bag free.

                            I will stick with the red lumia baby.

                              • a
                              • anonymous
                              • t7X
                              • 18 Sep 2012

                              Anonymous, 18 Sep 2012LG Optimus G. WON in partial benchmark test! Lumia 92... morehow come?!?.. G has the most powerful cpu but doesn't mean its the best..i bet you can just get a second speed ahead on actual function which very futile considering dual core speed is almost enough for daily usage now a days... indeed the android os need it so much... practically we should be after on what the phone can do and has...

                              have you check and compare other brand optimum specs and capabilities..
                              cpu and other specs boost is nothing without proper optimization of oem with respect to laggy os...

                                • D
                                • AnonD-7829
                                • nxP
                                • 18 Sep 2012

                                Hail Microsoft..., 18 Sep 2012wow.. you must like 70 yrs old... im surprised you're not ... moreI love the 920 and dont even miss the FM radio personally, but an app will not give you an FM Radio if it doesnt have the hardware for it. If it had the hardware, it would most likely be mentioned.

                                As for internet radios, depending where you are from, you most likely wont get your favourite local radio, not to mention that some countries are pretty much forced to have traffic-based data plans, rather than unlimited traffic but limited speed.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-70078
                                  • m5f
                                  • 18 Sep 2012

                                  Does anyone buy lg

                                    • s
                                    • sandbel
                                    • fs}
                                    • 18 Sep 2012

                                    when we talk abt phones,lg optimus is not considered.people are talking about lumia 920,iphone 5 and has been made clear from every review that the king of all smart phones is the lumia weight is a quality that worth admiration.the first phone toreplace our digital is back.let us be real pls.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Lb1
                                      • 18 Sep 2012

                                      I cant wait till this phone is released. I dont know why Nokia needs us to wait till December to release this phone. I am eager to have this phone and I have read most of users' openions about Lumia 920.
                                      I am sure it will repeat the history again for Nokia as a king of all mobile manufactorers and it will beat all mobile monsters for this year.
                                      Go ahead Nokia.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • t7y
                                        • 18 Sep 2012

                                        LG Optimus G. WON in partial benchmark test!

                                        Lumia 920 will eat a lot of dusts!