Nokia Lumia 920
- ?
- Anonymous
- pKY
- 06 Sep 2012
This is a very impressive handset and I don't think the iPhone 5 is going to be able to top it when it's released. The wireless charging in particular is very impressive and is something I would have expected Apple to come up with first. Not any more though, but I do expect wireless charging to also be on the iPhone 5. If not then Apple has failed big time.
After seeing this handset from Nokia, Apple execs must be quaking in their boots. Very impressive Nokia. Super Sensitive Touch-screen also PureMotion HD plus display and The Pureview Camera too looks fantastic. Don't think Apple can top that either.
- h
- heynk
- 3IK
- 06 Sep 2012
AnonD-16100, 05 Sep 2012well, this is my first appearing here since N8, i used a di... more10000% totally true man!
- k
- klodius
- m1W
- 05 Sep 2012
very nice, we have to see this parhaps its gonna be compettitive to the other phone
- q
- qwinzi
- fuS
- 05 Sep 2012
its a nice phone but it would be even more better if it,s running on android. android phones rock
- D
- AnonD-16100
- 0kG
- 05 Sep 2012
well, this is my first appearing here since N8, i used a different nickname back then...
this phone wows the shit out of me, ok? for the last two year, innovation made by android makers and apple was simple: more pixels on the screen, more pixels on the cam, more cores under the hood, done! for the last 2 years,i personally lost the real sense of what makes a thing "innovative". well today, it stroke me back so hard that it actually hurts.
NOT any pixel density on the screen, but one that you can use in the sun as well as indoors, with touchscreen that is so good that you can use anything to touch, gloves, nails etc, and it still works. that my friends is innovation.
NOT any camera, actually more or less an average pixel number, but one with amazing features, stabilization that made everybody else question if it was real, light sensitivity that made sharing moments in the dark, while walking or running, or even a fast shot simple, that it made me look at each and everyone of my phones (SGS3, HTC ONE X, Nokia N9, Nokia C7, Nokia N8 though this one good, SONY Xperia S) thinking that this is not a camera, this is a clone or something. that my friends is innovation.
NOT any power under the hood, but the best one in terms of benchmarks and battery efficiency, along with the good algorithms to use the power well, not like those power hungry droids (standing ovation for both Nokia and Apple here). That my friends is innovation
NOT any software. the best software, lag free, simple yet intuitive, and with a fast growing market place, good Nokia specific apps, and lots of customization without making the whole thing look shitty. That my friends is innovation.
NOT any material, NOT any design... do i need to continue?
this time, Nokia really delivered a premium phone, a real beast, not like those mid range devices from the last 3 years... well, you asked for it? take it on, Nokia did it again, and this time, it will make you scream!!
Madness?? this is nokia
- D
- AnonD-51996
- 0ZJ
- 05 Sep 2012
This phone is amazing, more pixels would make it sell a lot more and SDcard would have been a nice feature, but anyway other manufacturers should give up from WP, there's no space for anyone else there... I'll wait for comparisons beetween Nokia 808's camera and Lumia 920's camera to see which is more pure (I think 808 will be better, even thought Lumia 920 has an amazing apperture) and then decide which one to buy... I also hope that Lumia 920's camera UI is similar to that of the Nokia 808 evne thought..
Btw, anyone knows something about the sensor size???
- A
- Ali
- iF%
- 05 Sep 2012
Noble, can't wait to see Lumia 920 in the Market....
- D
- AnonD-69316
- prR
- 05 Sep 2012
looks really good by specs (HD IPS panel yummy) also nice to see 2000mAh battery, but it's quite heavy for 4.5" phone hmmm... nevertheless I'm looking forward for a review :)
- C
- Coguar
- 0x9
- 05 Sep 2012
for me nokia can do better, Lumia 920 must have SD card, and must have zoom like nokia 808, 41 mp. than this will be the best camera phone. this way still good phone but it will be deafeated by iphone 5 in photo area ...
- D
- AnonD-70070
- Khu
- 05 Sep 2012
AnonD-45436, 05 Sep 2012fat, heavy, im sure its gonna cost as much as GSIII or One... moreTrust me people Krait is equal to Quad cores in S3, note 2, please check bench mark scores, the most powerful and power efficient phones out there irrespective of platform are---HTC one S, nokia 920/820, Lava Xolo. end of doubts. In a few days days if LG launches their Quad core Krait which is in testing phase, its gonna be the king of all smart phone and tablet kingdom. And importantly its not how much processor or ram u have, its how u use it nokia 808 has 1.3 ghz single core processor and 512mb ram and can do 1080P for which android needs at least a dual core processor.
- D
- AnonD-70070
- Khu
- 05 Sep 2012
people commenting on the thickness and weight please know that its camera has lot of components for the greatest quality yet on a smart phone like companion chip and stabilization springs and the weight is due to polycarbonate used to make the body which is nearly strongest compared all phones except other nokias with solid aluminium. and more over Poly carbonate gives best antenna performace for telephone signal reception. Samsung or lg htc etc use no great sensors in their camera not even good lenses, and u can forget the percision tool manufaturing that u get only in nokia.
- D
- AnonD-45436
- spD
- 05 Sep 2012
fat, heavy, im sure its gonna cost as much as GSIII or One X, no sd card, wp8 not as customisable as android.. This is an iphone competitor.. Yes krait cpu`s are powerful but still not as powerful as GSIII. note II, one X... Still missing old Nokia...
- m
- mani
- 7qE
- 05 Sep 2012
nokia lumia 920 best mobile ever and forever! Till next nokia lumia windows phone or tablet !
- D
- AnonD-70070
- Khu
- 05 Sep 2012
AnonD-8908, 05 Sep 2012Dual core- Negative. No external card slot- Negative. Alrea... moreIts dual core krait(s4) vs old generation quad cores(tegra3)---so no difference in performance and more over the new generation processor gives better battery efficiency. its like Dual core i7 processor VS quad core pentium 4. As far as ram 1gb more than enough unless u r on an operating system that ant manage resources and also extra ram weather being used or not heats up and eats a lot of battery---so dont buy Note2.
- M
- Mobilemaster
- Lax
- 05 Sep 2012
Ehis, 05 Sep 2012IMHO .........This is the first phone that has proven to be... moreIf they will change the the way the Menu looks I could buy one. :P
- K
- Khurram
- 05 Sep 2012
nick, 05 Sep 2012no radio? Buy radio in 5$ and attach with it now happy? Lol
- E
- Ehis
- fsV
- 05 Sep 2012
IMHO .........This is the first phone that has proven to be a worthy challenger to the Galaxies of SIII, Note II & Note I. It would have proven itself to be a masterpiece if it only had an microSD slot. I am an andriod fan just stating things as they are. Another thing though is that samsung is already dabbling into the Window phone market so it not a total loss for Samsung but the Pureview camera & HD screen....Hmmmm. It will be Samsung worst Nightmare if only Nokia knows hows to really market brands like samsung marketed android. The most tempting part of the Lumia 920 is the damn screen. Its like looking at things through pure water rushing down a waterfall.........just like magic.........I recommend the Lumia 920 for any guy married to andriod but looking forward to having a Mistress...........
- R
- 05 Sep 2012
This Nokia phone looks much better than S3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 2.
Nokia has done a good job. It has a beautiful display and a very good camera.
Yes, it does not need quad core processor as it's running on Windows 8.
The only thing which is missing is HDMI port.
- ?
- Anonymous
- fuN
- 05 Sep 2012
Best phone ever
- T
- Tanmay
- uv9
- 05 Sep 2012
It is the best handset from Nokia. Unmatched screen. Most advanced camera better than any phone on earth. Only handset having wireless charging. Longest talk time from 2000mhz battery that's d magic of Nokia hardware. unique designe not a copy. Nokia have done his job now rest depends upon windows 8 success.