Nokia Lumia 920
- D
- AnonD-69184
- fkV
- 05 Sep 2012
Well,I have to admit that nokia made a major step forward when it comes to hardware but I'm still getting an s3 for these reasons:
1-Windows phone 8 is still limited and the appstore is almost empty
2-It's very heavy,it's even heavier than galaxy note 2.
3-Screen size is ok but not as big as s3's.
4-Almost the same design as previous lumias.
5-no sd slot
Anyways,I hope the best for nokia because they used to make the best phones out there and I owned 2 nokias before.
- a
- avirockrules
- Hkq
- 05 Sep 2012 memory amoled. Samsung rocks
- ?
- Anonymous
- t}d
- 05 Sep 2012
when is nokia lumia 920 gonna launch in India??
- C
- ChiragR
- 2@e
- 05 Sep 2012
32GB internal , no need of the card slot.
Ativ is ugly.
- s
- satya
- t1}
- 05 Sep 2012
Nokia’s own words: “It’s not about the number megapixels,
but about how you use them
- N
- NOKIA Fan n°1
- M0B
- 05 Sep 2012
Fine... Nice... I will have to wait 6 months more (? one year?) for my "WP8 808".
NOKIA, we also want to zoom, of course! PureView IS zooming.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGt
- 05 Sep 2012
Anonymous, 05 Sep 2012This phone is going to be epic...I don't think people shoul... moreAlso. I find it really stupid of people complaining that it lacks memory card slot...dude it's got 32 gb of inbuilt space ??? Isn't that enough ??? I don't c people complaining of iPhone not having memory card slot..I feel it's a great phone and will prove to be a good competition to the s3 and onex
- r
- riyaz madappally
- bJf
- 05 Sep 2012
Nokia lumia 920 is a maker over for Nokia. But it is not enough to fight against Samsung & iPhone. Two big launching are on the way. Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and iPhone 5. So the lumia 920 will loose its popularity soon.
Why Nokia is always interested on a failed operating system. Surely only less people are ready to buy this windows 8 Nokia.
The build quality of high end Nokia phones are good. Medium and low end phones of Nokia are very poor in quality and features.Also camera of Nokia phones are not durable. They will loose their quality and the photos become life less with in months. In that area Samsung, Sony etc are good. The bundled accessories of Nokia are below par in quality. Just compare them with any Samsung or can see the difference...
Last but least....Every one knows the current situation of Nokia..Most of the dealers are not ready to stoke lumia phones, they are also not recomending them to customers. Resale value is also very very poor for Nokia, because .... many people think, Nokia will end their business in 2012....
2012 is not the end of the is the end of the NOKIA World
- s
- spgba
- Pcb
- 05 Sep 2012
BinKo, 05 Sep 2012185 g ? No memory card ? Looking like a toy for a 3 years... morebye bye
- k
- kayw12
- p3K
- 05 Sep 2012
imagine this phone wiht symbian belle
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGt
- 05 Sep 2012
This phone is going to be epic...I don't think people should give too much importance to the weight of the phone unless he/she is handicapped...the phone looks great's got an awesome display..good has something new tic explore and that's does look really great o the phone..overall it's a well balances phone and I can't wait to get it
- M
- Mobilemaster
- Lax
- 05 Sep 2012
BinKo, 05 Sep 2012185 g ? No memory card ? Looking like a toy for a 3 years... moreI am happy to see smart people around here. :)
- M
- Mobilemaster
- Lax
- 05 Sep 2012
Xiao Ding Dang, 05 Sep 2012185gm??? gosh!!!Well, you know, Nokia is in the past. It's sad, but it is true. It also lacks a memory card, but WP8 CAN support this! If it can support, why on Earth they chose to not put that feature?
What is good about the phone is the battery. They made a good job with it.
- B
- BinKo
- Mfx
- 05 Sep 2012
185 g ?
No memory card ?
Looking like a toy for a 3 years old ?
No thanks....back to Samsung
- M
- Mobilemaster
- Lax
- 05 Sep 2012
jazz, 05 Sep 2012hey you numbnuts... you're so clueless. And get off this t... moreHey, how dare you to talk like this with me? I am free to tell my opinion! I am not a hater, I just said my opinion. And this looks like the N9 lol, and it lacks a memory card slot! The Samsung Ativ has this feature. :P And I am not a kid as you may think!
- X
- Xiao Ding Dang
- PS6
- 05 Sep 2012
185gm??? gosh!!!
- k
- knight shadow
- t7X
- 05 Sep 2012
i'm very dissapointed!
Nokia,many people expecting today, that new nokia windows 8 is can defeat to samsung galaxy S 3. Im a nokia fanatic since i got my 1st phone 3310, and the other is 6600, 6630 n73 and c5. But for me u cannot defeat the samsung galaxy s3.
- ?
- Anonymous
- sX@
- 05 Sep 2012
And the pixel is 332 dpi not 326
- D
- AnonD-61285
- Lcq
- 05 Sep 2012
Very good specs, Nokia and WP8 ---> Good to go.
- M
- Mobilemaster
- Lax
- 05 Sep 2012
I like this style, but this looks as the Nokia N9! And it lacks a memory card slot, at least the Samsung Ativ has this feature.