Nokia Lumia 930

Nokia Lumia 930

User opinions and reviews

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  • m
  • myself
  • L6{
  • 26 Jul 2014

would it last 1 day or not ?

    • f
    • false advertising
    • XrL
    • 26 Jul 2014

    Hmm, 25 Jul 2014I can understand your not happy and seem to have an issue u... moreOne way to settle this is for Nokia/Microsoft to come out and set the record straight.

    Is Mobile Office on Lumia 930 able to edit all excel workbooks and if not, what restrictions have the put on the Mobile Office and why?

      • D
      • AnonD-237158
      • 6}E
      • 26 Jul 2014

      When using WP 8.0, I am so disappointed. After update to 8.1 I am so exiting but still need hard working from Microsoft to make WP equal with android & ios (got bored with android & ios). The good thing from wp is unlimites updating OS, & the batt can run marathon. I thing I'll take to this one...

        • H
        • Hmm
        • sXk
        • 25 Jul 2014

        false advertising, 25 Jul 2014I have been able to edit all excel spreadsheets that I have... moreI can understand your not happy and seem to have an issue using office, but to state what you did was over the top and untrue. Office works fine for me and I'm guessing almost everyone else is fine.
        Maybe you should investigate your issue a little more next time for stating you have been lied to or even call support?

          • D
          • AnonD-287394
          • 6jA
          • 25 Jul 2014

          Been waiting for this one for a while.. Can not say I'm happy with it.. Amoled screen is definitely a bad choice, colors are not natural and uneven.. No attention was paid to details during assembly (Poor QC?) and though it is supposed to be a premium phone, L1520 feels much more prestigious than this one.. On the other hand WP 8.1 seems to be an unfinished work. Though MS has been working on it for a while..

          Do not think I'll keep this one.. it is very disappointing

            • f
            • false advertising
            • XrL
            • 25 Jul 2014

            Hmm, 24 Jul 2014I have the 930 here and you can edit doc, spread sheets and... moreI have been able to edit all excel spreadsheets that I have sent to an iPhone and Android phones, using their respective office apps, yet the lumia 930 has failed to open any of the excel workbooks.

            Are you not surprised that Nokia / Microsoft failed to deny or confirm this issue with their Mobile Office?

            Dare them to do so!

              • T
              • Tdigti029
              • p41
              • 25 Jul 2014

              Nokia lumia is flagship phone and everything is awsome, beacuse the quality That's nokia brings. Have YOU heard sound of nokia your mic Buttons YOU touch?? Everything is simple and fast only thing missing is lack of apps at store But ALL in ALL it is a pretty good phone , simply beacuse of quality.. And it has no bug issues and it s fast!!do u remember the Trouble That dount had? 1.6 Android or somethng Like That ???well i believe in nokia and i support them very much since 3210-3310.. They slove problem with Tech.with design with Camera with navigation. ONLY LITTLE PROBLEM THEY NEED TO FIX IS MARKET OR STORE.. OTHERWISE TWO THUMBS UP

                I use it since some time and it is a great phone. Only downside is no Glance but I can get used to that.

                  • c
                  • cozme
                  • nTR
                  • 25 Jul 2014

                  AnonD-87921, 25 Jul 2014Camera quality not so good?? Are you serious?? how can you ... moreHave you heard of the term troll before buddy...
                  thats they type of people who are anti any thing got Nokia logo on it..they feel that they got to find any thing to bash Nokia features the whole world knows Nokia camera is at the top of most other brands..!

                    • I
                    • Iels2003
                    • mrn
                    • 25 Jul 2014

                    AnonD-87921, 25 Jul 2014Camera quality not so good?? Are you serious?? how can you ... moreAfter short use I gave it back .
                    Camera is not bad but 2 time zoom I and any other aspect les than G3 and G 2
                    Many application still missing or on very basic level
                    buttery live is mediocre. On 4 proximus Belgium from 8 to 19.30 and is remain 10%
                    Likely by PDA SHOPE you have 14 days to return .
                    Now I using G 3 and M8
                    Sorry but it's not Nokia like in good old days

                      • D
                      • AnonD-87921
                      • T3h
                      • 25 Jul 2014

                      Iels2003, 16 Jul 2014It's a god looking phone . Buttery live is ok and screen... moreCamera quality not so good?? Are you serious?? how can you compare Lumia with other phones?? I am an iphone user, but I admit that Lumia phones with PureView have the best camera.

                        • b
                        • brij
                        • 9x6
                        • 25 Jul 2014

                        this phone is very awosome

                          • H
                          • Hmm
                          • sXk
                          • 24 Jul 2014

                          false advertising, 24 Jul 2014Nokia clearly advertise the Lumia 930 as, and I quote from ... moreI have the 930 here and you can edit doc, spread sheets and create new ones etc as advertised, so my question to you is do have the 930? because you are talking rubbish.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • KYE
                            • 24 Jul 2014

                            Amazing phone poor battery. With a 3000mAh battery he would be the best

                              • f
                              • false advertising
                              • tRH
                              • 24 Jul 2014

                              feebleminded, 23 Jul 2014Bought this phone and took it back the next day. Though ... moreNokia clearly advertise the Lumia 930 as, and I quote from their website

                              "With Microsoft Excel Mobile, you can edit your spreadsheets, create new ones"

                              see link below


                              This is utterly and completely false and misleading advertising.

                              Come one Microsoft and Nokia, unlock mobile office so your customers can edit all excel spreadsheets.

                                • D
                                • AnonD-70078
                                • 39x
                                • 23 Jul 2014

                                Mitya1983, 23 Jul 2014Hi guys, I would like to by this phone but have some dou... moreHi. I have this phone. I have no purple tint. The camera is extremely good quality. Video is fantastic. Better than my friends.
                                Sound quality is very good.
                                Battery life as usual with windows phone gets you through a day

                                  • H
                                  • Hmm
                                  • anY
                                  • 23 Jul 2014

                                  AnonD-218710, 23 Jul 2014MSoft has to date, not rumored to start an 950,1820,750,65... moreI bet you also believe the world will end when the planets a line.............

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-218710
                                    • y@W
                                    • 23 Jul 2014

                                    MSoft has to date, not rumored to start an 950,1820,750,650,550.Then now what after this, after launching as Icon ad now 930.I see fate of Windows to be like BB?
                                    No model n pipeline nor rumourland. Guess what happens nxt.

                                      • M
                                      • Mitya1983
                                      • JKx
                                      • 23 Jul 2014

                                      Hi guys,

                                      I would like to by this phone but have some doubts.
                                      1. Does some body who bought this phone experiencing the purple tint and if yes is it so essential.
                                      2. In compare with 925 Lumia camera the photos is better?

                                        • f
                                        • feebleminded
                                        • XrK
                                        • 23 Jul 2014

                                        Bought this phone and took it back the next day.

                                        Though it has "mobile office" it can only edit irrelevant and insignificant excel spreadsheets. The error is "can't edit workbook".

                                        Great help Microsoft and Nokia they were. Two days on the phone to them and someone spill the beans today - it is a very slim down version of mobile office and that is why you cannot edit excel workbooks he boasted.

                                        Nokia and Microsoft you have failed miserably.

                                        A consumer can buy iPhone or Android phones and get a free office app that can actually edit excel workbooks.

                                        Your own software, your own phone and you restrict 'editing excel spreadsheets.

                                        Shame on you.