Nokia N79
- k
- ken
- PF5
- 31 Jan 2009
my navi wheel not working, can someone help me? i already on it.
- I
- I regret
- ji{
- 31 Jan 2009
Pzee, 25 Jan 2009All those criticizing the N79, in favor of the N82 i think ... moreSo what are you trying to say is that, I am biased towards the N79 and I'm in favor of the N82? Oh! And worst of all, I have to do a research before I can publish my post here? Oh! What a??
To tell you frankly, I'm just being honest here. I'm not like others that just simply read someone's review on the net and then rephrase it to make it sound like it's their own and then publish it here?
I post base on my experience and not based on what others say! And really, it is true.
The N82 camera is a thousand mile better than the N79's camera not just simply because of the Xenon Flash. God, there are just a lot of things behind that simple Xenon flash ideology! The excellent post image processing algorithm, the dynamic range, the high resolved detail and the excellent color reproduction are just virtually everything behind the reasons why I, most N82 owners, and professional reviewers, claim that N82 is a great cameraphone and based on my scrutiny, the N79 is by far not as good as the N82 not just by the Xenon flash alone but by a whole lot of image quality parameters that I have mentioned above.
But then again, mark my word: The N79 is not that bad either. It's probably just as good as the N82 at daylight although with slightly different color rendition. But on the other hand, it clearly isn't a leader at night photography since it got a whitish color which is somewhat unnatural. N82 trumps at night because of the Xenon flash and one thing that I have noticed is that, with both N79 and N82's cameras compared with flash turned off on both models and with night scene mode activated, it turned out that the N82 has far lesser digital image noise than the N79.
So I will come up with the same conclusion again...if you are new to the world of NSeries and you're planning to get a 5 megapixel cameraphone for the first time, N79 will just do for you, provided that you are not setting your expectations too high, most especially on the camera and video department.
On the contrary, if your demand for great camera quality is paramount, then my suggestion is to go for N82.
- x
- xifan
- fvG
- 30 Jan 2009
honestly, 12 Dec 2008In fact i confirm the very good quality sound, camira, vid... morehow is the firemware does it workssssssssssssssssssssssssss tell me wat is the difference between the old one and new onee does it work email me please at
- t
- theo
- Sju
- 30 Jan 2009
hi does anyone know if the is a difference between a nokia n79 thats made by nokia than a nokia made in finland?
- z
- zaheed
- uNV
- 30 Jan 2009
Anonymous, 30 Jan 2009I'm in a dilema choosing between N79 and N85..which one has... morewell n79 has better sound and cam quality and also build quality than n85! and the thing u r tokin about getting expire then that is the part of life that every1 hates!~ evrything is going to expire one day! but n79 has a mark of it's own! it's tyhe best allrounder till date from nokia and it also looks the sexiest!
- z
- zaheed
- uNV
- 30 Jan 2009
user, 30 Jan 2009have any off u guys cracked the n-gage gameswell it's really hard to crack d gmes in d new firmware! i have tried some websites who claimed they could but when i tried i failed miserably!
- c
- choxz
- wu4
- 30 Jan 2009
Anonymous, 30 Jan 2009What? Nokia makes cheap phones? Samsung is brand for every... moreyep! i agree.. bottmline: samsung is jack of all trade, master of none!
- ?
- Anonymous
- u1v
- 30 Jan 2009
MANDEEP, 28 Jan 2009buying this phone means wastage of money sam f480 is far be... moreif yo dont like nokia phones than it dosent means that nokia phones are All flop they are better than other. they have much resale value than others.....
- F
- Fatih Gökçe
- m0L
- 30 Jan 2009
has anyone also problems with nightshots with flash or portrait photos with flash in bad illuminated areas? The photos seem very white and you can see the place where the two leds cross each other. So my N79 produces with flash in bad illuminates places very bad photos. The N95 and N82 produce nice or beuatiful photos then.
- u
- user
- vG2
- 30 Jan 2009
have any off u guys cracked the n-gage games
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibX
- 30 Jan 2009
I'm in a dilema choosing between N79 and N85..which one has better sound quality? I like bars more than sliders, but N85 has bigger screen..I'm afraid if I buy the N79, it'll soon be outdated like what happened to the N81 after N78 came out, and N78 when N79 came out..any opinions?
- t
- turn off camera soun
- 4ZI
- 30 Jan 2009
chokz, 28 Jan 2009i tried the silent profile while using the cam... but sad t... morego to your settings and turn warning sounds off should turn off the camera sound ....
- ?
- Anonymous
- uSg
- 30 Jan 2009
Thank you "I regret" for your comment(opinion about N79). I think you gave a fair comment to everybody that have been reading this opinions.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0xh
- 30 Jan 2009
My dad has E51, i have N95 8GB, and my sister just bought this one (by my advice). My point is that these s60 devices have evolved so much that they are almost all the same but still unique. We all have different phones, but we share all software, and it is getting more available (read: free) every day. But I think it is smart not to rush and buy a phone you want until it is at least 6 months on the market.
P.S. I really do not like these new touchscreen nokias, but of course nokia has to produce them sooner or later
- N
- Nada
- fvB
- 30 Jan 2009
i've got my n79 a week ago and it's simply amazing..the screen ,,the keys are all fine,but needs feminin fingers for easier use..the camera's resolution is nice but the pic gets hazy when you don't hold the mob well..and ofcourse the 1 free N-gage game is't enough,unfair!..loudspeakers are moderate and finally the best in this mobile is the comfy handling and smart design..more suitable for girls
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Z%
- 30 Jan 2009
MANDEEP, 28 Jan 2009buying this phone means wastage of money sam f480 is far be... moreWhat? Nokia makes cheap phones?
Samsung is brand for everything, they make phones, washmachines, kitchen utilities, TV, toasters... everything... they know everything but nothing till the end...
- c
- choxz
- vpb
- 29 Jan 2009
heirdy, 29 Jan 2009Hi Friendz...I'm confusing between Nokia N79 & N82..both of... morego for N79... it has great photo outcome... if in lowlight, juz set the cam setting to night portrait, ISO to med and weeewww...fab night shots! andd it's slim and compact unlike the bulky n82... FAB PHONE!
- s
- stvn7
- vj1
- 29 Jan 2009
Doug, 29 Jan 2009Samsung Pixon 8 Mpix 10 times better....!!!!!Another sam user seeking attention. Tsk tsk tsk..
- J
- JBiton
- n94
- 29 Jan 2009
please guys, only people who own this mobile are appreciated with their feedback.
- G
- Gropus
- 0En
- 29 Jan 2009
chokz, 28 Jan 2009i tried the silent profile while using the cam... but sad t... moreI do think its illegal in the EU and other countries around the world to have a camera with no sound due to privacy stuff, however I stand to be corrected