Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- wYy
- 14 Nov 2010
N8 has good camera lens but the pictures are poor in colors compare to my N82. The pictures of my N82 are very rich in colors and the image are sharp compared to N8. and about the HDMI cover the upper part and the lower part gets easily scratched.I also have Samsung wave and compare the durability wave feels more solid and durable and the super AMOLED FTW.Don't like the pictures on Samsung wave kinda blurry but love the video HD recording tho.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kbh
- 14 Nov 2010
no video light no video and no video light and the symbain 3 is so slow nokia needs to fix there os i am a nokia fan but dam nokia
- a
- angel
- 3AW
- 14 Nov 2010
i love my n8. But i found a bug after 3 weeks. My screensaver does not work, whatever i do :( anyone to help? Snonre?
- s
- snonre
- uCn
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010hi its better to buy samsung s8500 wave, interface like and... moreYes, and when you buy a wave get ready for the crappy and limited apps that is there to offer, also the wave doesnt use more than 45% of the 1ghz cpu so is a complete waste, short battery life when mail exchange is activated, heating up of the cpu when playing games, crashing when trying to open games like kroll and NFS. Yup, wave is a 'great' phone. And BTW, all of what wave can do, the N8 can do better.
- G
- Gitty
- s8f
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010hi its better to buy samsung s8500 wave, interface like and... moreU r totally wrong abt N8's camera ! Itz just amazing ! I think u havent used it or ur friend dont know how to use it :D
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7P
- 14 Nov 2010
leyli, 14 Nov 2010hi im planning to buy my 1st touch screen phone this decemb... morehi its better to buy samsung s8500 wave, interface like android, good hardware, good device, good camera,good samsung 5.1 srs dolby sorround, my friend got n8 but camera not so good useless 12MP. the only good in n8 is 16gb internal,usb otg,free navigation. and the interface of n8 is too bad, and touchscreen is good but not faster than wave. now im waiting for samsung galaxy tablet relesed date and tablet is my first touchscreen phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3IK
- 14 Nov 2010
common guys, i used nokia n8 my self, and i don't think that any phone out there can even get any thing near by it: 12 mp cam, 16 gb of storage up to 48 gb if you need it, one of the best display in the world, with all the applications you might dream of and free maps from ovi, common what do you need more??
you know what, just read the specs, imagine the feeling, mutiply that by 10, and you won't get any near form the feeling that i got!!
my hands were shaken when i first touched it
and that's only mid range Nokia phone, wait for the Meego series, that's were it's gonna get intrested....
- s
- snonre
- uCn
- 14 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2010the hdmi cover, battery charger port cover, 3.5 jack cove... moreYeah those covers could be replaced, but i think that you may have to change the whole body of the n8 at the same time, and it wont come cheap.
I dont get the rough surface part, how exactly do you want the surface to be?
- ?
- Anonymous
- u73
- 14 Nov 2010
anshul , 14 Nov 2010which is good nokia n8 and n900.. please replay.....if you dont care about free ovi maps navigation with voice guide and resistive touch screen o for n900; if no then n8
- ?
- Anonymous
- u73
- 14 Nov 2010
snonre, 14 Nov 2010U must had a made in china, fake copy version of the n8. C'... morethe hdmi cover, battery charger port cover, 3.5 jack cover and power cover do easily scratched, it is the my biggest complaint about n8, why nokia do not make it rough surface?
Can we change the these covers for some fee at nokia care center after several months of usage
what a pity
- ?
- Anonymous
- u73
- 14 Nov 2010
snonre, 14 Nov 2010U must had a made in china, fake copy version of the n8. C'... morethe hdmi cover, battery charger port cover, 3.5 jack cover and power cover do easily scratched, it is the my biggest complaint about n8, why nokia do not make it rough surface?
Can we change the these covers for some fee at nokia care center after several months of usage
what a pity
- a
- anshul
- uwe
- 14 Nov 2010
which is good nokia n8 and n900..
please replay.....
- a
- anshul
- uwe
- 14 Nov 2010
leyli, 14 Nov 2010hi im planning to buy my 1st touch screen phone this decemb... moren8 is best. it has new techonolagy..
buy nokia n8............
- s
- snonre
- tu7
- 14 Nov 2010
[deleted post]U must had a made in china, fake copy version of the n8. C'mon man, who are you trying 2 fool here. The aluminium body and the gorilla glass screen of the n8 are very hard to scratch. Just search in youtube if you dont believe me.
- n
- n8 regret
- wHr
- 14 Nov 2010
this phone Suckzz! I accidentally slipped it on my hands on a wooden floor and it scratches easily and malfunctioned terribly!! Its only 6 days old and its not durable after all! If only i can sell it back I would probably change this phone! what a piece of crap!!
- s
- sameer
- vGx
- 14 Nov 2010
Nokia N8 is really fantasti handset
- O
- Oshiru
- Kx4
- 14 Nov 2010
Stylus for n8 and any capacitive touch screen phone (iphone,galaxy s etc) :
- ?
- Anonymous
- UDm
- 14 Nov 2010
n8 good
- O
- Oshiru
- Kx4
- 14 Nov 2010
[deleted post]Im male,straight but have an orange n8. Hell no im not feminine,and my gf using dark gray n8. :-D