Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • S
  • Shashank
  • vGC
  • 07 Nov 2010

Anonymous, 07 Nov 2010go galaxy S or iphone 3gs. bb torch is overpriced and n8 we... moreCalling Symbian outdated is like calling windows outdated.
People are using it since ages and apart from some minor changes, the subsequent versions look similar with some added functionality ( And some Eye candy). Symbian 3 is a new operating system. the reason it still looks similar to previous versions is because nokia wanted this to work flawlessly rather than to attract people with visuals.
this phone, with HALF the resources as the Galaxy S and that of iPhone 4 gives similar performance.
and if you guys want to compare OS, how about you compare Android Donut with this. You guys are comparing the advanced stage of android to a new OS ? let this OS settle down, and it will surely give android a run for its money !!!!
I wont even talk about the IOS.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • TqC
    • 07 Nov 2010

    Shashsank, 07 Nov 2010Hi Alan, Yes, you can be online on yahoo and gtalk and use... moreu won;t use keyboard when u r out and about right? everyone has laptop at home. u claims no other phones do this usb hook? my almost 2yr old toshiba tg01 has usb host adapter came with phone. My toshiba tg1 also has 1ghz processor instead of slow processor in n8. I using iph4 now and can;t stop loving it

      • S
      • Shashsank
      • vGC
      • 07 Nov 2010

      Alan, 06 Nov 2010Thank you , tell me please can you chat online on yahoo mes... moreHi Alan,
      Yes, you can be online on yahoo and gtalk and use it for chat. there is an Onboard QWERTY keyboard and the SWYPE will be available soon. You can also make video calls through wi-Fi Using "Fring" (you tube it).
      this is a brilliant phone.
      it also comes with all inds of possible connectivity options.
      FYI, you can also use an external USB keyboard and a Bluetooth mouse or vice versa at the same time, and if you use the HDMI to transmit it to TV, you have a FULL COMPUTER EXPERIENCE.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • TqC
        • 07 Nov 2010

        [deleted post]go galaxy S or iphone 3gs. bb torch is overpriced and n8 well symbian is very outdated

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • TqC
          • 07 Nov 2010

          Tesco in uk just reduce n8 price to 310. This phone is doing very bad in uk.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • IkH
            • 07 Nov 2010

            Engineer Man, 07 Nov 2010It's a great possibility that YOUR particular issue could e... moreWell thats for the advices but unfortunately, i can not apply them since the phone won't even turn on!

            just have to hope for the best and wait till a new one comes in. Just hoping the seller didn't end up buying the defected batch of cell phones lol (my luck!)

              • E
              • Engineer Man
              • n5Q
              • 07 Nov 2010

              It's a great possibility that YOUR particular issue could either be hardware or soft related, not ruling any of them out. As is likeley in a few cases with some people having returned & received working replacement.

              If the issues ARE soft related it's possible the most KEY causes known might be KEY Applications from Nokia, but could also be Third Party Apps.

              If you follow the instructions in my last post & uninstall said Key Aplications & any Third Party applications which you might suspect are newly installed & may not be built to native S^3 coding standards.

              If issues continues you are likely among the people with possibly a faulty handset. I hope you get problems sorted very soon. Some people have had to wait a few hours befroe their phone will switch on.

              Some people have had handsets reboot & freeze while in mass storage mode. Also during OVI MAPS, also Nokia have an issue that causes this when certain setup process routine is used based on users actions & prompts during setup of EMAIL CLIENT.

                • n
                • none
                • IkH
                • 07 Nov 2010

                Engineer Man, 07 Nov 2010Are you still using your *OLD* SIM card. One C7 owner had i... moreWell the phone doesn't come with a Sim card i had to use my old one. but the problem is not with the sim card cause it still froze and turned off even without it

                i didn't get too much playing around with the phone cause i only used it for less than 2 hours or so

                i now simply have to return the phone for an exchange only and just hope for the best that then next one i get won't have the same problem.

                extremely disappointed with Nokia, along with hundreds of other ppl....didn't expect this from a $600 CAD price phone!!

                  • A
                  • Ahsan
                  • uWS
                  • 07 Nov 2010

                  Is the screen and lens cover of Nokia N8 is scratchless ?? i knw its body is scracthless but how about its screen and lens cover ??

                    • E
                    • Engineer Man
                    • n5Q
                    • 07 Nov 2010

                    none, 07 Nov 2010Yes i've been reading everywhere on the forums and its seem... moreAre you still using your *OLD* SIM card. One C7 owner had issues because he used his old 2004 SIM card. So he used the new SIM that came inbox with phone & everything is fine & issues can not be duplicated.

                    Also I know that OVI MAPS, The EMAIL CLIENT are also causing an issue which causes the phone to freeze, reboot. I'd undo every action you have taken prior to the issues.

                    This means uninstalling any Apps which may not be fully compatible with S^3 which were built for S^1. So uninstall OVI MAPS, UNINSTALL EMAIL CLIENT or just delete the MAILBOXES & settings for the ACCOUNTS.

                    Some people have returned RMA for replacement & have not experienced the problem again. So If I were you i would try some of these very quick, minor steps to find a resolution.

                    I hope this helps;

                    Cheerio :)

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • utX
                      • 07 Nov 2010

                      [deleted post]this is an N8 forum. nobody is selling 2nd hand phones here. also, if you cant afford a new N900 you shouldn't buy one. get a phone in your budget. it is also very stupid and moronic to give your emails to public forums. thought you should know.

                        • n
                        • none
                        • IkH
                        • 07 Nov 2010

                        Yes i've been reading everywhere on the forums and its seems that its becoming a major problem with the PHONE HANGING AND NOT TURNING ON...ppl have even tried removing the battery and still hasn't worked for them. It was only within in 1 hr of using the phone that it completely died on me

                        Here is more with ppl facing the same issue:

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • n5Q
                          • 07 Nov 2010

                          Discrepancy Sorry re read lines "If it turns out that the battery *is* delete(not)delete the cause"

                            • E
                            • Engineer Man
                            • n5Q
                            • 07 Nov 2010

                            none, 06 Nov 2010Please note that there is something wrong with the BATTERY ... moreThe battery is very easily replaced, it only takes like a minute with the correct torx screwdriver.

                            I would forget Nokia care centre. What takes like an age to process & tell you rubbish.

                            If it were me I'd try a new battery carrying out the routine obviously very carefully so they will not notice you have replaced it.

                            Then if you conclude that the resultant issue is the cause & resolve has taken place, return the original battery.

                            Then visit Nokia & see what they do & see what nonsense they tell you to try. You can't tell them that you have replaced the battery or you have just validated your warranty eliminating any possible replacement if it turns out that the battery is not the cause.

                            Good luck
                            Cheerio :)

                              • n
                              • none
                              • IkH
                              • 06 Nov 2010

                              Please note that there is something wrong with the BATTERY of the Nokia n8, which Nokia has kept quiet about. The phone just does and dosen't charge at all. I'm also a victim of this...which now i have to send the phone back to the retailer AT MY OWN COST!!! This is truly ridiculous...i've been a Nokia fan for so long but i'll be sure that my next phone won't be a nokia!!

                              here is the link where alot of ppl are facing the same situation.


                              Think again, and do your research before going blindly based on Nokia's old reputation and purchasing this phone

                                • Z
                                • Zeee
                                • uWF
                                • 06 Nov 2010

                                guys i hve been trying to sownload stuff from ovi n i did some, but now it always gives the error "download failed", no matter how many times i try. tell me what to do? n is there any other place from where i can download stuff for my n8??

                                  • A
                                  • Alan
                                  • fwY
                                  • 06 Nov 2010

                                  Shashank, 06 Nov 2010N8 anyday. N8 Advantages : 1. super camera, super video r... moreThank you , tell me please can you chat online on yahoo messenger , or be online with nokia n8 like with blackberry. I mean how is it with social network with nokia n8?

                                    • S
                                    • Shashank
                                    • vGC
                                    • 06 Nov 2010

                                    [deleted post]N8 anyday.
                                    N8 Advantages :
                                    1. super camera, super video recording.
                                    2. USB on the GO.
                                    3. Multimedia Monster.
                                    4. has almost everything a smartphone shud.

                                    BB torch :
                                    1. Good internet and awesome email.
                                    2. Hardware Qwerty.

                                    In addition , N8 is way cheaper and much better to use. It also has a promising future in terms of applications and software updates. and it supports flash content.

                                      • v
                                      • vedha
                                      • vGk
                                      • 06 Nov 2010

                                      Any option for our own Equalizer settings ?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 3@j
                                        • 06 Nov 2010

                                        Dan, 06 Nov 2010I can open and compressed zip & rar files even on my ol... moreMan, you need opera 10 on this phone to use internet,because bulit in broswer is terrible.this is the first version of bada so new version will bring us new features