Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • F
  • Future N8 Owner
  • PyV
  • 22 Oct 2010

Does the N8 play FM radio, Without the head phones?? or is it needed as always?

    • G
    • GrG
    • JCn
    • 22 Oct 2010

    cypriot, 22 Oct 2010I dont care about operating system, camera bla bla. I will ... moreWell, when I'm buying a car the engine is most important, the rest of the car is just a casing that the engine is built into... ;-)

      • i
      • insaneman
      • pKi
      • 22 Oct 2010

      its not a good start with my n8 its looks like it will be going back it keeps freezing up plus it cant open any sound files at all

        • c
        • cypriot
        • 3AW
        • 22 Oct 2010

        I dont care about operating system, camera bla bla. I will buy the N8 Just because it looks classy. Esp. Black one. Do you check the engine when buying a car?

          • i
          • insaneman
          • pKi
          • 22 Oct 2010

          got my n8 today but not i am a little concerned because it as frozen up now around 6 to 7 times

            • s
            • snonre
            • PA8
            • 22 Oct 2010

            [deleted post]that just an emulator, even my n900 can do that crap, it even can run android 2.2. It not fully running on android like wat u said

              • s
              • snonre
              • PA8
              • 22 Oct 2010

              [deleted post]there goes the little baby, coming here and making tantrums (talking crap) and then leave when he is too tired and no1 wants him.

                • D
                • DISTRIBUTOR
                • 0A3
                • 22 Oct 2010

                [deleted post] yes ACER also have 14 MP phone running android .

                  • d
                  • dipu791
                  • v$C
                  • 22 Oct 2010

                  I think it has been generally accepted that there is no perfect smartphone. It mainly depends on one's needs. So if your needs are that of a fast processor with slick graphics, better go for Android/iOS. If you need a great camera, simple multitasking with decent no-nonsense UI, then go for N8! We are the consumers with the right and options to CHOOSE. There is enough variety for all types of users. So why fight?

                    • D
                    • David891
                    • 3T9
                    • 22 Oct 2010

                    [deleted post]Can you tell me what phone it is excatly? I was looking for it but could't find. Some aspects I really like andriod, but what most people say main disadvantage of symbian is it's slow (which is not really right) and that the menu's are complicated, while I really like the structured menu's with lots of usefull apps underneath. It's wrong to say android is the best for everyone, it's not. By the way, if a great android phone will release with even more features that I like about N8, I will buy that, Im not nokia fanboy or something, I just like N8 best of the phones available at the moment.

                      • S
                      • SEfanX10i
                      • 2S$
                      • 22 Oct 2010

                      Guys please don't fight here :)
                      And all N8 bashers, please refrain from posting here. This is a forum to discuss about the N8, not to bash it!!!!!

                      And personally I think the N8 is a pretty darn good phone. So if ur jealous, well no one can help u :)
                      Its the best camera/multimedia phone out there. Period.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • uts
                        • 22 Oct 2010

                        Which phone is better samsung wave or Nokia N8

                          • d
                          • dipu791
                          • v$C
                          • 22 Oct 2010

                          Been using this phone from 5 days now. Amazing phone guys! Really. I've been using N73 from the past 3 years and I know what lags are and how slow Symbian can get. So I wasn't having awesome expectations from this phone on the UI front. But Symbian^3 is really very good. I have never used Android & iOS but seeing from all the videos online, I do admit that the eye-candy on those two platforms is definitely better. N8 on the other hand filled in all my requirements perfectly - very good reception, awesome camera, great music and simple smooth multitasking experience.

                          Another thing- I'm from Mumbai, India. My handset says "made in China". But I seriously don't detect any flaws in the device, contrary to popular belief that China manufactured handsets are defected. May be some were. Luckily there isn't anything wrong with my device.
                          Definitely go for N8, if your requirements are similar to mine!

                            • D
                            • David891
                            • 3T9
                            • 22 Oct 2010

                            distributor, 22 Oct 2010Xperia X10 not going beyond 1.6 HAHA , look vidoe on you... moreIt maybe is the best OS for the majority of people, but there is no Android phone on the market with excellent camera, good battery life, and some other exclusive features N8 has to offer, in a solid aluminum body.
                            This is why I choose for N8, not because it's not android. Also, I don't would love android much more as symbian^3. So go and play with your android phone and stop making no sense posts on N8 pages.

                              • n
                              • n a rana
                              • uWV
                              • 22 Oct 2010

                              it is not the fst 12 mp fone year 2010 fst is samsung pixon 12 and then se satio. it is too late in the market go and review the samsung wave u will find it cool thanks.

                                • d
                                • distributor
                                • 0VG
                                • 22 Oct 2010

                                Mark, 22 Oct 2010You can select which one works best for you. Xperia X10 not going beyond 1.6 HAHA , look vidoe on youtube NOOB . already is 2.1 .

                                ANDROID is growin so fast , and is best OS .

                                  • M
                                  • Mark
                                  • mby
                                  • 22 Oct 2010

                                  Future N8 Owner, 22 Oct 2010Hey guys, I know that the classic keyboard for messaging on... moreYou can select which one works best for you.

                                    • M
                                    • Mark
                                    • mby
                                    • 22 Oct 2010

                                    distributor, 22 Oct 2010phone is nice but symbian suck . seriously is more... moreYou mean more Noise? I doubt it. Seeing smartphone sales and profit are up for Nokia, it is the most popular brand on most sites, including this one, and the fact that Nokia & Apple are the only companies that will provide support and updates for their devices without someone in between causing trouble. Since Nokia announced they will evolve Symbian and all S^3 devices will be upgraded, they are the only ones to do this together with Apple.

                                    The difference with Android is, everybody has a skin. If google comes with an update, the skin and customisation will need to be updated as well. That was fine when there are 2 or 3 models for each manufacturer. But, not anymore.

                                    With some manufacturers also supporting WP7, you can bet your arse that Samsung & HTC will run out of resources to update all their devices when MSFT & Google come with updates. We see it already. 2.2 delayed for Galaxy S. Xperia X10 not going beyond 1.6, maybe 2.1. Then after that, Oracle is going to kill Android. It will be messy.

                                    There are only two safe choices for the future. Nokia & Apple, because they both "own" the entire stack.

                                    Yesterdays news is amazing. I really changes the game, and should make S^3 device owners really happy.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • uts
                                      • 22 Oct 2010

                                      Does this phone have following Applications?

                                      1. map my india
                                      2.flash player for all websites
                             divx web player
                                      4.torrent app
                                      6.opera mini
                                      7.remote desktop (VNC app)
                                      8.air mouse and bluetooth keyboard-RemoteControl
                                      9a.flight calculator
                                      9b.flight reference-attitude & Turn coordinator using the accelerometer ,airspeed & position & altimeter & VSI using the gps,heding indicator using the digital compass like ihud
                                      11.voip app
                                      12.sykpe app
                             office app
                                      14.sms gps mobile tracker
                                      15.nas,ftp app
                                      17.bluetooth audio streaming from tv to mobile and then to headphones(no need of bluetooth headphones)
                                      19.pocketcontrol for wireless mic and cam
                             xp or ubuntu on mobile(wireless live display to tv by dlna and wireless or bluetooth keyboard and mouse connected to mobile for full computer experience)
                                      21.adobe air support


                                        • d
                                        • distributor
                                        • 0VG
                                        • 22 Oct 2010

                                        snonre, 22 Oct 2010What i'm asking is that du u like the n8 or r u bashing it?next time use right word´s to ask .