Nokia N8
- D
- Dwane
- pTC
- 20 Oct 2010
snonre, 20 Oct 2010To assign different msg tones - morethanks but the 1st link didn't offer anything to download, its just spoke about the app...? Or was that just me being dumb?
2nd link would.nt load on my n8?
- n
- nokian8
- pdy
- 20 Oct 2010
just got mine yesterday and i m very happy of it , i think its the best smartphone at this time just wanna wait the meego one and see the leadership of nokia in the mobile market
- A
- Ankur
- utr
- 20 Oct 2010
I have a N8 which came with ovi music unlimited. I downloaded some songs from ovi player and transferred them to my phone. But every song when ever I play for the first time on phone says 'license missing or expired. Get a new license now?' . Is it normal or its just happening with me?? please somebody help!!!
- M
- Mac
- NH}
- 20 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 20 Oct 2010"Processor not good". Hey, what planet do you com... moreWell said...hey they even believed that their President was the guy from that program series about the american president....what was it again???? These guys take the bun!!!!
- s
- snonre
- tV0
- 20 Oct 2010
Dwane, 20 Oct 2010is there an app for:
hiding pictures in the gallery in ano... moreTo assign different msg tones -
To hide folders -
I cant help you with the 'hiding the msg' part. Sorry man
- S
- Snonre
- tV0
- 20 Oct 2010
Karan, 20 Oct 2010I just got n8. and want many games and applications? but how?Games and apps can be found here : - games - apps
Registration at this website is free mate. Download and enjoy. Glad to help
- ?
- Anonymous
- 42a
- 20 Oct 2010
Dwane, 20 Oct 2010is there an app for: hiding pictures in the gallery in ano... moreGo to the Ovi store, there's an app called 'Folder Hider' and more. It's exactly what you're looking for. Easy to use. I have it. But, $4.99 :-).
- ?
- Anonymous
- 42a
- 20 Oct 2010
"Processor not good". Hey, what planet do you come from? Performance is the result of the combination of the processor and the OS. Symbian does not require billion GHz of processing power. A separate GPU is the key and Symbian's minimal processor requirements. Candy Android and iOS requires gazillion GHz because they're programmed in Java, which is running on top of C++, which is running on top of the native machine language. Symbian is compiled very close to the machine language and hence it does not require the processor that Android and iOS requires. Besides, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO STICK IN YOUR EAR A VERY POWERFUL PROCESSOR AND A VERY POWERFUL BATTERY POWERING IT UP? It's like sticking a microwave into your small brain through your ears! Wake up, earthling!
This phone is fast,robust and it's for power users and for those who understand what marketing did to suckers of iPhone. Funny, but whatever Apple says is 'new', like video calling, these suckers think Apple invented it. Next, when Apple says they have Swype texting, these suckers will again believe Apple invented it. Pathetic iPhone illiterates...
- K
- Karan
- vGU
- 20 Oct 2010
snonre, 20 Oct 2010Attention to all N8 owners: If anyone would like an app ... moreI just got n8. and want many games and applications? but how?
- D
- Dwane
- pTC
- 20 Oct 2010
snonre, 20 Oct 2010Attention to all N8 owners:
If anyone would like an app ... moreis there an app for:
hiding pictures in the gallery in another passworded folder so those pics do Not show up in the main gallery?
Is there an app for hiding text messages (whole conversation with one contact) to another passworded folder?
Is there an app for different message tones for different contacts?
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 20 Oct 2010
I've terminatated My Orange Pay Monthly contract. Ordered N8 today (Blue) Nokia UK direct + free mini hdmi + free 1mnth phone insurance. T-Mobile £30, 600mins anytime mins, unlimited txts, 1gb Mobile Internet.
Move over Orange, Hello T-Mobile. Couldn't be bothered with PAC switchover from old newtwork to the new. So a new no for me. can not wait for swype final release coming soon to OVI Store for N8. It's available first real soon on OVI Store for C7. This is great news. Swype text should be available to symbian users.
There is one problem I have found out that certain Nokia N8 customers have posted messages on the Nokia conversations forum about their N8 deep freezing. I hope the 6 second hard reset really is working. Because I think they might have mentioned trying this 6 second hard reset.
Does anyone have any knowledge of this. Ofc S^3 is bound to have some issues as its still an official first release OS. Anyway. I have to allow 15 days, maybe more to wait for my N8 to arrive. Maybe I can find a capacative stylus somewhere for the phone. Maybe I'll have to lanyard it.
- s
- snonre
- tV0
- 20 Oct 2010
Bunty, 20 Oct 2010I was thinking about this phone but sony ericsson vivaz is ... moreHow can the vivaz be better than this phone, man?
- B
- Bunty
- upb
- 20 Oct 2010
VK, 20 Oct 2010I'm using N73 now..... waiting to buy N8 but b4 dat pl... moreI was thinking about this phone but sony ericsson vivaz is more better than this one
- Z
- P$u
- 20 Oct 2010
Ahtaque Malik , 20 Oct 2010I'm using iPhone 3gs is n8 a good choice to buy or not Obivously dude coz.........
compare the specs and you will no
cheers mate!!!!!!!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- vwt
- 20 Oct 2010
I have made many pictures under "good day light" but with covered, a little smoggy sky. the colours of the same pictures with my N900 are much better, even the sharpness.
Diffuse light and reflections cause very bad pictures with the N8. Specially if your center of the picture has good light conditions but you get some reflections or blurred light from on object in the side of your picture, then the N8 creates ugly HALOs.
Thats a fact. Nokia do somethings. I had the same problem with my N97. Actually mu N900 never showed this problem.
Next firmware should cover this issue!!
- r
- reny
- utk
- 20 Oct 2010
[deleted post]actually before i set my eyes on N8 i was about to buy wave... but it went out of stock (and as rumor has it all the super amoled has been sold to apple) and to make things right wave II with a 3.7 inch super clear tft ot something is bein released nxt month... so wave seems to be out and still plannin to go wit N8.... thanks for ur openion anyways..... TC
- r
- reny
- utk
- 20 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 20 Oct 2010That could be as result of one of the following three reaso... morethanks mate... owe u one!!!!!!
- A
- Ahtaque Malik
- 20 Oct 2010
I'm using iPhone 3gs is n8 a good choice to buy or not
- Z
- P$u
- 20 Oct 2010
HI wheez you still here......
Man thanks for your posts really loved it.
Finally got my N8,really have fallen in love at lasta with a phone i threw my iphone give it to my watchman,seriously can do that.I loved the specs got a nokia bh 905I.THe combination is deadly mate,have already worked out using some hacks hehehe ;),got games like God of war,gta, fifa street,Hit man.............. really thers no other phone with the same beautiful audio & video out.Also the camera settings can be boosted up ill be updating some setting in few weeks making a note of it.Here people in india are like those numbskull F*u*k phoners,,oh i mean here in India.and guys try removing the protective cover of the lens,pls do no use a screen guard coz its not required u will end up spoiling the beautifull display.......
- ?
- Anonymous
- uta
- 20 Oct 2010
thank u all , have been following all u guys from almost a week , and now its time to bid goodbye :) coz tomorrow morning am getting my n8 :) :) does not matter how good or bad it is ,i like it & tht is what matters !! will definitely get back after a day or two of extreme usage and post my opinion !