Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4ce
- 20 Oct 2010
680 thank you.
- m
- man
- s8Y
- 20 Oct 2010
i just got my nokia N8 before 2weeks but the phone software got corrupted and it's just hangs sometimes. I dont know what to do with my phone:-)
- ?
- Anonymous
- n$D
- 20 Oct 2010
I got my Nokia N8 about a week really is the best phone that i ever used.It cost me about 600 USD but is worth every penny....the camera esply,is amazing and so is the feel of the device when you hold it in your hand.I have seen passers by staring at this shiny chunk of aluminium. I definitely recommend this over other phones in this price range.
- N
- Nameless
- mJd
- 20 Oct 2010
868USD in Croatia but only from black market and I would NOT pay that much for any piece of tech. It can give me BJs and make coffee in the morning but still I would say its way too much! I'll wait till it drops below 450USD. Also, if I asked the three major GSM operators here if they heard of the N8 they would ask me: "Nate who?". Sad that we usually get the best stuff last...but thats Croatia for you.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3bm
- 20 Oct 2010
Nokia n8 multitasking Just watch :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- tDN
- 20 Oct 2010
why nokia N8 very popular?
because nokia haters always visit this forum :)
- J
- jSb
- 19 Oct 2010
I seen it on for 420 bucks alittle while ago.
- J
- Yct
- 19 Oct 2010
Canada> BC> vancouver> $685
- ?
- Anonymous
- pde
- 19 Oct 2010
Dwane, 19 Oct 2010Those of you following this page for the last few weeks (an... moreHave you installed some third party software, especially from S60V5? This might the source of problems you are facing.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pde
- 19 Oct 2010
Dwane, 19 Oct 2010Those of you following this page for the last few weeks (an... moreDwane, I think you just had bad luck to get a fault phone. I know your feeling as recently I had similar experience, but with a washing machine that is know a good quality brand.
The first day when it arrived, it got broken when I washing diapers. I called service man and the man came next day, but he could not fix the problem. He ordered part for us. After a few days, the part came and it still did not work. Actually, the whole machine was broken. We called shop and asked to get a replacement a.s.a.p or we wanted to return the machine totally. Finally the shop was able to find a machine from stock for us. All these took one week and we needed the machine everyday. It was a really frustrating experience. Good things were that we got a bigger machine and the machine worked very well.
- S
- Yc0
- 19 Oct 2010
For all you camera fanatics out there. N8 won't have "torch light" nor "video light" for night time. It will have amber red LED light for recording.
Xenon can't stay on because it requires a recharge.
- S
- Shashank
- vGD
- 19 Oct 2010
Found another page worth going through for anyone looking to buy this phone :
the FM Transmitter is an awesome thing. so many pranks one could play with it !!!
- A
- Ahmed
- fsg
- 19 Oct 2010
Nokia n8 in Egypt Is not in the market yet but it will be in the end of this month and it's price will be around 363$ to 960
- S
- Shashank
- vGD
- 19 Oct 2010
Hi Guys, about the camera, here is a detailed 8 page review with plenty of samples (just for imaging)
Needless to say, this is the best imaging phone and even for the people who think it is no good, the camera , audio and video quality make it a perfect entertainment device.
- D
- Dwane
- pTL
- 19 Oct 2010
Those of you following this page for the last few weeks (and months) will know that I am a big Nokia fan and waited patiently for the N8, resisting the temptation to jump to the latest Android while Nokia delayed and delayed to make the N8 perfect.
Well please look at the videos I did (and uploaded to youtube) of my N8 experience.
I am so dissapointed. It has crashed on me EVERYDAY
Usually if I've been on the internet on it for more than about 20minutes
In my head I think this is also the reason that 'Wheez' has stopped defending this phone too (although he's prob too loyal to admit it)
I'm going to send it back and hope this is just a faulty one as the phone is great when actually works
- K
- Kris
- vIj
- 19 Oct 2010
christdolph, 19 Oct 2010I looveee my N8! just received mine yesterday by pre-order ... moreWoW christdolph.
Well said......Nokia should give you award for what you have are briliant.....great....
Nokia needs people like you.....Long Live Nokia.
- N
- N8's Comments
- fuX
- 19 Oct 2010
20 000 comments in this week probably. Is the Nokia N8 the most commented phone in GSMArena???
- s
- subrata
- utg
- 19 Oct 2010
dr.., 19 Oct 2010all those who r usin n8, can u say what is the size of imag... morethere is a hack available for 11mb sized photo and 30fps video search on google with this keyword 30fps on n8 and u will get it
- Z
- ZeeZ
- Kx1
- 19 Oct 2010
Since some people confirm that n8 could use mouse or pc keyboard, is there any chance to use game joystick for pc on this phone Or bluetooth controller? For better gaming experience.
- ?
- Anonymous
- utg
- 19 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 18 Oct 2010Hi Praveen, where are you and where did you get it from???i got it from npd(nokia piority dealer)
saltlake and it is 23200 a amazing phone and price is resonable