Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • IWM
  • 17 Oct 2010

Congratulation to nokia n8 buyers, you have bought "iphone4" with much more nice features with a 50% discount

tips for using n8
swype is out now for symbian 3 nokia n in ovi store
new ovi maps coming
new ovi browser coming
you can have the whole homescreen page all icons
get opera now while waiting for new browser
n8 will soon becaome good gaming device, cause it atttrac developers

    • h
    • hayato
    • t7X
    • 17 Oct 2010

    Anonymous, 17 Oct 2010 moreThat's why i don't prefer pre-ordering. Before buying, i test the unit first, retail stores allow me to do everything that i can do with it, swipe this, swipe that, and if it hangs, or crash, or if it simply fails to impress... No deal!! I value my money.

    It has something to do with luck i guess. Since, basing on the comments about nokia hanging, and crashing, i can only suspect they have poor quality control. Cause none of my previous nokias gave me any headaches. While my friend's nokia phone do sometimes. I wonder.

      • g
      • gsm fan
      • up9
      • 17 Oct 2010

      [deleted post]those who r used to bad language should be benned from this blog as they r not here to help us but they are bad n criminal people who have no manners to speak or write on sucha respectable blog.we have got a good oppurtunity to get n give information about new phone here but some bad boys r ruining our experience. bettr leavethis blod u bad guys.i hope gsmarena lovers would suppot me to boycot such ppls.i m requesting gsmarena to remove those posts having foul language n ban these ppls as we dont need help of such bad guys. happy dussehra.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 4b0
        • 17 Oct 2010

        Anonymous, 17 Oct 2010I'm in USA...I've had the N8 for a few days and tonight fou... morecorrection: the buttons on the headphones do not work.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4b0
          • 17 Oct 2010

          I'm in USA...I've had the N8 for a few days and tonight found out the headphones do not work....they sound like crap! It's not the music either, the videos pre-installed sound the same way. The buttons do not work on the phone either.

          Tried to use ovi suite and the n8 kept locking up.

          My stomach hurts....can't believe I paid 600 USD for this. I'm returning it for a full refund.

          Sorry guys...not sure I can get an exchange. My N8 was made in China. I'm not dogging China, just stating a fact.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • uta
            • 17 Oct 2010

            [deleted post]Hey I had that app on my 5800 ! For which I paid 3 times less to what Iphone costs

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • iFr
              • 17 Oct 2010

              Anonymous, 17 Oct 2010one g8 thing: 8millions of iph4 sold and countingiphone4 is crap compared to even the old Nokia 6600, not to mention N95 8GB which bwnz it, and now N8 completely destroyed it... xD

              N9 soon to murder Apple company.. lolly xD

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • swf
                • 17 Oct 2010

                [deleted post]it has radio!!!
                mab u must search on the space to find a better mobile phone

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • TqC
                  • 17 Oct 2010

                  [deleted post]one g8 thing: 8millions of iph4 sold and counting

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • m}x
                    • 17 Oct 2010

                    What are we talking and what compare? N8 is a dragon!

                      • D
                      • Dani
                      • 3xE
                      • 17 Oct 2010

                      Rams, 16 Oct 2010Og GSMArena! Has Nokia stopped paying you? You boasted N95 ... moreand yes Symbian^4 is on the way soon. N9 will soon release soon to as a phone with MeeGo OS on it.

                      I think that the WM7 Phone from Microsoft is just another Android kind of thing. It will be marketed like the iPhone and it will be priced expensive the same as iPhone aswell. But it will just be badged as a Microsoft.

                      Nokia is still the best.

                        • D
                        • Dani
                        • 3xE
                        • 17 Oct 2010

                        Rams, 16 Oct 2010Og GSMArena! Has Nokia stopped paying you? You boasted N95 ... moreYou haven't mentioned that has Nokia has Maemo 5, That's in use in the N900.

                        Nokia also has development of the MeeGo OS.

                        Ovi Services are now excellent.

                        Has Apple, Samsung, Motorola got a phone as good as the N900? No they haven't

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • m}x
                          • 17 Oct 2010

                          nokia n8 rocks love it!

                            • j
                            • jeff
                            • vxt
                            • 17 Oct 2010

                   there an orange version already in the philippines? or blue?

                              • S
                              • Saman
                              • m77
                              • 17 Oct 2010

                              rahulNEWN8, 16 Oct 2010plzz...tell me the way to hard reset the phone to factory s... moreYou are not a N8 user. Why you are posting like this what you wanted to say to world. If you want a vireos grade you can get it from OVI store. I think you have haver use OVI store. If you don't like N8 why don't go for a any other phone. Are you jellies about N8 populerity.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • TqC
                                • 17 Oct 2010

                                Nameless, 17 Oct 2010Yes, people get paid to troll. Why would someone tell you n... more
                                good luck

                                  • N
                                  • Nameless
                                  • mJd
                                  • 17 Oct 2010

                                  Yes, people get paid to troll. Why would someone tell you not to buy this phone? Why? Because they love you so much and don't want you to make a mistake by buying a multimedia powerhouse? Or because you will not be able to buy 'insert brand/model here' for awhile after you spend the money on the N8 and that my hit market shares big time. A phone purchase is a 1-2 year commitment. And for crying out loud this phone has been talked to death already, it has its faults and yet someone(corporation) is still scared/intimidated by its popularity. So, trolls are sent to antagonize it by saying things like 'the camera is really bad' while every credible source had it reviewed and the camera is clearly not bad, its actually the best in the market ATM. They say the CPU is old, that it has low RAM bla bla bla I'm reading this for months now and guess what: WE KNOW ALL OF IT! This phone is my next purchase and nothing anybody says will ever change that. Also, being this popular you know the firmwares will keep coming and Nokia will replace the bad browser, improve battery life, introduce swype and even overclock the CPU if needed. My N82 got its v35 firmware Dec 2009, thats three years after release! But hey, I'm not trying to say this phone is the best...its not...It's just the best for me. (ps- to fight off trolls I'll just repost this now and then cuz it might get deleted ^_^)

                                    • M
                                    • MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER
                                    • t7x
                                    • 17 Oct 2010

                                    im excited for pre-ordered nokia n8, it will be available on october 23,2010 in the philippines...

                                    i love nokia phones, this is what im waiting for to have a complete package,,,,

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • TqC
                                      • 16 Oct 2010

                                      Saman, 16 Oct 2010You are not a N8 user. Why you are posting like this what y... morecalarity is lacking in n8 photos which isn't software related.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • TqC
                                        • 16 Oct 2010

                                        [deleted post]go for SEx10 although I think galaxy s is better choice cuz x10 lacks multitouch. If ur budget is high and don't like iph4 which is my fav, go for galaxy S. X10 is second and avoid nokia if u can. Early users of N8 already has freezing problems!! typical symbian