Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • K
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  • 13 Oct 2010

NOKIA N8 VS iPHONE4, 13 Oct 2010Price One of the biggest advantage of Nokia N8 over the iP... morehi i was very keen on purchasing N8. but i wanted to know as the amount of applications available over the OVI store. some applications im looking for is, english and medical dictionary, currency converter, mp3 downloads,anti virus etc
please help

    • m
    • maka1
    • 3sE
    • 13 Oct 2010

    ans, 13 Oct 2010good design,but features tooooo has only 12m... moreYou said only 12mp and 16gb! Are you nuts is there any other phone like that? See wake up N8 is the best cos it puts all in one and some of its features are first and some are the best in the market

      • m
      • maka1
      • 3sE
      • 13 Oct 2010

      ans, 13 Oct 2010good design,but features tooooo has only 12m... moreYou said only 12mp and 16gb! Are you nuts is there any other phone like that? See wake up N8 is the best cos it puts all in one and some of its features are first and some are the best in the market

        • M
        • Manoj
        • tE%
        • 13 Oct 2010

        I am looking forward to buy a new phone.. options are the Samsung Wave and Nokia N8. I have been using Nokia all my life. But I am quite amazed with the popularity of samsung wave. Can any one please recommend which one should i opt for as per your experience

          • N
          • NOKIA N8 VS iPHONE4
          • Mf5
          • 13 Oct 2010

          One of the biggest advantage of Nokia N8 over the iPhone 4 is the price. With the price tag of €370 euros before taxes and subsidies, and converting it to pounds would give us £300. Comparing to the iPhone 4 (unlocked) 16GB with a price of £499 and £599 for 32GB. Therefore making the Nokia N8 much cheaper for a smartphone with cool multimedia features and especially Symbian^3 os.
          We admit that the iPhone 4 is slimmer, but there are consequences on this, like on the camera performance e.g. zooming and sensor size. For the color variants of Nokia N8, the mass is already have a wide choice for their taste on the color. There are currently 5 anodized casing for N8 the dark grey, silver white, green, blue and orange For the iPhone 4, there are two the white and the black (no pun intended) and obviously I don’t like that my phone is mistakenly identified by others as an iPhone 3GS or iPod touch.
          Video Call
          The limitations of Apple facetime for the Wi-Fi connection and iPhone to iPhone is what Nokia already solved and made possible long time ago to their devices. So in N8 you will not be bounded by connections and you will get connected for the video calls in any capable devices.
          HDMI + Dolby Surround
          Another one few specs that a 2010 smartphone have is the HDMI connection where you can connect to your home theatre. With HD TV you will get a crisp and clear visual treatment as well as with your sound with the Dolby Digital Plus.
          The Nokia N8 has a 16GB internal storage plus giving you a chance to add an external hot swappable microSD card up to 32GB.
          USB On-the-Go
          If 48GB of storage is not enough for you then consider this USB on-the-go feature where you can read and make slave USB sticks from external hard drive like on this 250GB hdd.
          Usability (Reception issue)
          If you’re afraid to get a bad reception just because of the phone’s inability to not allow you to have a proper grip, well, isn’t that obvious that this could be one of the biggest mistake that Cupertino company made? Eventhough Nokia N8 isn’t launched yet, we all know that this Finnish giant have more than 1 billion of devices out there and we never have the incidents where people protests just because of the reception issue.
          To have the biggest camera sensor in the field of camera phones—and even bigger than the other p&s cameras—means that we are having the right innovations. By the size of the N8 and to its one of a kind features, it really shows that this is an advance feature that Nokia N8 will hold against competitors.
          Xenon flash
          It is still a strong advert of manufacturers that LED flash can provide you enough light for taking pictures. But it is still a fact that xenon flash are the one who leads in the technology of flash for compact cameras as well as to mobile phones. What Nokia did is they reduced the size of the flash to 30% less compare to Nokia N82 & without losing the power.
          Editing software & Ovi Maps are free (Symbian^3)
          If you’re phone has an HD capable video recording and Symbian^3 on N8 has an on-board video editor and without pulling some extra bucks from your pocket, of course. The same on Ovi Maps, neither we need a connection nor we would pay for it. That is really the magic of Nokia, bringing us connected anywhere and anytime.

            • b
            • benicio
            • Sf}
            • 13 Oct 2010

            dear n8 users, how is the voice when making a call? is it loud? i cant hear well since birth, thats why i am asking...

            thank you

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • vG6
              • 13 Oct 2010

              this phone is very sexy look all the latest technology included in thisn phone

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • nSS
                • 13 Oct 2010

                If you can use a screwdriver, you can replace the battery. If I remember right, it won't even spoil the warranty. It may of course vary in different countries.

                  • S
                  • Shyam
                  • vI7
                  • 13 Oct 2010

                  Jebas, 13 Oct 2010rite.. wt color u choose??...Yet to decide a colour

                    • s
                    • sh
                    • TuL
                    • 13 Oct 2010

                    very very good

                      • J
                      • Jebas
                      • utW
                      • 13 Oct 2010

                      Shyam, 13 Oct 2010Not Sure m8 check the stores, Or just come to Madurai its l... morerite.. wt color u choose??...

                        • S
                        • Shyam
                        • vI7
                        • 13 Oct 2010

                        [deleted post]Not Sure m8 check the stores, Or just come to Madurai its like 120 km rite ?

                          • S
                          • Shyam
                          • vI7
                          • 13 Oct 2010

                          [deleted post]I am from TN.. The offer Price is from my place Madurai

                            • S
                            • Shyam
                            • vI7
                            • 13 Oct 2010

                            Wooohooooo N8 is available in stores in India. The Price is 24400 Rs.. Todays offer price is Rs.23000/-
                            I am getting mine in the evening

                              • f
                              • fenz
                              • tuh
                              • 13 Oct 2010

                              thx gsmarena.bye2 t0 bada,i0s,andr0id,wp7 im g0ing t0 n0kia n8.i d0nt need games from bada,i0s 0r andr0id.their games are crap.i g0t nintend0 3ds plus n8 great c0mbinati0n.
                              'cough'legend of zelda'cough'

                                • f
                                • fenz
                                • tuh
                                • 13 Oct 2010

                                So with free lifetime
                                navigation, some great
                                multimedia features,
                                impressive build quality and
                                little (but important) perks
                                like USB-on-the-go and HDMI,
                                the Nokia N8 can stand its
                                ground against the
                                competition. It ’s also only just
                                about starting and Nokia has a
                                reputation for delivering
                                major software updates to its
                                smartphones on a regular
                                The combination of all the
                                things above is a unique
                                selling point on its own, but
                                it ’s the camera that puts the
                                Nokia N8 in a class of its own
                                and changes the nature of the
                                competition altogether. The
                                ultimate cameraphone will
                                always be compared to the
                                best in business.
                                The N8 puts the Nseries back
                                to the top where it belongs.
                                Nokia can be proud but they
                                must know it ’s just the
                                beginning. Right now they
                                have a winning cameraphone
                                set in pole position. It will be a
                                while before they have one
                                phone to rule them all, if

                                  • F
                                  • Faysall
                                  • PDT
                                  • 13 Oct 2010

                                  Which games are pre-installed on N8?

                                    • c
                                    • chacha
                                    • wYK
                                    • 13 Oct 2010

                                    wow! gsmarena have the results of audio quality of "Samsung I8700 Omnia 7"
                                    maybe this is the phone they used to review windows phone 7?..


                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 95j
                                      • 13 Oct 2010

                                      I must admit, the disappointing web browser is a letdown, including the bad message typing because of the lack of multitouch support. I hope they can fix that in a firmware update...

                                        • k
                                        • kodn
                                        • 95j
                                        • 13 Oct 2010

                                        I must admit, the disappointing web browser is a letdown, including the bad message typing because of the lack of multitouch support. I hope they can fix that in a firmware update...