Nokia N8
- c
- caribala
- PAq
- 07 Oct 2010
Wheez, 07 Oct 2010Ill get iPhone when they make an app that gives me USB OTG... moreUSB OTG - it's cool, but i dont really need it.
I can't intall iTunes at my USB anyway, i believe My iTouch4 wont regognize USB. I dont even have USB!
FM transmitter - MP3 rocks better.
Aluminium case - nah, plastic will be fine.
I got rubber anyway. From the beginning.
Working antenna - Duh! What for dude???
I thought this is iTouch4!!!
- W
- Wheez
- xhq
- 07 Oct 2010
john, 07 Oct 2010nokia era is ending due to lack of android...come on nokia ... moreNokia will never use Android, which is good cos it would be nothing but a bulk manufacturer then.
Not to mention i way rather use symbian than android
- j
- john
- utR
- 07 Oct 2010
nokia era is ending due to lack of android...come on nokia this is 2010...wake up
- W
- Wheez
- xhq
- 07 Oct 2010
[deleted post]Ill get iPhone when they make an app that gives me USB OTG, FM transmitter, aluminium case and working antenna.
Well, even if there were apps like that, id still go for N8 cos i like the looks and colors alot better
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7X
- 07 Oct 2010
So much nokia hate.
- k
- kevinaux
- wcg
- 07 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 07 Oct 2010When n8 launch in malaysia?
End of november in singapore
Oops, sorry didn't add that bit in. It will be on 16 Oct, I know Malaysia getting this before Singapore :)
You can even pre-order it at the store itself and be one of only 10 Pre-order customers to get it first on the launch day at Pavilion.
And the price in Malaysia, RM 1800.00 ;)
- ?
- Anonymous
- fjs
- 07 Oct 2010
I don't know about Malaysia. In Scandinavia you can get it as from last week already. Next week should be available in most of Europe and the week after that in selected parts of Asia. America(north and south) will have to wait a few more weeks. The problem with N8 is its HUGE demand. Nokia expected it to be a success but not such a big one. Everybody wants the N8. The big cell phone companies and dealers will understandably get preference. Please wait a bit longer. You'll get your's too.
- N
- Nooruddin
- YQx
- 07 Oct 2010
what a gr8 ,tremendous n full of all today's recomended featers..
Really incrediable.......................
Now we can enjoy with 12MP camera........
- ?
- Anonymous
- IaC
- 07 Oct 2010
wanted to ask, will it be supporting skype? coz on their website to download applications it wasnt supporting the N8 it was saying, and i am really considering what smartphone to get in the next month, seriously considering the N8.
Also if someone could explain a bit the differences between symbian 3 and android ?
- W
- Wheez
- xhq
- 07 Oct 2010
jos, 07 Oct 2010how many of you guys already have the phone? when was it l... moreIve had mine a week today, Im from Finland
- j
- jos
- fsC
- 07 Oct 2010
how many of you guys already have the phone?
when was it launched in your country or when is it being launch?
- ?
- Anonymous
- w7n
- 07 Oct 2010
kevinaux, 07 Oct 2010I just came back from the Nokia store in Pavilion KL, (that... moreWhen n8 launch in malaysia?
End of november in singapore
- L
- Lardus
- fjs
- 07 Oct 2010
Hey you chaps. Finally my N8 black is waiting for me at our local post office :-) I feel sorry for you all. I have taken the afternoon off to go and get it. I will post shortly (later this evening) a short review.
- j
- jones
- mgF
- 07 Oct 2010
N Prasad, 07 Oct 2010Hi Folks, I've been following these forum from last 7 day... moredont forget free and very good gps navigation, thats is one important too..
- k
- kevinaux
- wcg
- 07 Oct 2010
I just came back from the Nokia store in Pavilion KL, (thats Malaysia for the unfamiliar). Went there to find out if X3 Touch and Type was out but suprise suprise the N8 was there on display, an actual working demo unit. My first impression, wow - the screen WOW, its really "shinny". Didn't get to play much just then but definitely dropping by again later.
All I can say is, I love Nokia phones and the company as a whole (what with their emphasis on environment and all that) but Nokia should really hire a better PR and Marketing people. Here is a phone that all of Nokiadome is been waiting for months, me included (I've been making fortnight visit to the Nokia shop for the last 2 months looking for N8 news) and here they go keeping the N8 hidden in their stores for 2 days. The was no standee in front of the shop, no "coming soon" in papers or outdoor ads, nothing.
The N8 deserves better.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pde
- 07 Oct 2010
Take a look "Nokia N8 + HDMI + Bluetooth Keyboard/Mouse = Laptop"
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 07 Oct 2010
andy burgin, 07 Oct 2010Sony now because of the N8 been leaked out to early,have no... moreEldar just did a fairer review, because the rest of the world did not agree with his mad vision of the N8. Still, some part, especially the camera, in his review are not so good. Clearly, he is wrong, he also compared to the pixon, which he owns, and the pixon finished last in the blind gsmarena comparison.
- c
- caribala
- PAq
- 07 Oct 2010
Daily interest 96%!!!
Love or Hate that you share, It's all good.
96% daily interest vs 4% for others (you name it).
Most waited mobile phone?
Most lovable mobile phone?
Most hated mobile phone?
You guys decide it. But the number already spoken for the product. It's the most favorite mobile phone at this moment.
- m
- mic
- uW5
- 07 Oct 2010
Does N8 hd video play on regular tv ????
- ?
- Anonymous
- 9xH
- 07 Oct 2010
[deleted post]bro.. (QW/Nokia is not Top) don't change your name.. coz u can't hide your ip