Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • mpS
  • 07 Oct 2010

is this phone is any good i want to buy it did any body bought this phone yet at the moment i am using iphone 3gs??

    • A
    • Adam
    • uCj
    • 07 Oct 2010

    [deleted post]I know iphone always lost a signal don't try to cheat other people.

      • l
      • lenon
      • Q6x
      • 07 Oct 2010

      Slam, 06 Oct 2010not good preview GSMArena! some details we need... How ... moreI agree completely

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 2Ex
        • 07 Oct 2010

        if Nokia Fan like to help Nokia stay in business then please keep buying N* and if the phone is so good then do not compare with iPhone. Enjoy your stat of art N8 phone.

          • N
          • New waver
          • vIb
          • 07 Oct 2010

          Slam, 06 Oct 2010not good preview GSMArena! some details we need... How ... moreA preview is supposed to be a preview, not a review. All those things you just talked about will be talked about in the review.

            • S
            • Slam
            • n}F
            • 06 Oct 2010

            not good preview GSMArena!
            some details we need...

            How slow (speed) is camera UP (gizmodo correct?)
            We need much UI preview, not camera!
            For me, UI is slower than competition (Iphone 4, Wave, Galaxy S etc..)
            We need BROWSING and FLASH support and speed benchmark (browse, gaming, multitouch zooming, etc...)
            We need video with 3 phones on screen (galaxy or wave, iphone 4, htc)
            and live test! (multitouch, UI, speed for internet browsing)

            Only ONE point come to INNOVATION!
            ZOOM on video!
            but... video need LED FLASH for night recording...

            If you wanna to make good point for Nokia, please give us CORRECT and MUCH more REVIEW than this preview!

              • S
              • Sony and Nokia!
              • qLC
              • 06 Oct 2010

              I have to be honest, when it comes to design the Nokia N8 is nowhere near my Satio, the phone should be more rounded around the edges and then it would be more appealing to myself and other fans. All in all this device shines where it counts, under the hood this device will outperform the sexy Satio! Can't wait to get my N8. The king of Smartphones is out and about to take out the "rivals"!

                • O
                • OthaB - Why we L
                • f3R
                • 06 Oct 2010

                Are we forgetting that the N8 is DVB-H enabled via those other earph0nes??
                Key Reas0ns why I want this ph0ne:
                1. USB OTG feature
                2. Accelerometer w0rks everywhere, homescreens, menus, etc.
                3. U cn watch LIVE TV via the headsets enabling DVB-H
                4. It supports HDMI-out. Rare feature.
                5. Free Maps
                6. Oh yAh and that 12Mpx u cn brag abt to ur friends (",)

                I see Symbian as being Man Utd. iOS, Android, the Man Citys and Chelseas of Operating Systems have j0ined in on the party but Manchester United still reigns supreme!
                PS - d0n't get it twisted... I'm a Liverpo0l supporter!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 2Ex
                  • 06 Oct 2010

                  Anonymous, 06 Oct 2010I am not a fan of Samsung but I am fan of technology and I ... moreAgree. The Samsung Galaxy S has the best looking screen.I had the phone but i had to change phone since the phone was slow, freeze sometimes or restart. But the screen was the best.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • mp%
                    • 06 Oct 2010

                    I am not a fan of Samsung but I am fan of technology and I believe

                    AMOLED is better than LCD
                    SuperAMOLED is better than AMOLED.

                    This is confirmed by G S M A R EN A Preview itself

                    However it is hardly a match for the SuperAMOLED screens on the Samsung Galaxy S lineup and the Samsung S8500 Wave.

                      • M
                      • Mark
                      • mby
                      • 06 Oct 2010

                      [deleted post]Wow, that is shallow. Lets see some proof people. For instance,

                      GSM Arena tests the camera, it is the best one ever.
                      Browser is not so good, but Opera on N8 is faster than iPhone browser. (yes)
                      N8 coverflow is faster than iPhone, see here:


                      Now these comparisons are useless, I mean it all up to individual usage, but there are too many anti nokia people here that talk bs. Watch the link above.

                        • f
                        • fenz
                        • tuh
                        • 06 Oct 2010

                        Anonymous, 06 Oct 2010playing games is not something that makes ashamed off,what ... more0.k,yeah i admit iph0ne g0t a decent games but 'mark my w0rd' i d0nt want charge my ph0ne 2-3 times a day(galaxy s-iph0ne 4)!! n i als0 d0nt want always bring a phone charger wherever i g0!!

                        p/s-im als0 play a games but n0t in a ph0ne ''c0ugh'mm0rpg'c0ugh'

                          • m
                          • mike
                          • jxL
                          • 06 Oct 2010

                          [deleted post]poor performance is much more better that losing signal !!!! just think about it!!!

                            • A
                            • Alvy
                            • uNV
                            • 06 Oct 2010

                            Ali Abdulla, 06 Oct 2010 "we all know the performance of the n8 is a joke when... moreTo Ali Abdullah,i suggest 'all' of you to buy the N8,then test its performance,its camera,its UI and compare it to iPhone or compare it to anything or do whatever. But before all this,make 'all' of them buy the N8. Atleast that will increase the sell of N8!!!....but make sure 'all' of them buy it.lolzz

                              • M
                              • Mark
                              • mby
                              • 06 Oct 2010

                              Wheez, 06 Oct 2010I don't get what's the talk about Symbian not being "u... more"Why do majority have to suffer about the device lacking featurewise cos some idiots can't open the manual in the worst case scenario?" LOL

                                • A
                                • Ali Abdulla
                                • 3LB
                                • 06 Oct 2010

                                Anonymous, 06 Oct 2010playing games is not something that makes ashamed off,what ... more "we all know the performance of the n8 is a joke when compared to the iphone"

                                when "all" of us own an N8 and an iphone,
                                and when "all" of us benchmark the performance on both of them,
                                and when "all" if us know wat we are doing and talking about, while not being bias
                                THEN, we "all" would know whose performance is a joke and wats not

                                "all" of us reading the spec sheet and drawing "diff" conclusion, Dosnt count

                                  • A
                                  • Alvy
                                  • Pxx
                                  • 06 Oct 2010

                                  If you want a phone for show off,with apple logo,flashy UI and eye candy,then this is definitely not the phone for you. Go buy some toys. If you want a sturdy,well built and a real phone then N8 is just right. Moreover if you are using a phone for a year or two,the UI will definitely get boring sometime or the other ,may it be iOS,Android or Symbian. We all need changes,so the looks doesn't really matter. What matters is the performance and battery. In Android the battery drains preety fast,as I am using Galaxy S and N79. And about the apps,let me tell you. Android and iOS may be widely available in their respective app store,but symbian apps are available all over the web(for example getjar,mobile9,ovi store etc) and maximum of them are FREE!!! So don't judge the number of apps by only checking Ovi Store. Music quality of Nokia has always been good,maybe not like the iPhone,but it suits average users. I guess the music quality of this phone will also be awsome(yet to find out).
                                  Moreover the iPhone is really expensive. iPhone 4(16GB) is 62k and N8 is 36k here,so you see the point. I would never compare both the phones and if even though N8 had lesser features than iPhone nobody would want to pay so much for that. I am glad,there is still nothing that iPhone can do and N8 can't. N8 has far more features.

                                    • M
                                    • Mark
                                    • mby
                                    • 06 Oct 2010

                                    Anonymous, 06 Oct 2010playing games is not something that makes ashamed off,what ... moreN8 is definitely not a joke graphically compared to the iPhone. Benchmarks disagree, the games I have seen on it disagree, the GPU is as strong as the one in the iPhone and the downside of the N8 is a benefit here. Less pixels to push means better framerates. The good games we have now on the N8 are iPhone ports and they run fine. Expect the performance to increase in future N8 games as developers learn to use the OS better.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • iLH
                                      • 06 Oct 2010

                                      [deleted post]playing games is not something that makes ashamed off,what ever your age is,there are different games for different ages,some games are easy and can be played without much use of the brain others require the player to be smart enough to perform,and if you are not interested in any type of games you are missing a lot of excitment in your life.

                                      now why iphone users say gaming ,part of it is due to what i just mentioned but the main reason is that the gaming is the maximum performance test for computeres and mobile phones,and as we all know the performance of the n8 is a joke when compared to the iphone

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • S4n
                                        • 06 Oct 2010

                                        naggers please..stop complaining about user experience and such B$. who the h3ll navigate in the phone for fun? geez.....its what you can do with it that counts.