Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y}{
- 06 Oct 2010
all you nokia haters just shut up and watch N8 stealing the will rock.
And yes....just imagine what would happen to all other android manufacturers if nokia will start working on it... Remember it is the no. 1 mobile company with just one OS...
- m
- mallikarjun
- tRp
- 06 Oct 2010
only 1200 mAh battery???
even 5233 has more than that!
- W
- Wheez
- nS{
- 06 Oct 2010
Also, once again, just cos something is slower, doesnt mean its slow. Im very happy with the overall balance of speed, features, ussbility and looks. Of course thr iPhone is faster, it has nothing that would put any load on the system
I dont have to wait for stuff to happen any more so than I have to wait on my computer
- W
- Wheez
- nS{
- 06 Oct 2010
phones fan, 06 Oct 2010the USB OTG and HDMI are not a deal breaker ,the processor,... moreThats an opinion that doesnt hold true for me. I choose the N8 for its unrivaled hw features. I knew it wouldnt be as smooty as iphone 4 for example. Just cos speed is more important than USB OTG for you doesnt mean its so for everyone.
Also mobile-review can be ignored pretty much. He hates Nokia cos they didnt give him a contract and hes a criminal anyway and pretty much gets paid by samsung
- N
- Nokia_Tec
- fvV
- 06 Oct 2010
It is nice to see the ratings goin up back, i know there were thousands of nokia haters that rushed to this page to rate the n8 with zeros.
To whoever under rated nokia n8, u have failed.
- p
- phones fan
- fwM
- 06 Oct 2010
Wheez, 06 Oct 2010Although its abit awful how little focus all these reviewer... morethe USB OTG and HDMI are not a deal breaker ,the processor,the speed,the screen resolution...etc,are much more important,this link (hated by nokia)gave a fair review for that :
- W
- Wheez
- nS{
- 06 Oct 2010
Mark, 06 Oct 2010I liked that review, but it misses out on two things: Te... moreExactly, most of the things he complained about are already coming in the first update. Although overall a fair review, but its good to remember thar ios and android have both gotten many updates, this is the first released version of the symbian
- M
- Mark
- ixJ
- 06 Oct 2010
Wheez, 06 Oct 2010
... moreI liked that review, but it misses out on two things:
Text entry --> Swype
Browser --> Opera Mobile
It seems the 2 things they do not like are easily solved. Win! :)
- W
- Wheez
- nS{
- 06 Oct 2010
Wheez, 06 Oct 2010 ... moreAlthough its abit awful how little focus all these reviewers put on ie. USB OTG, but at least this one mentions it.
- r
- rama
- vGX
- 06 Oct 2010
very good
- r
- rama
- vGX
- 06 Oct 2010
very good
- ?
- Anonymous
- M3j
- 06 Oct 2010
andy burgin, 06 Oct 2010Just got a email saying i should recieve the N8 in the next... moredid you pre-ordered on nokia uk website ?
- f
- fred
- TtT
- 06 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 06 Oct 2010And how do you know if Nokia is not going to use dual-core ... moreNokia will come up with Dual core very soon.Symbian OS already supports multi core..serach for SMP in google.
check out this
- W
- Wheez
- nS{
- 06 Oct 2010
New review of the N8 for those who still havnt made the final decision :D
- J
- Jack
- 310
- 06 Oct 2010
Remus_RO, 06 Oct 2010I wonder how much Nokia had payed for all the praise this p... moreWhat is wrong with you, why would you say such stuff? Nokia spends more on Research and Development, than ALL other companies combined. Just because they do not have the flashiest OS right now, does not mean a thing.
Who do you think is the leader in 4G research? Who do you think will have the best speeds and reception for years to come? How do you think all those manufactuters using Android are going to survive when Oracle makes sure Google cannot use the Java VM in Android?
You just see now, and even now, the N8 is easily the equal of those other devices, if not better.
In the long run, all that money Nokia is spending is going to pay off. They are the only independant manufacturer left. Only Apple & Nokia have this and Samsung is trying with Bada. Bada is a good example of how different the strategies are. Bada looks nice now, but has no ecosystem, is not even a real smartphone OS, few apps, but nice homescreen scrolling. S^3 is technologically WAY more advanced, but has a little bit less eye candy. Nokia is smart, all of the hard work has been put in already, behind the scenes. They dont scream about it, they keep quiet. Just like with CBD, they announce nothing, and all of a sudden they have screen technology that matches SAMOLED. Right after that, Samsung has to announce no new Galaxy S devices and Waves for the holidays, since they are out of SAMOLEDS. Guess who will be selling instead? Do not kid yourself, Nokia is the master strategist here, and they are keeping silent now, and will strike back hard.
Before Android only Nokia was strong in smartphones, all the smaller lesser players have adopted Android to stay relevant, temporarily. The whole Android story is bs anyway, many users cannot even upgrade, like X10 users. That sucks.
I think one good way to look at this is the following.
S^4 is going to be a huge leap in UI, since already all the behind the scenes work has been done. Battery life is excellent on S^3 devices. Do you think it is easier to graft on the new UI (now that they finally have the technology to do so) for Symbian, or for Android to have decent battery life? Moore's law does not apply to batteries, dude. :)
Just my two cents. I think Nokia should be applauded for sticking to their vision. And hey, at least Symbian is not sharing your personal information with 1000 American companies, right.
- W
- Wheez
- nS{
- 06 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 06 Oct 2010any one of the nokia n8 user please check and tell the answ... moreI tried that and only difference I found was that it turned off the homescreen change transition effect
- a
- andy burgin
- 3pH
- 06 Oct 2010
Just got a email saying i should recieve the N8 in the next 2 weeks,so at last should be able to see an use the N8,an O2 saying in its October Magazine N8 available for £349.95
- T
- TP
- f4Q
- 06 Oct 2010
Wheez, 06 Oct 2010Right, I mightve been wrong about the min requirements for ... moreI COMPLETELY agree, im currently an Android user, i own the big X10, and as happy as i am, i would rather not have every single manufacturer build Androids, diversity is what makes the world go round, and competition amongst OS is great. Its great to see Symbian, iOS, Android, BB , WebOSand soon Meego battle it out as it will drive innovation, Nokia must stay away from Android as it is already too saturated.
The reason why the Galaxy S lags is due to a mix of hardware and software, the ROM chip and filesystem Samsung chose are slow and creat a bottle neck in the system, thats why it tends to have major lag issues at times.
- ?
- Anonymous
- utW
- 06 Oct 2010
any one of the nokia n8 user please check and tell the answer.
go to settings> general> personalisation> themes> general> option> theme effect on/off
please check the theme effect on/off option...
- W
- Wheez
- nS{
- 06 Oct 2010
TP, 06 Oct 2010It should be able to, after all the Moto Milestone with its... moreRight, I mightve been wrong about the min requirements for android, just thought cos ive seen the galaxy s struggle abit in running the OS at times, so I figured it definitely wouldnt be better in N8 cos android still cant use the gpu to draw ui.
Also whats with wanting Android everywhere? I dont want it to the N8 myself, I prefer the strengths of Symbian^3 myself. If we put Android to evert phone we lose the diversity and freedom of choise. Luckily Nokia will never go for Android so the discussion is useless, too.