Nokia N8
- W
- Wheez
- nST
- 02 Oct 2010
Praveen, 02 Oct 2010I have preordered my N8. I am yet to get it and was excited... moreWhat does it matter if SE and Samsung drop it? It's easier to make phones for just one OS and seeing that Nokia is so strong everywhere outside the US, maybe they decided to try the US markets instead where Android is pretty popular. Nokia is still and will be the biggest mobile phone manufacturer, SE and Samsungs contribution to Symbian would've been a drop in the sea, pretty much.
As for LOYAL NOKIA FAN: I've read 2 reviews that gave it average scores, neither of the reviews being that objective, see my post below about the techradar one.
Naturally it doesnt make their opinions invalid, but they are at best opinions, I suggest you try the phone out yourself, I wouldn't trade mine for iPhone or Galaxy S.
- W
- Wheez
- nST
- 02 Oct 2010
I don't really feel comfortable with the techradar review.
Just look at it:
"We know that people will say that there's a desire for such organisation, but it should be more like the iPhone: choosing to make folders than having to wade through clicks and swipes just to find where the email client is."
If the reviewer wasn't stupid, he could have the email client in the homescreen after which he would have the email client on the homescreen where he sees the first 2 messages which also shows if they are read or not, also a single tap on the widget would open the full client.
But no, it's obviously alot better to scroll through a few pages of apps to find it.
Although, setting the widget to the homescreen might've been too hard for him... AFter all he would've had to do one press & hold and 2 taps and for the rest of the phones life it would've been on the homescreen, accessible with a single tap.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uEB
- 02 Oct 2010
Praveen, 02 Oct 2010I have preordered my N8. I am yet to get it and was excited... moreit's their lost (SE & samsung) not nokia.
They use android because they can't make a device as good as nokia, and therefore, if they use symbian, they will lost.
so, they try to use something that nokia didn't use.... the green-color fat robot... i mean... android.
it's not because android is better... but because they all too afraid to compete with nokia.
and seeing how cool this Symbian3 is. I somehow foresee the future that SE/Moto/Samsung/LG/HTC will have a hard time ahead, and 2 of this brand will collapse in very near future.
- N
- TL5
- 02 Oct 2010
this phone got average review , this phone is not at par with its peers.
- P
- Praveen
- utM
- 02 Oct 2010
I have preordered my N8. I am yet to get it and was excited about it, till i heard that
1. Sony ericsson stopped symbian plans
2. Samsung not only stopped but also erased symbian from its history, removing the symbian developer forums too
So I feel I am alone in the symbian world :(
Should I have opted for a galaxy S instead and there by feel proud of latest Android world??
- ?
- Anonymous
- uEB
- 02 Oct 2010
[deleted post]TL5H is a nokia hatter.
He used to use the name RAKESH in the past.
and always try to discredit EVERY nokia product
and worship his Sony ericson C510.
- ?
- Anonymous
- up6
- 02 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010@Wheez... Nokia N8 have theme effect like S60 3rd and 5th e... moreObviously, it does have. Checkout some youtube videos. Rather, the effects are much cooler and smooth than in S60v5.
- A
- s8g
- 02 Oct 2010
Wheez, 02 Oct 2010A good thing to notice about the 25 FPS video recording. Ar... moreYeah,Itz american standard !
- ?
- Anonymous
- utW
- 02 Oct 2010
@Wheez... Nokia N8 have theme effect like S60 3rd and 5th edition??? Pls reply...
- ?
- Anonymous
- uEB
- 02 Oct 2010
Wheez, 02 Oct 2010A good thing to notice about the 25 FPS video recording. Ar... moreactually there were 2 TV standard... in the past...
ntsc & pal
25fps & 30fps
nokia choose because it use less space to record the same amount of movie (less 5 frame each second..)
- W
- Wheez
- nST
- 02 Oct 2010
AMANITA, 02 Oct 20101) it has red video light,itz not so effective but N8 uses ... moreA good thing to notice about the 25 FPS video recording. Around here it's the standard in TVs and I think TV broadcasts are 25 FPS here.
So it's not the inability to make it 30 FPS, it cos it's a standard.
However I will not bet my head on that info, I read that from an other forum and at least no one was claiming it was false info, so I'll trust it for now :D
- a
- azm
- veP
- 02 Oct 2010
Cool, 02 Oct 2010Hi Wheez.. Am Selva from India. I have been reading the Op... morethe proverb is good.
- A
- s8g
- 02 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010Does it support video light, dlna and hd video recording at... more1) it has red video light,itz not so effective but N8 uses active hyper focal distance system
2) no dlna
3) hd video recording @ 25 fps
- C
- Cool
- 2SN
- 02 Oct 2010
Hi Wheez..
Am Selva from India. I have been reading the Opinions about N8 for the past 1 month. Am great fan of Nokia and am planning to buy N8 very soon. Whenever some one blaming nokia N8 one nive proverb is coming to my mind. The proverb in "No Stones are thrown on FruitLess Trees.". Same applies o Nokia N8 also. I appreciat you for your opinions in this blog. Keep moving. And my last word to NOKIA "WELCOME BACK".
- R
- Rands
- f3k
- 02 Oct 2010
Wheez. Great job with the updates. I really, really want to know how long the battery lasts per charge
- M
- Mac
- f34
- 02 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010opinions about N8 only not other products and..
welcome to... moreThey dont go to their forums cos there's nothing good to talk about. It's all just sad news about their phones inabilities or lack there-of. Lets plaster the N8 will ya cos we're bored with our lives attitude.
Welcome N8. Let the others continue burning with jeolousy!! You have achieved what you were designed for and it is now reaping the benifits even with the launch being just a couple of days. You other fanboys are providing the hype that nokia needed.
Thanks and keep it coming. We want more. This is def the best forum to be on at the moment.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ii6
- 02 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010haha why you seem to be worried about me being here dont... moredude dont teach us about xperia 10..we also have some knowledge abt friend sold his x10 due to lag and poor i got to use the handset as wonder worst mobile even than my galaxy s
- ?
- Anonymous
- S9I
- 02 Oct 2010
Anonymous, 02 Oct 2010Does it support video light, dlna and hd video recording at... moreI don't (and no one) use these mentioned features by u.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 9I7
- 02 Oct 2010
[deleted post]Does it support video light, dlna and hd video recording at 30fps?