Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • 01 Oct 2010

kane, 01 Oct 2010I'm trying to force you to like anything. I'm already using... moreIf it is a new ui you want then wait for it. It will be coming next year. It is ready but there is a reason for holding back on it. Simply put, with change there can be consequences. It can be a positive or negative one. The bulk of the users of nokias are happy with their phones. Nokia have realised that they have made a mess up by holding back with the launch of a newer, fresher os. They are not denying that either. They are trying to make ammends for that as you can see with the changes happening within the company.

The other aspect is that nokia being a large company would know that change cannot be bought. You would have to create the buy in from the people first. Now that wont be easy as alot of people that do purchase nokias reside in emerging countries. Change hence wouldn't be easy here most definetly. The changes would have to be small step changes (kaizen). The ui in symbian ^3 is huge. You just cant see it!! This is what strategy they are using. Getting people to accept the change to a vastly popular os without knowing and everything looks pretty familiar for those that have used symbian before. It is just that now they have some new additional features and then the step up to ^4 next year.

I think Nokia have also learnt from other huge companies ill decision and hence would not turn on the people that made then so great and bite the hand that feeds them. Nokia users would now feel comfortable that the changes coming would be easier to accept in future as this new os would hence be familiar to them, the older version forgotten and now the new step change would hence bridge that gap too wrt the other os's.

The new os is good, go take a look at some of the videos on the net, but then again you have been already using the new phone. If it is change you want then either wait for the newer version next year, meego or better yet, buy an android. Just make sure that it runs froyo though. The other older versions with the update have the slight improvements that enhance battery performance. Still no were close to the N8 though. As i said, Nokia have learnt from others mistakes too. They will get better. I will take that walk with them.

Great things come to those that wait. Can you?

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • pde
    • 01 Oct 2010

    kane , 01 Oct 2010sorry for my typing (I'm not a fanboy for no one), I'm typi... moreCheck following link and get the clue that there will be big tide of developers shifting for developing apps and games for Nokia phones.

    Ovi Store continues to grow – now hitting 2.3 million downloads per day (and that’s without S^3 handsets yet)

      • k
      • kane
      • qAS
      • 01 Oct 2010

      sorry for my typing (I'm not a fanboy for no one), I'm typing a prototype that company is testing out (but still buggy) for sony. And I have to say, that the psp might just be obsolete. N8 is a great phone, but what other companies have coming out are "game" changers. nokia makes that best hardware but hardware will only only get you so far.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • fj2
        • 01 Oct 2010

        @kane Don't fool yourself, the 5800 is a great device ! If you hate Nokia so frieking much why do you come and post in here? Let me tell you why: because you envy the N8 :-) I have the Samsung Galaxy, the best android there is, yet I find myself using the old 5800 day after day. Why? Because it last a lot longer on a charge and has decent multi tasking which android suffers with. The N8 will be my next device. Never bothered with the restrictive iPHONE.

          • W
          • Wheez
          • nSS
          • 01 Oct 2010

          Anonymous, 01 Oct 2010Actually 5800 XM sold 5M units.We were talking about the hits here in gsmarena, not units sold

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • upb
            • 01 Oct 2010

            waves better because it has a better processor better video betterresolution better battery better os better design better super amoled display which means it is better

              • A
              • Alvy
              • Pxx
              • 01 Oct 2010

              Wheez ur just awsome man...i thoroughly appreciate what u say,its got logic and common sense.keep up the good work waiting for N8 to launch in Bangladesh.all the very best with your N8 :)

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • pde
                • 01 Oct 2010

                kane, 01 Oct 2010I'm trying to force you to like anything. I'm already using... moreActually 5800 XM sold 5M units.

                  • W
                  • Wheez
                  • nSS
                  • 01 Oct 2010

                  kane, 01 Oct 2010I'm trying to force you to like anything. I'm already using... moreSure wouldnt but there u see, 5800 was very succesful even when it was directly competing with iphone and android later on. Im pretty sure I heard how symbian would die out back then already.

                    • k
                    • kane
                    • qAS
                    • 01 Oct 2010

                    Wheez, 01 Oct 2010And to say people don't want this device as it is? I'm pret... moreI'm trying to force you to like anything. I'm already using the N8 (its for someone who works for a mobile carrier in Europe) until mine gets ship to me. the N8 is a good phone but a year from now where do you think Symbian (or what ever new os nokia have) will be compared to iOS, windows 7, or android (all are not that old when compared to Symbian). I'm a fanboy since is always like using the new tech, but Symbian has to get an over haul if it wants to stay in the game next year.
                    as for hits, the 5800 xpress holds that with almost 13 million...but would you trade the N8 for that? lol!!!!

                      • E
                      • Emix
                      • S7x
                      • 01 Oct 2010

                      Anonymous, 01 Oct 2010ill go for d wave its certainly betterThanks for let us know! Lol and go, there is page for wave too!

                        • a
                        • abhi
                        • TL5
                        • 01 Oct 2010

                        Reviews of n8 on many sites have popped up like cnet and techradar.
                        All r giving a common verdict - the actual camera quality is nowhere near to what company claimed.
                        Videos recorded with n8 are messy bcoz for so much detailed video 25 fps is not enough.
                        And the most important part- symbian 3 is a little improvement but nowhere near to android or ios and it has also been clearly stated that if anyone considers os a important part of phone than this phone is strongly not recommended.

                          • W
                          • Wheez
                          • nS%
                          • 01 Oct 2010

                          Anonymous, 01 Oct 2010ill go for d wave its certainly betterIn what aspects? It certainly has many good things about it, but it's "certainly not better". Especially cos you can't generalize and rank phones in best to worst. What's good and important to you may be meaningless to me. Remember that.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • up9
                            • 01 Oct 2010

                            ill go for d wave its certainly better

                              • a
                              • TL5
                              • 01 Oct 2010

                              kane , 01 Oct 2010the N8 is being ship to me sometime next week. as for iOS y... moreMobile.phones are nt only gazets which have hv to be fancy and.highest config. They are now.becoming of.everyone so i and most real person of world would like nt to share it with everyone even they are Mr. google or Mr. jobs so for me command to my cellphone is always very imp. Mey is now not making.freeking highest.shoutable config.but they always gave full freedom to user what they wants to do or nt only they dicide not any other person or company which main concern is profit only hope you and other.symbian haters will.understand that one wants anything in.the.cost.of freedom Long live Symbian== 100% freedom

                                • W
                                • Wheez
                                • nS%
                                • 01 Oct 2010

                                And to say people don't want this device as it is? I'm pretty sure no other phone had 5 million hits before it's release (although I give it that it was announced for a long time).

                                iPhone 4 came out long time ago and it's not even close to the hits of the N8 that was released yesterday.

                                N8 also made record at Nokia in preordering amounts (although that's only Nokia, but mind you, still holds the biggest share in all mobile phones AND smart phones).

                                It just is a darn well balanced phone. The camera is abit overkill for the balance, but that's only one more positive thing to it's book.

                                  • W
                                  • Wheez
                                  • nS%
                                  • 01 Oct 2010

                                  And I personally know what tradeoffs I made when I chose the N8.

                                  No app can give me FM transmitter or USB OTG if theres no hardware support for it.

                                  Cool UI does not compensate for lousy antenna.

                                  I don't mind trading stuff like good app store and maybe some raw speed (although the N8 is not slow) to get reliable, useful features.

                                  The aluminium body, build quality and camera also played a massive role in why I chose the N8.

                                  I'm not saying it's perfect, iOS and Android definitely have their strenghts. But so does the N8 and Symbian^3, I chose the one that fits ME the best. If it doesn't fit you, well, go for iOS or Android, but you really can't tell me what I need and make generalisations about what is better cos it's only an opinion.

                                    • W
                                    • Wheez
                                    • nS%
                                    • 01 Oct 2010

                                    kane , 01 Oct 2010the N8 is being ship to me sometime next week. as for iOS y... moreI think you blew your credibility when you started talking about jailbroken/rooted devices. These are not software as it comes out of box. If I really want to, I can probably install Maemo on this thing. Can I then generally speaking make comparisons based on that? No.

                                    Comparison need to be done with unaltered software, IMO.

                                    The music player may be a rip off from Apple, but do remember that majority of the mobile phone tech inside Apple wouldn't be there without Nokia. Apple admits it copies good ideas and Nokia admits it just as much.

                                    Are you from the US? Although Nokia isnt very popular over there, it's the most popular brand pretty much EVERYWHERE else. Personally where I live, there isnt a single store selling blackberries and I have never seen one with my own eyes.

                                    The app store usefulness/uselessness is up to the user again. I've found everything I've needed from there so far. Then again, I don't put much value on apps, if I would I wouldve gotten an iPhone. I value the N8s features alot more than 10 000 different fart apps.

                                    I don't believe in changing stuff only to make people relearn how to use it. The menu is simple, yet effective.

                                    As for the homescreens, I only managed to completely fill like 1½ homescreens. I'm also given the option to have widgets or a cluster of icons the way iPhone has.

                                    Now I ask you, have YOU tried the N8 more than few minutes? ;)

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • ii6
                                      • 01 Oct 2010

                                      kane , 01 Oct 2010the N8 is being ship to me sometime next week. as for iOS y... morewhoever uses android will feel android outdated in some more years ..its bound to happen as some more new OS could be in the future..but i prefer symbian over android..leave all those live sucks in battery and task managing..whivh is very important for a phone..

                                        • E
                                        • Emix
                                        • S7x
                                        • 01 Oct 2010

                                        Wheez, 01 Oct 20101)Does N8 have a CBD screen? No, regular AMOLED 2)How... moreWheeze We love you!!!
                                        You really are amazing!