Nokia N8
- J
- John
- 49B
- 30 Sep 2010
Hahahaha Nokia N8 is back guyssssss 91%
I am waiting for mine lol
- ?
- Anonymous
- 30 Sep 2010
Games is the best selling point nowadays
dumb people need games, and nokia needs dumb people to maintain their market share
i hope there are decent mobile games based in qt coming to n8, so dumb people will not depend so much on apple phone for gaming.
- y
- j0c
- 30 Sep 2010
Wheez, 30 Sep 2010Yasir here is correct. The modern batteries don't mind even... moreyeh man.u should take care that.and why not,after a logn time waiting and fighting for n8 with andriod and ios,at last we got that to whole world
- W
- Wheez
- xhq
- 30 Sep 2010
yasir.pakistan, 30 Sep 2010he is rite means after 3 charges of battery.u get th... moreYasir here is correct. The modern batteries don't mind even if u charge em just abit at times, but when doing the first rechargings it will help the battery calibrate it's max capacity for it's lifespan.
So a sloppy first recharging might take alot of battery life away especially at the later part of its lifespan.
And I rather be save than sorry myself, even if I was more or less wrong :D
- d
- daniel
- 3J9
- 30 Sep 2010
Mac, 30 Sep 2010Screw everybody else! They can go to android or wp7 like sh... moreyour are just very right, well done. yes in the end they will defently want symbian back, after this astonishing symbian 3^ has just came on the market and also this lovely phone, which to me is much better then the iphone 4 by miles
- y
- yasir.pakistan
- j0c
- 30 Sep 2010
narut0, 30 Sep 2010WHEEZ..wanna ask u sumthing.wat d0 u mean by 'the first fe... morehe is rite means after 3 charges of battery.u get the full timing.charge it 3 or 4 hour 1st time.without unpluging again and again
- n
- narut0
- tuh
- 30 Sep 2010
Wheez, 30 Sep 2010I got myself the blue one. It is REALLY amazing. The build ... moreWHEEZ..wanna ask u sumthing.wat d0 u mean by 'the first
few charges can be the crucial
ones for the batteries overall
lifespan, I don't wanna charge
it like hour here, hour there.' can u xplain that.tqvm.
- y
- yasir.pakistan
- j0c
- 30 Sep 2010
Wheez, 30 Sep 2010There are plenty of unboxing videos and videos that show th... morei think u r busy with u r not replying.ok.enjoy it man
- W
- Wheez
- xhq
- 30 Sep 2010
Ironically, I'll be filming the video with a worse camera than the N8s -_-
- S
- Sunny
- Kht
- 30 Sep 2010
Wheez, 30 Sep 2010There are plenty of unboxing videos and videos that show th... moreOK ...
I want to c the hd fone once -- How it is-- & abut the quality also ok
- W
- Wheez
- xhq
- 30 Sep 2010
Sunny, 30 Sep 2010Congrtts :):) Eagrly waiting for ur Full Review --- ... moreThere are plenty of unboxing videos and videos that show the exteriors of the device so I thought about skipping that and focusing on showing around the release firm/software.
- W
- Wheez
- xhq
- 30 Sep 2010
I got myself the blue one. It is REALLY amazing. The build quality is just really nice. It feels very solid and weights just enouh to feel really sturdy without being too heavy.
Sadly I still have this lesson to go and I can't charge this thing here so I can't play around with it that much yet. Nokia usually supplies the batteries only loaded for like 40% or so. And since the first few charges can be the crucial ones for the batteries overall lifespan, I don't wanna charge it like hour here, hour there.
What I really like about the AMOLED screens in general is the fact that you can have the time and date as a screensaver. LED backlit screens couldnt really do that cos it would've taken huge amounts of battery due to the backlight.
I already turned off Flash from the browser, cos I realized that 99% of the time its just adverts I don't even wanna see. Don't get me wrong, I rather have to option than not have it, but the browsing becomes alot faster especially here on GSMarena since there are loads of flash ads. Maybe some sort of ad blocking app will come at some point (or may be it has it baseline but havnt had the time to check yet) so you can have flash on without having to waste it to the flash adverts.
- S
- Sunny
- Kht
- 30 Sep 2010
Wheez, 30 Sep 2010First message from my new N8! This thing is frigging amazin... moreCongrtts
Eagrly waiting for ur Full Review --- Minimum 20 mnts this time :D Showing all the features --- This will b my frst Nokia device so...
Starting from unboxing
- y
- yasir.pakistan
- j0c
- 30 Sep 2010
Wheez, 30 Sep 2010Wonder why one of my posts never showed up even if it said ... moreno bad news today.only good
- W
- Wheez
- xhq
- 30 Sep 2010
Wonder why one of my posts never showed up even if it said it was succesfully posted
- ?
- Anonymous
- fnJ
- 30 Sep 2010
10 Shipping Photos
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sa%
- 30 Sep 2010
how many days lasts the battery without charging ?
- y
- yasir.pakistan
- j0c
- 30 Sep 2010
Wheez, 30 Sep 2010First message from my new N8! This thing is frigging amazin... morewao man.that's great.accept my tell me all good things about it.which color u have?
- W
- Wheez
- xhq
- 30 Sep 2010
First message from my new N8! This thing is frigging amazing. Gotta get used to an on screen keyboard. The screen is so sensitive that it almost reads my mind!
- y
- yasir.pakistan
- j0c
- 30 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 30 Sep 2010yie im so excited :) ill be having my N8 just about 3-5 hou... moreaccept my greetings man.u r so lucky.have u get it?now.give it kiss for me