Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- M}n
- 28 Sep 2010
Savor, 28 Sep 2010So much hype and delay for this Nokia N8 which has OUTDATED... moreyou're very arrogant you know?you're comparing a mobile phone to a tablet so funny ha ha ha ha!!
- w
- who r u going 2 tru
- ACn
- 28 Sep 2010
n8info, 27 Sep 2010uk release date: 22nd october 2010.
source: 5 x nokia n8 t... morethere are now many unsubstantiated claims that the n8 will be delayed.
unless you see something in print or @ please report them!!!!
" i heard it from a reliable 8 month old baby is not good enough"
i am pretty sure nokia have a more reliable source to get this info out than word of mouth
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Yv
- 28 Sep 2010
- R
- R
- MVg
- 28 Sep 2010
v always had nokias and just recently got a bb bold and iv got the i phone 4 last nihgt because i was sick ov waiting for the n8 but im beging to regret my dicision. eveything on the i phone more or less you have to pay for through apple i think apple are con artist i wish the n8 hadnt been put back because i wud of got that. and i dont see the big thing about the 4 its not wot i expected. but the bb bold is amazing just wich it had more apps
- W
- Wheez
- nS$
- 28 Sep 2010
XTC, 28 Sep 2010Have anyone use the real n8? I wonder how fast it compared ... moreHere is a video (not by me) of the N8 I go to use nearly daily when I have time between lessons :D
It doesn't really lag or hang (has like 3-4 times more free RAM than the N97 plus writeable data paging), but compared to an iPhone it seems slower, but that is mainly due to the lack of transition effects and other "sleight of hand" effects that make it seem faster. Sure, it probably is a tad faster without any effects too, but the difference is most likely minimal. It just feels faster when you see something happen as opposed to "still screen and pop" style the N8 has.
If you end up watching other N8 videos, just a few heads ups. The home screen changing does not lag, it's the way its designed (not necessarily the best way) to change the homescreen after it has recieved the full command, so it doesnt follow the finger real time like you can see in the picture gallery for example. One thing was the lack of transitions that makes it seem slower. And another point is that somewhy the Nokia World 2010 show horrible N8s that are nothing like the 3 N8s I've used.
That same phone that is in the video has probably recieved a software patch somewhere between today and the video too, cos it seemed noticeably faster today than it did for example a week ago.
- A
- AT
- 014
- 28 Sep 2010
shayan, 28 Sep 2010NOKIA made the first GSM phone,first 2G and 3G phones firs... moreBravo... True... Nokia is the inventor of technology not the accessories... the accessory invention has been outsourced to the far east companies like Samsung, LG and HTC who need to come up with attractive stuff to sell their products... The truly neutral person will admit the contribution of Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola towards telecommunication not the companies those were making washing machines and refrigerators and just to be sheeps in the market they had to create a telecom device based on the other company's patents but with lots of cheap accessories...
- ?
- Anonymous
- JGa
- 28 Sep 2010
Other os are not better from symbian. Even old ones. Today is everything about user friendlynes. Except accelerometer i can do everything vith 3y old nokia that you can with desire.
- A
- AT
- 014
- 28 Sep 2010
Matt, 28 Sep 2010I've got the faintest idea that the Nokia N8 sales are goin... moreI totally agree with you... To hell with USA... sheeps like to stand in the line for icrap4... the biggest market for Nokia specially N8 is Asia then Europe. Americans only know to stand in line for so called cheap things like on the boxing day or icrap4... as to understand the worth of a thing you should have brain and anyone can guess if an american lady says "i dont have a cell phone but you can take my blackberry number" !@#$% ???? :)
- X
- kUW
- 28 Sep 2010
Have anyone use the real n8? I wonder how fast it compared to older symbian device. Any lag or memory full problem like n97?
- s
- shayan
- mg%
- 28 Sep 2010
NOKIA made the first GSM phone,first 2G and 3G phones
first camera phone and first megapixel and 5 megapixel
first phone with infrared,first WI-FI phone and first symbian and maemo phone probably first smart phone
just in 1GHZ cpu and 8 megapixel camera is not the first
- W
- Wheez
- nS$
- 28 Sep 2010
It's actually funny, I've never in my life seen a Blackberry, I don't even know if there are any stores in finland that sell them.
It's understandable though, since Nokia is from here so it has quite a strong stand here.
- W
- Wheez
- nS$
- 28 Sep 2010
Matt, 28 Sep 2010I've got the faintest idea that the Nokia N8 sales are goin... moreYeah, it's a shame that US people for some reason just have to dislike Nokia, and they mainly just dislike it blindly.
Like the iPhone 4, it's a great device in the aspects it's good in, but the things you actually can do with it compared to the N8 is laughable, the iPhone stands no chance.
Then again, theres lots of people in America, so theres people for every vagon. I'm sure there are a fair share of Nokia lovers too, but its still a fact that Nokia isnt that succesful in the US, but it is everywhere else.
The US people seem to think that they are the only market as well and think that Nokia is dying cos they dont see many Nokias on the streets. In these cases it's good to show them the charts where Symbian (Q2 2010) still had like 40% of smartphone markets compared to Apples 14% or so.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Itd
- 28 Sep 2010
Matt, 28 Sep 2010I've got the faintest idea that the Nokia N8 sales are goin... moreagree
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rbp
- 28 Sep 2010
Matt, 28 Sep 2010I've got the faintest idea that the Nokia N8 sales are goin... moreagree
- M
- Matt
- 28 Sep 2010
I've got the faintest idea that the Nokia N8 sales are going to be through the roof, surprising and blowing away everyone who said it was pure crap
I'm going to love that moment :-D
In India alone it will be a n°1 hit, and guess how many people live there? :D
who cares about people in the US hating Nokia... let them play with their iPhone thingies and leave the fans of actual smartphones alone
- A
- Athrune
- tWi
- 28 Sep 2010
People have been waiting so long for this unit. If nokia won't release this phone next month, people will go tired of waiting and lose interest over this it and will switch to other brands/unit instead.
- W
- Wheez
- Itd
- 28 Sep 2010
I Wheez too y not xD...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Itd
- 28 Sep 2010
[deleted post]Look at ur ip address man!!! on ur reply "battery" post
- W
- Wheez
- nS$
- 28 Sep 2010
waiting , 28 Sep 2010its been delayed til 22 oct in uk now
whats all that aboutDemand exceeding supply, if nothing else.
There has been some word going around about tweaking the software too for that time, which is an obvious thing cos they'll keep pushing updates for it, so with some luck, you may get a newer firmware and maybe even the new browser
- W
- Wheez
- Itd
- 28 Sep 2010
The baseline is that the battery is not removable.
But it is, the bottom cap will come off when you unscrew the two screws on both sides of the phone and the battery comes off too. However, this is very likely that it may void the warranty cos the screws are some special "torx" screws to my understanding and no screwdriver for that is included. Nokia/the manual also says that you should take it to a Nokia Care if you need the battery replaced for some reason.
However you have quite little reasons to have it removable. Even if the phone would hang, the power button has a hardcoded power cut off no matter how bad the hang is. Just like in computers/laptops, hold the power button for 6-8s and it will certainly go off no matter how bad its jammed.
Unless you are one of these people who like carrying spare batteries with you (does anyone really do that?), I see no reason to even need a removable batteries. For those special occasions there will be Nokia/3rd party accessories to help you, like some external battery pack thingies.
However, Nokia and me suggest that even if its removable, don't do it yourself, you may void your 2 year warranty (which wouldve done it to u for free)