Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • Dwane
  • m5H
  • 27 Sep 2010

Ryan , 27 Sep 2010Delayed now until 22November Well done to Nokia for ma... moreWhere is your source for it being delayed until November now?

    • g
    • gill
    • 2@d
    • 27 Sep 2010

    when actually its going to hit maaket ?

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • ux6
      • 27 Sep 2010

      sharaku, 27 Sep 2010well, september is the last month of q3, october means q4, ... moreIn fiscal terms, October is the start Q3, January is the start of Q4.

        • W
        • Wheez
        • nSS
        • 27 Sep 2010

        Ryan , 27 Sep 2010Delayed now until 22November Well done to Nokia for ma... moreThe rating has nothing to with reality anyways, people who like the phone vote 10 10 10 and the haters put 1 1 1. Not to mention 95% of the voters have probably never even seen the phone with their own eyes let alone used one.

        As for being outdated, well, its pretty even in benchmarks with other current phones so it's hardly outdated even in few months time. Mobile phones still arn't who gets the biggest specs in cos the battery life limits it so much.

        This is really no different from iPhone 4, for non-preorderers it was "delayed" several months before they could get one. Somehow though no one minds it in iPhones case but when it's N8 it's all "AMG NOKIA SUCKS!".

          • R
          • Ryan
          • 9yP
          • 27 Sep 2010

          Delayed now until 22November

          Well done to Nokia for making another fine mess of what could have been a good phone if it was release 9 months when it should have been.

          Average scores 7.7 tells you all you need to know about how people feel about Nokia with yet another disaster attempt to take back % of the market with an outdate phone

            • v
            • velu
            • PBH
            • 27 Sep 2010

            i had an interesting observation about the rating of N8 ;).

            when there where 1Lakh votes, rating where approximately 8.4 for all.
            But now after 1.11Lakh votes , rating is 7.7.

            total point count after 100000 votes = 840000
            total point count after 111197 votes = 856216

            Difference in votes for 11197 = 16216

            Effective rating given in the last 11197 votes = 1.44

            so clearly somebody is giving rating 1 for all regularly.

            ( I obserevd the same when rating came down to 8.6 from 9.2 )

              • D
              • Dwane
              • m5H
              • 27 Sep 2010

              Nuwan, 27 Sep 2010Dear Wheez, Thank you so much for your kind reply... Fir... moreI can see your reasons for preferring the C6-01 over the N8 as you will get a better screen.

              However you will lose the following:

              A thinner phone
              A bigger screen for web browsing etc
              The 16gb of internal storage
              A better camera (I know the c6-01 camera is still good)
              Threaded view sms (going off gsmarena spec sheet)
              FM transmitter
              Gorilla Glass
              Better battery

              I looked into this as you almost convinced me

                • W
                • Wheez
                • nSS
                • 27 Sep 2010

                I don't know the real reasons behind the delay plus it doesn't seem to be everywhere, Finnish customers still havnt received any email like that.

                But why do people always expect the worst? Why does this delay has to be lying instead of maybe them really finding something that they need/want to fix before releasing the product?

                  • s
                  • sharaku
                  • uNV
                  • 27 Sep 2010

                  Anonymous, 27 Sep 2010Who made the schedule..? you or Nokia..? Nokia clearly said... morewell, september is the last month of q3, october means q4, so yeah, stop making a fool of yourself. ^_^

                    • D
                    • Dwane
                    • m5H
                    • 27 Sep 2010

                    sharaku, 27 Sep 2010ive got some dumb questions guys, hope someone will answer ... moreYou won't need a plastic protector on your N8 as it has got Gorilla Glass so it will be very hard to scratch anyway.

                    Research gorilla glass in youtube to see how tough it is

                      • N
                      • Nuwan
                      • tev
                      • 27 Sep 2010

                      Wheez, 27 Sep 2010Thank you for your kind words, and what you describe there ... moreDear Wheez,

                      Thank you so much for your kind reply... First I was wondering why you were talking about a lack of SD slot because C6-01 and C7 both having one.. But later you've corrected that thing..

                      Actually I'm beginning to like C6-01 over N8 just because it's look.. First the build qualities of N8 and C6-01 are very different from each other but definitely they both have great built qualities... N8 has an aluminum casing while C6-01 has stain less steel finish (not only a frame... the videos show that the whole phone is stainless steel...) Only thing is, that steel has made C6-01 is heavier compared to its size...

                      One thing more brother... I've got 5530 myself and my sister uses 5800... Both mobiles have same resolution and colors... (Though there is a small color tone difference... 5800 colors are bit bluish while 5530 colors are bit yellowish) That's not the case... The difference between same 640 X 360 resolution on both mobiles is noticeable... In other words, 640 X 360 on 2.9 smaller screen (5530) looks very cool rather than it's on large 3.2 screen.. (5800) Specially my sister always complains the same photo looks very crisper on 5530 screen than her 5800 screen...! (and I have to agree with her... happily for sure...!)

                      N8 and C6-01 both have the same resolution.. But N8 has it on a bigger screen and C6-01 has it in a smaller screen... So I'm pretty sure what that means for me... C6-01 will definitely look better for me... (One thing more.. I don't need my mobile to have a huge display either... I hate apple phones just because they are big.. I just want a mobile which can only be operated by my thumb... Only that.. Not both hands...)

                      and what you said about NCB display makes me very happy now... Because I'm from Sri Lanka which is a tropical country located directly under sun... We face huge problems in viewing our touch screen displays at noon... I always had to cover the screen by my palm or go to a shelter in order to see the things..! So Nokia clear black display definitely will bring me a big hope now...!

                      Note: actually in one blog I saw a comparison of screens of N8 and C6-01 just to illustrate the difference in Nokia clear black display.. and that was very very noticeable... It's not just an amoled screen I'm afraid... It's almost same like so called Samsung Super Amoled and may be even better... (Some people have argued that NCBD is better than Apple's Retina even...)

                      After all C6-01's length and width dimensions are perfect... Though I hate about the thickness..! Come on Nokia... You've placed just a 1050 mah battery but still couldn't make the phone thinner than that..? (That's just ridiculous...!)

                      After reading your comments and all, I'm now dreaming about C6-01... However one thing more to come... Music Quality... I have to wait until GSMarena does their Music Quality tests and give us the graphs to compare...

                      Thank you again my friend... We'll see each other in this forum often... I suppose... Keep in touch brother..

                        • D
                        • Dwane
                        • m5H
                        • 27 Sep 2010

                        Anonymous, 27 Sep 2010Who made the schedule..? you or Nokia..? Nokia clearly said... moreActually End of September is the limit to meet the 3rd quarter of 2010 schedule

                          • P
                          • Pradeep
                          • 2Zd
                          • 27 Sep 2010

                          It is truly big thnk for
                          me it....
                          Just imagin there "mass data storaging" capacity...
                          It can store in his memory up to 48gb
                          Itz nt over bt think about itz 'OTG'
                          then u can find the the pandrives can store more than 48gb
                          then (48+morethan48 =UNDEFIND)
                          so u can cary hole pc storage in damn small think in itz weigt is Gram...
                          So u can easly fit this things in ur pocketz
                          (N8 mobil compu. + OTG cable + small pandrive)
                          itz too damn good think cant do any other SHIT componys...
                          Nokia is best nokia forever... :)

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • uEy
                            • 27 Sep 2010

                            Ankur, 27 Sep 2010Nokia N8 is delayed by 3 weeks. I would not have had any pr... moreWho made the schedule..? you or Nokia..? Nokia clearly said it will be released third quarter 2010, never said by end of September. Stop make a fool of your self ok.

                              • s
                              • sharaku
                              • uNV
                              • 27 Sep 2010

                              well, to be honest, im a bit worried about nokia new pr strategy. take the htc event. That was aggressuve. might get a few "yeah, show them whos boss, nokia" cheers from morons, but thats not the finnish attitude we expect from nokia. Now they are technically lying to customers. Maybe they hired a steve wannabe to replace annski.

                                • A
                                • Ankur
                                • utr
                                • 27 Sep 2010

                                Nokia N8 is delayed by 3 weeks. I would not have had any problem had Nokia relieved the truth. But they said that its on schedule. A company which can lie now can do it again after we buy the phones. If it turns out to be true that the N8 is delayed than I would not buy a Nokia phone for at least 10 years. Nokia lover please reply to me by saying ' go to ish*t or Samsung forum' because ultimately you will end up saying this to every one and that is what I want now.

                                  • H
                                  • HYDR ALANI
                                  • nXE
                                  • 27 Sep 2010

                                  hi all how is every think
                                  it is a great phone

                                    • R
                                    • Raad
                                    • NHd
                                    • 27 Sep 2010

                                    Hey guys, just a small questions. One of the reasons I want to get the N8 is that I want to read e-books through it. Do u think that a 3.5" screen is sufficient for comfortable reading? I had a N95-8GB which had a 2.8" screen and it was uncomfortable reading ebooks cuz I had to scroll left and right all the time if I wanted the text to be readable.
                                    btw the announced release date in Ukraine is 4th of October by an authorized Nokia dealer!

                                      • s
                                      • sharaku
                                      • uNV
                                      • 27 Sep 2010

                                      ive got some dumb questions guys, hope someone will answer them. First, will the n8 run all the apps ive downloaded for my 5800(s^1)? I know it has avkon library , but doesnt the single tap procedure mean app ui needs to be modified? Will all the apps require a qt rewrite? Or will they run from day1?
                                      Second, if the battery is non removable, how will the forced reboot fairy save my hanged phone? Is there some hardcoded procedure for that?
                                      Third, is it true it doesnt have stereo speakers? Might be a deal breaker for me.
                                      Last dumb question, i use a transparent plastic sticker thingy to protect my 5800's display, the sensitivity of the screen takes a hit, fair trade for a unscratched screen. But the n8 has capacitive screen, wont plastic covers block the eletricity from my hands?
                                      These are only nags i have about this handset. Apple is cool, android is hip, but symbian and nokia are reliable, and thats what matters to me.