Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • h
  • hayato
  • t7X
  • 13 Sep 2010

Duel, 13 Sep 2010 "but n8's video of asphalt 4 last on my brain for suc... moreI guess you're right, and it looks like you know more about mobile games than me, i didn't notice that the first time i watched. I just play games for fun and didn't take it seriously, now you point out the difference i can clearly see it. But still, i guess it's too late for me to turn back, i already planned what to do with n8 when i get mine and i have so much fun just imagining. Haha, i hope n8's final version will improve in terms of gaming.

    • W
    • Wheez
    • nS$
    • 13 Sep 2010

    [deleted post]That's one thing I've always said about this device. It's maybe abit more for grown ups, the free navigation for example, how many pre-teens need that?

    When people ask here whether they should get N8 or iPhone, I often tell them to think what they need, if they wanna play games and goof around with applications, iPhone hands down, if you value other functional features like USB OTG, bluetooth3, free navigation, good camera etc, get the N8.

    That's the beauty of this too, diversity, get what suits you the best. For me, the N8 is the best balanced device for my needs I could get for the money.

      • t
      • the FACTS
      • 9D@
      • 13 Sep 2010

      Wheez, 12 Sep 2010It's only 680Mhz, yes, but the N8 has a dedicated GPU that ... morewell maybe the N8 might beat the Samsung galaxy s at 1ghs speed with N8 specs but the smoothness and profit wise will never beat iphone 4 and samsng galaxy s wise... hows them apple now huh!! ...

        • W
        • Wheez
        • nS$
        • 13 Sep 2010

        Duel, 13 Sep 2010 "but n8's video of asphalt 4 last on my brain for suc... moreI'm excited about the GPU for running the OS more than running games, cos I won't be playing games on my phone myself :D

          • S
          • Sunny
          • 9Cn
          • 13 Sep 2010

          Peter, 13 Sep 2010Exactly.And one more thing after using Samsung Jet [Supposed to be a super fast phone] for 1 year I will never buy another samsung --- Horrible exprnc

            • D
            • Duel
            • niD
            • 13 Sep 2010

            hayato, 13 Sep 2010I forgot. It's been a long time since i do my research. And... more "but n8's video of asphalt 4 last on my brain for such a long time. Maybe it's my first impression on the work"

            did i get this right, you say N8 performance with apshalt looked good? and did you mean asphalt5?


            you say this runs smooth? actually thats very laggy, i know someone could think it runs fast, because they made the video faster than its really is to make the game feel fast car game.

            but if you watch that, there is very slow frame there and there. I really wait to see that game on last version, but what iv seen the same game couple of times on N8 its not run near as good as other platforms.

            so its interesting why so many keep saying n8 has amazing gpu, if it is it should run games and couple of day old video of nfs shift game didn't run smoothly either

              • P
              • Peter
              • iFr
              • 13 Sep 2010

              Anonymous, 13 Sep 2010plus add to that handicapped features of galaxy and iphone ... moreExactly.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • naX
                • 13 Sep 2010

                Anonymous, 13 Sep 2010Yaa trueplus add to that handicapped features of galaxy and iphone then we get balanced result :)

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 9Cn
                  • 13 Sep 2010

                  AMANITA, 13 Sep 2010N8 can never be as fast as iphone or galaxy but Itz a faste... moreYaa true

                    • M
                    • Me
                    • kUW
                    • 13 Sep 2010

                    Anonymous, 13 Sep 2010I think symbian hav ugly UI but hav AMAZING feature and f... moreSame here,feature is best. I dont care with ui.

                      • h
                      • hayato
                      • t7X
                      • 13 Sep 2010

                      hayato, 13 Sep 2010I forgot. It's been a long time since i do my research. And... moreoops, sorry it's asphalt 5 what i mean.

                      Ok, galaxy s is good, but even if i decided right now that i like it and want it, it will never be released on my country. Sorry. And it doesn't have 12mp too so i can't be deciding that way, i'm already in love with n8's camera.

                        • A
                        • AMANITA
                        • s8f
                        • 13 Sep 2010

                        N8 can never be as fast as iphone or galaxy but Itz a faster symbian phone ! Only the games,editors are the tasks where it is slow ! Browsing photos is superfast !

                          • h
                          • hayato
                          • t7X
                          • 13 Sep 2010

                          Duel, 13 Sep 2010"tried n8 nor iphone or galaxy. But after doing some r... moreI forgot. It's been a long time since i do my research. And i don't watch galaxy s videos too, since it i think it will never be released on my country, therefore leaving my list too soon. I watch videos of wave and iphone 4 however, they look fantastic but n8's video of asphalt 4 last on my brain for such a long time. Maybe it's my first impression on the work. Let me check the videos once again to refresh my mind. About the need for speed shift video, i watched that video yesterday since one of you posted it in here. The loading problem didn't irritate me that much. As long as the game can be played smoothly with realistic graphics, it's ok for me.

                            • W
                            • Wheez
                            • nS$
                            • 13 Sep 2010

                            shahid, 13 Sep 2010I am not biased in my discussion I have never said n8 is no... moreYou have to give us reasons, not just "it's better", cos that doesnt tell anything. So it's not facts until you tell us the facts.

                            Also, are you comparing them to old Symbians or to really Symbian^3?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Kxc
                              • 13 Sep 2010

                              I think symbian hav ugly UI but hav AMAZING
                              feature and functional make me always choose symbian over other OS

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Kxc
                                • 13 Sep 2010

                                I think symbian hav ugly UI but hav AMAZING
                                feature and functional make me always choose symbian over other OS

                                  • s
                                  • shahid
                                  • mTZ
                                  • 13 Sep 2010

                                  hayato, 13 Sep 2010You are a satisfied customer. But that's not an excuse to s... moreI am not biased in my discussion I have never said n8 is not good even I also like n8 and I am also willing to purchase it but this time top 10 mobile in which n8 is also coming top 10 but compared to iphone and galaxy in terms of software no way near dear these is the truth no personal suggestions these are the facts

                                  U plz tell in aspect of software hardware and software how n8 is better than iphone 4g and galaxy other than the cheap plastic body of galaxy

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • K6n
                                    • 13 Sep 2010

                                    Duel, 13 Sep 2010"tried n8 nor iphone or galaxy. But after doing some r... moresamsung sucks
                                    i don't buy it for 1 cent

                                      • W
                                      • Wheez
                                      • nS$
                                      • 13 Sep 2010

                                      Duel, 13 Sep 2010"tried n8 nor iphone or galaxy. But after doing some r... moreI'm 95% sure the video and picture editor laggyness is the software, not the hardware or the OS. Everything else runs with like 60 FPS on the N8, but then when u open either picture or video editor before even doing anything, just being in the many is hell of a struggle. That can't be explained with the phone IMO, I'd say the edit software is badly optimized for the phone, cos there's nothing that requires good specs in the menu, yet it has like 10 FPS.

                                      You are right, the GPU can't do everything and its true that when ur at the point where the GPU cant be utilized, the 1Ghz CPU will probably win in like loading times as you mentioned. The game itself should run as well/better with a dedicated GPU.

                                      As said, it's about balance. Android phones don't know how to use the SoC integrated graphics to render the UI, iPhone 4 can and Symbian^3 can (although its not integrated but dedicated) so in everyday use and apart from some very heavy applications, I'd say the balance of the N8 is better. Most of the time I do not play games on my phone or edit videos, but just the every day use.

                                      Flash heavy sites will lag on any current smartphone, the default web browser gives different opinions. Few sites have been praising it and saying that they downloaded Opera but never ended up using it cos the default was so good, some say its crappy and laggy (could be earlier versions?), nevertheless they are redoing the browser with Qt that should make it quite abit better, but that won't make it into the retail box, so maybe later this year.

                                        • P
                                        • Peter
                                        • iFr
                                        • 13 Sep 2010

                                        Duel, 13 Sep 2010"tried n8 nor iphone or galaxy. But after doing some r... morewe don't care, in the future there will be N9

                                        so, N8 is the best "full features" phone to have now.