Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- txj
- 08 Sep 2010
Alright, let say Symbian OS is lighter comparing with others, no offense but why Nokia failed with N97?
- D
- Daveo_UK
- BwW
- 08 Sep 2010
Looks the mutts nuts, as did the Samsung Galaxy S, the N97 etc before hand but be what may it's not an iPhone. You want something that keeps giving get the iPhone.
- J
- JamesBronX
- wrp
- 08 Sep 2010
iphone killer! yeah!
- Q
- Questions.
- mh}
- 08 Sep 2010
When you compare this phone to the iPhone 4 please do remember that this as only almost half of the iPhone 4 price.
- B
- Bravesoul
- ps4
- 08 Sep 2010
This Nokia Phone is so freaking sexy.
I have reserved one since July. Awaiting it's arrival.
I just hope it's not gonna disapoint the Nokia fans, (like me).
- J
- Jay
- n7}
- 08 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 08 Sep 2010still symbian OS? and 680 mhz only?? waste of money.Symbian is a lighter OS compared to Android and IOS, so 680 is good.
But maybe youc an overclock it because this Cpu can run over 1Ghz+
- ?
- Anonymous
- s89
- 08 Sep 2010
Samsung announces new dual core mobile processors wow wow wow wow what a acheivement totally is really crazy .they are totally change the mobile world.hats
- ?
- Anonymous
- t75
- 08 Sep 2010
still symbian OS? and 680 mhz only?? waste of money.
- m
- malik
- mix
- 08 Sep 2010
woow... so happy for nokia. after all the bad publicity.. they come out with the most balanced phone on the market.. Kudos.. sure my next phone
- W
- Wheez
- nSR
- 08 Sep 2010
Miroe, 08 Sep 2010Good job nokia!! I suGgst this phone to evry1. . .but does ... moreif you compare features, the iphone looks like a kids toy. However if you dont need most of those features and instead u like apps and games and want a trendy phone, then the iphone is maybe better for you. Most will find menus etc nicer and smoother, but as said: n8 for features and functionality, iphone for looks and apps :D personally though i think n8s design looks alot better
- M
- Miroe
- tui
- 08 Sep 2010
Good job nokia!! I suGgst this phone to evry1. . .but does it can beat iphone??
- J
- Jay
- n7}
- 08 Sep 2010
Matt, 08 Sep 2010Jay, where do you get that from??? price in Netherlands is... moreYes price is 479 but if you use the Nokia Promotioncode it is 431 Euro. But you can only pay with creditcard.
- M
- Matt
- 08 Sep 2010
Jay, 08 Sep 2010Available from 30 of sept for 431 euro's in Netherlands.Jay, where do you get that from???
price in Netherlands is still 479 and delivery "end of September"
- ?
- Anonymous
- YT5
- 08 Sep 2010
Those whho ask for android in nokia phone
i guess the reasons are
1.they want nokia to make android version of free ovi offline maps
2.easier to find nokia customers center
3. Nokia firmware update mindblowing hardware spec and well balanced feature phone
5.the cheaper nokia phone
I advise them do not hold your breath
- p
- prat
- PB8
- 08 Sep 2010
jaf, 08 Sep 2010it has excellent features but cost around 22000/-Rs.This looks amazing phone ,but the question will it match with a big os giant Android phones ?
- j
- jaf
- 08 Sep 2010
it has excellent features but cost around 22000/-Rs.
- M
- Mark
- tew
- 08 Sep 2010
The Best phone ever For 2010.. Cant w8 till it releases.. This is my next phone.. I feel Srry f Iphone lovers.. Iphone Fans Dnt try to campare this awesome phone.. Nokia Rocks F Ever..
- r
- rk
- 4A$
- 08 Sep 2010
i work for a cellphone company and a nokia rep came by and was nice enough to show a prototype. it was really nice, physically, that is. I wasn't able to play around with the phone too much as he wasn't even supposed to show it around :p
- B
- Becool
- 3sE
- 08 Sep 2010
Nokia N8 Pre-Orders / Booking start in Chennai , India release soon ~ Latest Gadgets News
The Nokia N8 Dummies have started to hit Nokia Priority stores in atleast Chennai, India.� The above photo is a proof of that. Booking has reportedly started and...