Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • Ke1
  • 26 Aug 2010

Dont know why, we have seen n9 e7 c7 leaked photos, butnokia still not announce it yet, n8 still not ion the market

and it is now the end of q3

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Ke1
    • 26 Aug 2010

    Dont know why, we have seen n9 e7 c7 leaked photos, butnokia still not announce it yet, n8 still not ion the market

    and it is now the end of q3

      • J
      • Joseph
      • K1A
      • 26 Aug 2010

      [deleted post]did N8 got wifi ???

        • G
        • Gandra
        • JK$
        • 26 Aug 2010

        Wheez, 26 Aug 2010I did write a couple of wall of texts few pages back. On... moreThanks for fast reply.You make me sad because everything looks nice but my current phone is E71 and battery life is amazing (it always lasts about 4 days) so that can be reason to decide not to buy N8

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • vIb
          • 26 Aug 2010

          takchuk, 26 Aug 2010why it dos not have a WIFI for N8. Any reason?????????????... moreIt does have wifi.

            • t
            • takchuk
            • k2m
            • 26 Aug 2010

            why it dos not have a WIFI for N8. Any reason?????????????????????? Please explain?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 4mD
              • 26 Aug 2010

              how bright is the torch on the nokia n8 is it good enough to record video at night

                • W
                • Wheez
                • niB
                • 26 Aug 2010

                Gandra, 26 Aug 2010Does anyone have this phone to write his experience from fi... moreI did write a couple of wall of texts few pages back.

                One hand usability was just fine, naturally pinch to zoom is pretty hard to execute then, but I'm not sure, I think in some places using the volume buttons can be used to zoom or then there are buttons for that on the screen as well.

                About battery life can't tell much, cos it was qutie a short time to test that more than that. I'd figure cos it hasn't at least been mentioned by any of the prototype previewers that it's at least long enough to not be a liability. Probably not the greatest either, cos it hasnt gotten any "OMGS SUPER BATTERY LIFE". Something i've been trying to find out too, but found nothing, really..

                But sadly no actual LONG time experience :/

                  • G
                  • Gandra
                  • JK$
                  • 26 Aug 2010

                  Does anyone have this phone to write his experience from first hand (usability, one hand handling, battery life...)?

                    • J
                    • Jay
                    • n7}
                    • 26 Aug 2010

                    Nuwan, 26 Aug 2010Dear THE FACTS, I am just wondering whether others hate ... moreNuff said Big Up, Crapple fanboys are stupid.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 9xH
                      • 26 Aug 2010

                      The workforce of Nokia+ Dynamics and Adaptability of Android + the mouth of Steve Jobs = best smart phone company of the world

                        • A
                        • AMANITA
                        • s8f
                        • 26 Aug 2010

                        husi, 26 Aug 2010I hear somebody say it doesn't have the AMOLED screen :/ (s... moreItz amoled ! Dont read their useless posts,they r just jealous of N8 !

                          • A
                          • AMANITA
                          • s8f
                          • 26 Aug 2010

                          Anonymous, 26 Aug 2010y u will buy this kind of phone.. if there is other alterna... moreWhat alternative ? Wherez the phone having 12mp xenon+16gb inbuild+vivid colourz+gorilla glass+usb otg+blth3+HDMI......
                          Itz just N8 and it worth waiting !

                            • h
                            • husi
                            • 2Zj
                            • 26 Aug 2010

                            I hear somebody say it doesn't have the AMOLED screen :/ (somebody who has already got his hands on)
                            Is it true?
                            I currently have nokia n85, and m very happy with its screen..but Im looking for a better screen in my update (n8), would it be? Is it atleast AMOLED?

                              • N
                              • Nuwan
                              • tev
                              • 26 Aug 2010

                              THe FACTS, 26 Aug 2010sorrie bro but you seen to be lost ... let me reroute you .... moreDear THE FACTS,

                              I am just wondering whether others hate i-phone or i-phone fantasy boys are too exited with it...! and I'm just wondering what are they doing here in N8 forum...? Because our friend 'The Fact' really doesn't have so called 'Facts'...! He's just telling 'i-phone is the best smart phone for now and nothing else can beat it..' which is very funny...!

                              Once I met a guy just like you who was using an i-phone (3GS) and he also was exaggerating its capabilities... When I asked you to show me some apps then you know what he did...? He opened an application for me, which has a dog's head and which will reply you when I'm talking to it..! and surprisingly my friend has been so much fascinated by this silly application..! I couldn't stop laughing by knowing this silly little man's example of 'how to show the smart phone capabilities of i-phone 3GS...!'

                              So I had to show what were my facts of proving that Nokia 5530 which I'm currently using is a smart phone...

                              ** I can connect to my company network and edit office files there.. exchange files... and the Network has a shared folder in my phone's memory card..
                              ** I can go to internet while listening to Music & while having oxford dictionary opened at the background... in the mean time real time anti virus program, real time tune up program and task manager program (all are 3rd party applications) are running at the background..

                              So that's called a smart phone... So many people call i-phone to be a smart phone but it could hardly achieve multi tasking very recently... (That's even not real multi tasking..!) Just because apple has brought them a fancy animations and transition effects... with stupid, silly bunch of applications... Would that made i-phone a smart phone...? Very funny...

                              This reply is for every i-phone fan boys here.. Just grow up men... You're making us laugh and making this forum a big comedy hall...!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Mfx
                                • 26 Aug 2010

                                nbuggell, 26 Aug 2010this is such a nice one, i will gonna buy it! Next month.y u will buy this kind of phone.. if there is other alternative ...

                                  • J
                                  • Jay
                                  • n7}
                                  • 26 Aug 2010

                                  N8 hits the stores in the Netherlands for 479 euro's and will be delivered end of September.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • inE
                                    • 26 Aug 2010

                                    Anonymous, 26 Aug 2010nokia n900 is still the best for web browsing. are you guys getting out and looking other smartphone options. How could Nokia N900 be the best. you probably only person have one. by just looking at the tickles of this phone and all Nokia N series phone why would you buy Nokia? Battery Life?

                                    Nokia Love you to buy N900 to finish stock. They no make it no more it was a failure. Nokia has almost no market share in Smartphone market.

                                      • M
                                      • Matt
                                      • MAV
                                      • 26 Aug 2010

                                      the FACTS, 26 Aug 2010which smartphone make the most $$$ = the KING OF all Smartp... moreOw, not true then. The NOKIA 1100 was sold about 200 miljon times so that is the best phone ever!

                                      what kind of reasoning do you have you iPhone junkie?
                                      I bet the BMW M5 did not sell as much as a Renault Mégane... but which do you think is the better car?

                                      The iPhone IS a very very good phone, but it's NOT a SMARTPHONE. Its just a device you can install apps on. The limitations of accessing memory, needing to sync EVERYTHING with iTunes, and the list goes on and on and on... I mean come on, I just want to put pictures on my phone by copy pasting them so I can connect my phone to a pc (OR USB STICK :D) to extract the files if I need them

                                      The N8 is the most complete smartphone ever. It does EVERYTHING you can think of on a high end smartphone. Sure it hasn't got the interface that turns iPhone fanatics into wood but it does everything fast with no lag, just as it is supposed to be on a smartphone.