Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibq
- 02 Aug 2010
Mike, 02 Aug 2010Hi AMANITA, Iam not sure where our friend got 499 Euro but ... moreI visited Amazon link given by you shocked to see 482 Euro . Why they are making it so expensive ? . I am Not happy with the price. Sad Nokian.
- F
- Fatty
- b$i
- 02 Aug 2010
Aditya, 02 Aug 2010Hey Guyz ! I'm a resident of India. I am about to buy a pho... more@ Adiya, do not compare Blackberry Bold and Nokia N8 as they both are different segments. Nokia N8 is a touch bar comes with more features where Blackberry bold is a messenger.
have your self compared and decide which is suites your requirement.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 04S
- 02 Aug 2010
mysterio, 02 Aug 2010just got to nokia singapore.they said 2 version of nokia n8... moreHahah official specifications are already announced .... so no changes
- ?
- Anonymous
- YQq
- 02 Aug 2010
mysterio, 02 Aug 2010just got to nokia singapore.they said 2 version of nokia n8... moreYour source trustworthy one or not?
- M
- Mike
- ibq
- 02 Aug 2010
AMANITA, 02 Aug 2010Show me the link where nokia officially announced itz prize... moreHi AMANITA, Iam not sure where our friend got 499 Euro but in Amazon Germany site the Pre order rate is 482 Euro.
Please check the link below
Sorry if I have wrongly understood. If so Enlighten me. Thanks
- m
- mysterio
- 02 Aug 2010
just got to nokia singapore.they said 2 version of nokia n8 will be released.the second edition will be to replace the n900.the spec is also will coe onboard with symbian 3.but will be upgradeable to symbian 4.processor will be tiomap 720mhz.ram is 512mb and battery is 1500mah.but bill in memory is just 8gb.other specs are the same.
- r
- r 3 b 3 l
- Mty
- 02 Aug 2010
lala land, 01 Aug 2010Hmmmm....Who Thinks The Nokia N8 is going to kill the iphone 4?No symbian or android smartphone can kill the iphone cuz the iphone is not a smartphone. If nokia really wanted to kill it, what they need do is release a touch screen s40 running mobile. Or some single slide super dumb version of meego. Isheep are generally too dumb to comprehend a decent smartphone.
- b
- ben
- skJ
- 02 Aug 2010
haha still waiting? :D
- A
- upf
- 02 Aug 2010
Anonymous, 02 Aug 2010OMG !! nokia n8 is now 499 EUR !!!!Show me the link where nokia officially announced itz prize 499 euro !
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibg
- 02 Aug 2010
Engineer Man, 02 Aug 2010The N8 is only one of Nokia's new 2010 Mid-range devices. W... moreyou call it mid-range smart phone with such a high price tag? 499 euro!!!! you must be kidding me.if this consider mid range smartphone, it shouldn't be that expensive..crazy nokia..i'll opt for other option if you sell it so expensive...crabbbb
- R
- Rational Human
- 02 Aug 2010
Engineer Man, 02 Aug 2010The N8 is only one of Nokia's new 2010 Mid-range devices. W... moreBut sadly ur mid-end device is as expensive as the currently best high end device(SGS). So i doubt many ppl will buy it...
- Z
- uWx
- 02 Aug 2010
Aditya, 02 Aug 2010Hey Guyz ! I'm a resident of India. I am about to buy a pho... morei think u shd hv to wait for nokia N8.
- p
- phones fan
- fwM
- 02 Aug 2010
Nuwan, 02 Aug 2010Dear Wave,
Yeah.. as you said, Samsung Wave has a stunni... morewe all waited for the n97 and n900 ,after so much promotions from nokia and some of blind fanboys but the n97 was a complete failure for me and for many people who were waiting a competitor phone from nokia in the top smart phones market,even the mini did not perform better,and for n900 after a lot of promotions they came with unfinished os which can not be finished (meamo),resistive screen,only landscape mode...etc ,and you know what is worst is that some of du*mp fans call the n900 mini computer because it supports flash and flash games!!!!!they want to compete with the iphone games with flash games.
so this time i am not going to be fo*oled by nokia because i have many doubts about symbian 3 performance ,especially that all the videos in youtube are presented by nokia or its promoters,no independent testers unlike the samsung wave which was wondering from blog to another since the first time it was announced .
and finally in my country it is very common to have 2 sim cards so samsung D980 is still in the market even before nokia 5800 also omnia i900 is still in the market,but do not forget that samsung every now and then comes with new phone with new features as result 2008 models are becoming outdated in samsung scale but still new in nokia scale and ever newer for htc.
- A
- Aditya
- vG2
- 02 Aug 2010
Hey Guyz ! I'm a resident of India. I am about to buy a phone around 25k mark. I'm confused between Blackberry Bold 9700 / Nokia N900 / Nokia N8. Please suggest me a good phone and please let me know that when will N8 launch in India and what will be it's price ? Should I wait for Nokia N8 or should I go for Nokia N900 or Blackberry Bold 9700 ? I expect a worthy suggestion from you guyz.
Thank You.
Aditya sharma
- ?
- Anonymous
- iDm
- 02 Aug 2010
OMG !!
nokia n8 is now 499 EUR !!!!
- s
- sany
- Pxx
- 02 Aug 2010
it's a nic phone
- E
- Engineer Man
- n5Q
- 02 Aug 2010
The N8 is only one of Nokia's new 2010 Mid-range devices. We have yet to wait for what comes next. The N9 for instance may have Meego, maybe S^4. I have no idea what stages Meego is in. Meanwhile the N8 offers surprising amount of Quality engineering for a new mid-range device & sets the standards higher for other mobile manufacturers to follow.
The N8 is made out a stylish one piece sheet of alumiium which is dyed into 5 different colours. There will be ratio 5:5:2:2:2. Black, silver, orange, green, blue. This is from what I've heard from the Nokia CEO who posted on this very thread apparently.
The only department samsung are ahead in are SAMOLED, screen resolution. However for a 3.5" screen & a resolution of 640x360, this matches hte exact specification for the 16:9 standard perfectly, no upscaling needed & everything incl videos will look perfect anyway. 800x480 may be better for closer viewing but more battery drain for GPU, CPU. Web browsing becomes natively problematic with 80x480 unless you are using 4.0" or more.
Samsung aren't neccesarily employing quality engineering in their handset products, although of recent they seem to be bettering quality. But the handset are built into cheap plastic enclosures. I eman they can afford it like nokia to put decen GPRS, EDGE modems in their aswell as metal casing. Samsung need to do this. Their newer handsets will have SAMOLED with PPI pixel density smaller than Iphone 4 with 1280x720 pixel screens. But the technology inside such as GPRS/EDGE needs to be higher class like Nokia, also some quality metal case phones would be nice to see to compete with Nokia.
The only department Nokia are behind in is Screen type, resolution only. Everything else in their is of a higher technology standard, this is so with the N8- anyway. If I have any gripse with S^3 it will be that they add copy & paste to the web browser, good flash support (which they have)some more functionality such as tabbed browsing, new page functions. This is my only gripe though.
- v
- venkat
- Trm
- 02 Aug 2010
Please provide the option to strore secret information with the correct password.this feature is laking in nokia.
- A
- Adam
- uCj
- 02 Aug 2010
Nokia best and useful application
Plus so many application from iphone and android with QT come to your nokia phone...and this surely a great application from Nokia
And see this UI preview video from great Nokia N8
Nokia speaker test -smarts/
Hope this useful
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7y
- 02 Aug 2010
New Waver, 02 Aug 2010To everyone. I have used many many symbian devices (from... moresymbian^3???