Nokia N8
- p
- pooper
- w4D
- 01 Aug 2010
Adam, 01 Aug 2010Nokia best and useful application morehow can you say that its smooth? It takes one full second to flick to the next homescreen.
Flicking through the pictures in your gallery is smooth. Though pinch and zooming is not.
It took a moment before the movie started after he pressed on it. Fast forwarding was instantly. The movie app crashed when he was rotating the device.
scrolling through facebook was laggy. browsing and multitasking was smooth. but again pinch and zooming was not.
Overal a 6/10 where anroid and ios would get 10/10 for being smooth, stable and fast
- J
- Jade
- nbE
- 01 Aug 2010
U hape Nokia will improve the UI of the Virtual Keyboard....
it looks not very ergonomic
- A
- Adam
- uC3
- 01 Aug 2010
Nokia best and useful application
plus so many application from iphone and android with QT come to your nokia phone... This surely a great application from Nokia
And see this video from great Nokia N8 running smooth
Nokia speaker test
Hope this useful
- ?
- Anonymous
- PUm
- 01 Aug 2010
phones fan, 01 Aug 2010the samsung galaxy s is built of good quality plastic to gi... moreSamsung just re-designed Iphone 3GS and add in a little more goodies and call it Galaxy S.
No innovation at all.
N8 is way ahead of Galaxy S.
We are only interested in N8.
- A
- Adam
- uC3
- 01 Aug 2010
Nokia best and useful application
plus so many application from iphone and android with QT come to your nokia phone... This surely a great application from Nokia
And see this video from great Nokia N8 running smooth
- p
- phones fan
- fwM
- 01 Aug 2010
Mark, 01 Aug 2010The only thing Amazing about the galaxy s, is how Samsung m... morethe samsung galaxy s is built of good quality plastic to give it the light wight it has (only 119 gm compared to 135 gm of the n8)and samsung does not think people are du**mb or else it would equipped its phones with a low resolution screens (360x640)and call it nHD!!!!!!
or would equipped its phones with 256 of ram and 680 MHz
processor and then says the OS can work with lower specifications than the others with the same performance(as if the people never met their OS)
and you should thank samsung for the old amoled screens and the new unbeatable super amoled screens .
if any one likes to watch movies on his phone but does not like samsung ,i advice him to ware black glasses before looking to a super amoled screen,because that will hurt .
- N
- Niraj
- Y}y
- 01 Aug 2010
mahall1988, 01 Aug 2010Did anyone else notice the specs say edge and gprs are clas... moreMore gprs class means more fast.. I have checked in Tata Docomo network Gprs class 32 is almost twice faster than Gprs class 10. Class 33 will provide even fast Gprs/EDGE data speed.
- m
- mahall1988
- pJS
- 01 Aug 2010
Did anyone else notice the specs say edge and gprs are class 33. does anyone know what that means
- m
- mk
- Y}x
- 01 Aug 2010
Our forum is the world's most popular forum.
Huge numbers of lovers and haters. 58% of haters are wavers,22% are galaxers ,14% are I-users and remaining 6% for others. Thanks all of u people for making this happens. And lastly we lovers hate wavers most.
- S
- Samuel
- wdJ
- 01 Aug 2010
Mark, 01 Aug 2010The only thing Amazing about the galaxy s, is how Samsung m... moreDude.. What am I talking about and what are you talking about.
My post comments on the amazing user experience and fluent pinch zoom in and out browsing capability of the samsung.
You may google the videos reflecting the above mentioned fact and compare the same with Nokia N8.
If you can't relate to my post, then rather don't reply. Thanks.
- N
- Niraj
- Y}x
- 01 Aug 2010
Niraj, 01 Aug 2010Many people here complaining for display resolution in N8..... moreOops sorry.. You cant find any difference between 200ppi and '200+ppi' with naked eyes. You can check yourself..
- a
- akash from nepal
- u10
- 01 Aug 2010
just buyed andriod 2.1 and i didn't like to wait nokia n8 lol c7 is cheap
- s
- sanraz
- TL5
- 01 Aug 2010
MArk, 01 Aug 2010The X6 has plastic components, I wish it did not. But, it i... moremark i really liked ur comment bout samsung.. small fry in big waters tryin to make it big by launching highend experiment wid jet.. smarter than smartphone
- N
- Niraj
- Y}x
- 01 Aug 2010
Niraj, 01 Aug 2010Many people here complaining for display resolution in N8..... moreNokia 6300 has 196ppi.
- N
- Niraj
- Y}x
- 01 Aug 2010
Many people here complaining for display resolution in N8.. I have X6 and Nokia 7210, according to this list x6 has 231ppi, while 7210 ( it has the same display as good old 6300), but while operating I dont find any difference between them. Since N8 has 209 ppi (same as N97), So it is just fine. Honestly you cant tell differenciete between 200ppi and 200ppi in normal condition. Check yourself..
- R
- Rehan
- upY
- 01 Aug 2010
safina, 01 Aug 2010thankx.............No problem...anytime :-)
- A
- upe
- 01 Aug 2010
sanraz, 01 Aug 2010hi guys im a hard core nokia fan and iphone hater i m using... moreMe too waiting for N8 ! I need a new phone & I know itz the only phone which can satisfy me :)
- M
- MArk
- mby
- 01 Aug 2010
sanraz, 01 Aug 2010hi guys im a hard core nokia fan and iphone hater i m using... moreThe X6 has plastic components, I wish it did not. But, it is very durable and a good value phone.
The N8 is made of a single piece of aluminum. You cannot open that. Which is why you need to unscrew the end cas to get to the battery, which is no problem. So, for a change of battery when you run out its not so good, but to change a faulty battery it is very good.
Sammy boys are here, because they like to be abandoned by a company with no morals that will leave you with their device with no service. This is the reason Samsung is tiny in smartphones, its a low end brand trying to build expensive products. There is a reason Samsung barely makes a profit from its devices.
- s
- sanraz
- TL5
- 01 Aug 2010
hi guys im a hard core nokia fan and iphone hater i m using x6 16gb a great phone but sory to say cheap plastic body.. i heard that n8 battery cover is fixed wid screws.. isnt it shocking pl comment bout this flaw,, to b conveyed 2 nokia guys..hoping soon n8 will b in my pocket and all nokia lovers pockets too
(this post is frm x6 )
and by the way wht r samsung guys doing here
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 01 Aug 2010
Samuel, 01 Aug 2010Check out the Pinch to Zoom browsing capability of Galaxy. ... moreThe only thing Amazing about the galaxy s, is how Samsung managed, with good specs otherwise, to make the device feel like an inferior cheap piece of plastic crap, without a flash. NO FLASH? PLASTIC? For a flagship.
Samsung must think everyone is stupid. POS company.