Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • 30 Jul 2010

Nokia N8 getting good, towards best. check the video. it certainly will gain the lost customers for nokia.

    • J
    • Jay
    • q8C
    • 30 Jul 2010

    Nokia, missed the punch with this one...they should chalk 2010 up as a year like 2009...hit it hard in 2011 with Symbian^4 and Meego. But the N8 is too little too late, and they have lost too many customers. A smartphone manufacturer needs customers because developers will not write software if the platform isn't popular. The highly touted features of this phone will be pretty much mainstream my the end of this year and the 680Mhz processor is just pitiful.

    Nokia needs a reality check, they are losing this battle and are not putting up much of a fight. I am still a Nokia customer but for how long, I don't know.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • t7P
      • 30 Jul 2010

      100% Execellent smartphone
      samsung jet2 s8003
      samsung wave s8500
      samsung galaxy beam
      samsung omnia

      the big question?nokia N8 Beat samsung? nokia using old OS many years ago untill now symbian?low processor? goodluck N8

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • YTx
        • 30 Jul 2010

        I am sure from now on nokia make every step cautiously, they can survive another n97!

          • Q
          • QWERTY
          • qFL
          • 30 Jul 2010

          Ryan , 30 Jul 2010This phone is taking far too long to come out and now has b... moreRyan,

          How can Nokia place the antenna in the same place as the iPhone4 when Apple clearly has an external antenna?

          I think Nokia is just taking extra percussion so it they don't screw the n8 up like they did with the n97.

          I'd rather get the phone later then earlier if it will be more stable and it's not going to lack like some of their other phones.

          I do have to agree with you that they need to push phones out faster. Also, if this phone does lack like the n97, I will permanently switch to HTC especially how Android is the best OS out there or at least in my opinion it is.

            • R
            • Ryan
            • 9yP
            • 30 Jul 2010

            Anonymous, 30 Jul 2010.. really? sounds like that is not what you're saying a whi... moreYour one sad individual, why dont you just try and even open your room window and understand there is more to life than being locked up in your room on forums trying to defend a phone you will never afford.

            Anyway I have added my thoughts and just had another one.

            Why dont you get a life and keep your mouth shut about stuff you have no idea what your talking about.

            See you later SAD ONE

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • t7y
              • 30 Jul 2010

              [deleted post].. really? sounds like that is not what you're saying a while ago?

              .. then again, who cares about your decision? and who are you to dictate the release of the phone?? you want n8, then wait! you decide to buy other phones, then buy it, do you relly need to announce it to the whole world? no. no one cares about your decision.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • t7y
                • 30 Jul 2010

                Ryan , 30 Jul 2010This phone is taking far too long to come out and now has b... morewho cares about your decision??

                get out.

                  • R
                  • Ryan
                  • 9yP
                  • 30 Jul 2010

                  This phone is taking far too long to come out and now has been delayed again until early October which makes me think when Nokia say they had some finishing touches to add they actually mean they have placed the Antena in the same DUMB place Apple had,

                  This is only my opinion but If Nokia really want to compete with the fierce phone market they better move soon with this phone afterall 720p HD is not a special feature anymore and 12megapixel is good but Sony Satio had this option 1 year ago.

                  I will definately buy this phone if it comes out in the next 4 weeks but if not I think I will have to go for HTC.

                    • A
                    • Adam
                    • wHU
                    • 30 Jul 2010

                    Nokia best and useful application
                    plus application from iphone and android with QT come to your nokia phone... woo hoo thats too much.. who cares

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 3pH
                      • 30 Jul 2010

                      OMG, just read the N8 is now being delayed a month further! :O( (End of September now!)

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • PWs
                        • 29 Jul 2010

                        tony, 29 Jul 2010Symbian doesnt require 1Ghz of raw processing for optimal p... moresee how far you get with N8 outdated and no or say enough application as iPhone, Android, or Blackberry.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • PWs
                          • 29 Jul 2010

                          toteu000, 29 Jul 2010I don't get it why there are so many of you ignorant and an... moreI think you are the one not getting it. Of course if you use old or say out of date Nokia Symb. on slow processor seems fast. but do not think is time to upgrade the OS and then use faster processor.

                          Have you thought about if Nokia use his old OS on faster processor by how many times would be faster?? Nokia look like using or running window 95 on Existing CPU. Software and CPU need to move along together.

                          Nokia OS is really like using a Window 95 or say Window me on PC.

                            • k
                            • karthik
                            • vGw
                            • 29 Jul 2010

                            Most of the goats are speaking about Galaxy S.
                            Just went to look at the spec's -
                            Look Carefully.
                            Talk Time is 1500 mAh?
                            Poor Samy is not able to create a spec sheet, how they are going to create a real phone.
                            Guys n Gals - Don't waste your money on GHz, after all you are not going to run Eclipse or Visual Studio.

                              • B
                              • BINODONDHARA,BANGLAD
                              • PA$
                              • 29 Jul 2010

                              Nokia N8 thes is a best mobail phone in banglades

                                • a
                                • abul hossain mojumde
                                • PA$
                                • 29 Jul 2010

                                nokia n8 is sogood mobail

                                  • S
                                  • SHELL
                                  • Re2
                                  • 29 Jul 2010

                                  The phone is cool. I love nokia. I see that promoters of other products are bashing this phone. It all boils down to what customers like. So HUSH!!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 49B
                                    • 29 Jul 2010

                                    Also they re working on a new android device

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 49B
                                      • 29 Jul 2010

                                      Guys the new meego device is coming soon it will be launched in Sept. it is going to pack a 1ghz processor (snapdragon or atom intel processor) with a 12 mp camera, the hardware is going to be special it s going to be thin too i just read an article about that, i am going to post tthe link later

                                        • s
                                        • shell
                                        • Re2
                                        • 29 Jul 2010

                                        GVS, 29 Jul 2010Nokia is just gathering the audience by making false low pr... morei am sure that when you pluck out your credit card you WILL get the correct price. You think?