Nokia N8
- m
- mr ass
- 4{7
- 14 Jul 2010
this is the first phone hav 3g 10.2 mbps dame iphone4 dosent hav it
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 14 Jul 2010
n8 has the most comfortable camera key!
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 14 Jul 2010
x10 has even longer time before release than n8.
we could still see phones from Nokia.
dont forget about 5900 xpressmusic the most powerful in the xpressmusic range. n87, n88, n89, n98, n920, n950.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 14 Jul 2010
i think it will be overclocked soon via firmware and they will add a continuous autofocus and it will now be 720p at 30fps.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 14 Jul 2010
N8 is coming. confirmed on
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 14 Jul 2010
reaching 3 million. WOW!
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 14 Jul 2010
this phone is really interesting. it has a gorilla glass confirmed by Damian Dining.
- ?
- Anonymous
- N7D
- 14 Jul 2010
Nokia 5110 is better than some samsung high end phones
- h
- hemant
- up9
- 14 Jul 2010
correct the availability to August 2010
- h
- hemant
- up9
- 14 Jul 2010
its releasing in india on 4th august..
confirmed it wid the nokia dealer in chandigarh
awesome specs of this phone
already booked one for myself
- ?
- Anonymous
- PEd
- 14 Jul 2010
Hey isn't this interesting...
The daily interest score of the N8 is once again above that of the Apple iPhone 4....!!!
And no matter how hard ifans try, they will not be able to bring the voting results belows that of the Iphone4..
- b
- brahmaji
- IPx
- 14 Jul 2010
thank you amanitha....u
- H
- Hassan
- uWS
- 14 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 14 Jul 2010N8 supports pen drives, does it also supports 250/500GB ext... moreYes it does
- A
- s86
- 14 Jul 2010
Niraj, 14 Jul 2010Yes, but you need to hack the Kernal.. Or if Nokia allow th... moreYeah ! I mean is it confirmed by nokia that they ll overclock it to 850mhz via firmware ? :D
- G
- GsmArena -FR- reader
- m86
- 14 Jul 2010
r 3 b 3 l, 13 Jul 2010If you knew half as much about mobile phones as you knew ab... moreMy previous experiences with phones showed me how your statement can't be totally right nowadays.
I currently use daily a N900 for working, i previously was using an Omnia, stock then with all kind of customs roms and the list can go on.. And i ve been able to handle quite a good number of phones in my hands, and for me specs on a sheet for phones are just like for a computer, they show you already their future "minimal" performance and what you can expect from them. I don't know for you but personnaly i m tired of using phones taking ages to load a small app, or just hanging when you need to demonstrate something, taking 10sec to reach camera mode from desktop (and then have let go the subject of your photo/movie.. if it was a cutie in the street for example). So 256mb ram when nowadays they could even throw in 512 or 1gb ram, sorry.. I won't be among buyers if i have to wait for so long, and they can optimise their OS as they want, it's about handling 12MP shoots and 720P stills smoothly, not only being able to take them. With a fast GUI, fast access and reaction to basic operations..
- ?
- Anonymous
- PEd
- 14 Jul 2010
[deleted post]Don't act dumb..
About 2 months ago Nokia clearly stated that it will be released in August....
And we wait, whats the problem?
If you cannot wait, get a different device.
They haven't postponed it even once yet, unlike lets say SE X10...
- N
- Niraj
- 14 Jul 2010
[deleted post]Yes, but you need to hack the Kernal.. Or if Nokia allow this via firmware update unless you cant overclock cpu.. :)
- A
- s86
- 14 Jul 2010
Yeah ! People must appreciate it ! Itz a perfect phone :) check the specs 1st !
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7y
- 14 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 14 Jul 2010N8 supports pen drives, does it also supports 250/500GB ext... morewhat's wrong with you people?
this device has usb-on-the-go feature, yet you're still pushing it too hard enough?!?! 500gb external had drive for the phone? what?!?! how about settling for a laptop instead?! you're asking too much, yet on the first place, i is not even expected to have this feature.. it's good nokia added it, and you still can't appreciate it?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 95H
- 14 Jul 2010
Some sites show release date of august nd some sites say its around october?