Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • a
  • akash from nepal
  • u10
  • 24 Jun 2010

[deleted post]youtube application in symbian play full screen youtube videos and at maemo(nokia n900)youtube hd and fashion tv hd(free live)lol!

    • V
    • Vishal
    • YTL
    • 24 Jun 2010

    [deleted post]Nepali hijde see this

      • s
      • sXe
      • PUB
      • 24 Jun 2010

      Azm.. But many of my frens said that X6 have problems with their software. always hang.. is it true? my old n70 always does. takes much time to load messages, mp3. etc..

        • a
        • akash from nepal
        • u10
        • 24 Jun 2010

        [deleted post]mistake my first handsets is nokia 3230 not 5230

          • D
          • Delhi Devil
          • 2@g
          • 24 Jun 2010

          Hey When I get this Fone...when its gona realase in India.....So desprate to wana buy this looking fone...Today this fone released in Singapore. But on Inida it launch in oct-NOv...y always delay in our country....canot wait..want this fone asap.

            • A
            • AMANITA
            • up6
            • 24 Jun 2010

            hani, 24 Jun 2010Eldar Murtazin nokia n8 second preveiw totaly diffrent from... moreThx for the info! I am glad after reading ur post ! Hope it ll b true ! Also we shouldnt forget that it has dedicated gpu !

              • i
              • inacorner
              • wij
              • 24 Jun 2010

              hani, 24 Jun 2010Eldar Murtazin nokia n8 second preveiw totaly diffrent from... morewhy nokia don't use ARM cortex a8 cpu...
              Still rubbish arm11.....Disappointing

                • i
                • inacorner
                • wij
                • 24 Jun 2010

                OMG.....I can't imagine that how can shxtty ARM11@680MHz plays 720p and 12MP...

                  • h
                  • hani
                  • mcY
                  • 24 Jun 2010

                  Eldar Murtazin nokia n8 second preveiw totaly diffrent from his first preveiw he said its the fastest symbian device in the market even faster than vivaz with arm coretex8 750 mhz even its not running on the commerical firmware still prototype with latest firmware . good job nokia keep going .


                    • a
                    • azm
                    • IWH
                    • 24 Jun 2010

                    -sXe-, 24 Jun 2010Nokia N8~i think it is a great phone. i would like to buy e... morego for x6 16GB...cos x6 8gb is considered small memory.. if cant afford go for n97, if cant afford then go for x6 8gb but in 5800 u can add/ adjust the memmory card but pic taken at night using 5800 is not realy good

                      • A
                      • Adam Joe
                      • kBs
                      • 24 Jun 2010

                      seki, 24 Jun 2010I own an Idou (satio) and the N8 has a much better sensor (... moreHello bro i got free spb mobile shell.., u just need a certificate and key to signed it. Spb rocks my x6.

                        • A
                        • AMANITA
                        • s86
                        • 24 Jun 2010

                        Ammado, 24 Jun 2010Nokia is always smart, but for their own benefit first, who... moreI dont think that any1 ll miss this opportunity ! I am fully satisfied with symbian ! It doest support divx natively but we can get smartmovie player easily ! 650mhz processor is enough according to itz price and i heard that it ll overclocked to 750mhz! I think there wont b a perfect phone,ppl wont stop bothering as their level of satisfaction is very high,their wants r unlimited,anyway itz just my thinking !

                          • A
                          • Ammado
                          • fu}
                          • 24 Jun 2010

                          Nokia is always smart, but for their own benefit first, who can plame them. This phone is surely a "demo" or a "trial" for the new OS S^3, which is only a preparatory step for S^4. They surely need to test the new OS with a as much users as they could, so they decided to put it into a super-featured gadget, with low price, so that they can sell more of it and test it more and more. But still they can't produce "the perfect phone ever" to guarantee they will sell the next phones.

                          This phone for Nokia is not a profit-oriented project. Instead, it's trial for the next gen of OS, and hardware capabilities. It has slower processor, low screen resolution, weak non-removable battery, no DivX/XviD support, vedio recording @ 25 fps only. And all of that among shiny and attractive other specs.

                          I'm sure that next device will be lower in features than this one, but better in OS, and will offer new experience to users, that match the new trend of mobile world. Do, if you decided to buy this phone, you MAY be disappointed by the OS and UI, but if you decided to wait for the upcoming device, you are risking losing all those features in one device.

                            • A
                            • AMANITA
                            • s86
                            • 24 Jun 2010

                            Anonymous, 24 Jun 2010Who brought touch to focus feature to camera? It's even use... moreIf u r talking about 5mp camera,then N82 is the best with affordable price ! Ur ish*t just dont deserve that higher price ! It lacks many simple features like fm ! Previous versions of symbian had many bugs but all bugs r fixed in symbian 3 ! So no worries ! It ll cost half the price of ish*t but full of features ! Browsing on nokia phn is gr8 ,it has class33 gprs means faster connectivity ,flash 4! Browsing is just same as we do on pc ! No doubt abt camera ! There are already many themes,games,softwares are available for this phone b4 itz release! Nokia ovi store is also very useful ! N8 also supports java 2.1 so no worries abt it ! Battery life is always plus point for nokia phones ! Amoled display of N8 ll consume less battery! It is a world phone,not just for specific region ! Overall itz very well balanced phone and I ll buy 2 N8 instead of buying 1 ish*t ! This phone ll beat all of ur ish*ts n otherz ! ;)

                              • M
                              • Mizz Nina
                              • PUB
                              • 24 Jun 2010

                              dis fon rox my body.. uh uhh.

                                • s
                                • seki
                                • UFI
                                • 24 Jun 2010

                                [deleted post]I own an Idou (satio) and the N8 has a much better sensor (the largest ever put into a mobile phone). It is capable of Full HD 1080p but whether Nokia enable that or not is another question. Even if they do enable it in the N8 it will not be the first camera-phone to support Full HD. Several Japanese phones have this capability, one is even water-proof to several meters! Fujitsu F-06B.
                                The Satio is a good camera phone. But I'm waiting for the N8. I run SPB Mobile Shell on my Satio its a very nice interface with multiple home screens, wallpapers and profiles. It transforms an otherwise ordinary phone into something very user-friendly (dare I say almost iPhone-like) with all the power of Symbian underneath (with real multi-tasking)
                                So if you can get one reasonably cheap and are prepared to buy SPB mobile shell (there is a free trial) then you have a similar device to the N8 though I expect the N8 to be superior at night photography and video.

                                  • A
                                  • AMANITA
                                  • upe
                                  • 24 Jun 2010

                                  Anonymous, 24 Jun 2010Who brought touch to focus feature to camera? It's even use... moreNokia has introduced many things to mobile world,if u r talking abt best camera in 5 mp range,then N82 is the best phone ! Ur ish*t just dont deserve that high price,it lacks many simple features like fm ! N8 is full of features and most important itz affordable price ! Previous versions of symbian had some bugs but it has fixed in N8,no doubt symbian is words most popular os ! There are many softwares,games and themes are available for N8 b4 itz release,no worries ! Itz gonna beat ur ish*t easily :D

                                    • -
                                    • -sXe-
                                    • PUB
                                    • 24 Jun 2010

                                    Nokia N8~i think it is a great phone. i would like to buy e new phone. not aware abt other brands besides nokia. in my mind have some phones which i intend to buy. N8, X6 8GB, 5800XM, n97.. which one u think is worth it.. i lived with MP3s, songs, surf to the net.. n i like a great camera to snap pics. any idea?

                                      • s
                                      • seki
                                      • UFI
                                      • 24 Jun 2010

                                      Just a reminder that this phone will auto-switch not only bands but between GSM and WCDMA as well.
                                      Its truly a "world phone"

                                        • J
                                        • John
                                        • vG0
                                        • 24 Jun 2010

                                        Yes Apple is silly, doesnt still have actual multitask, what it does is just to suspend, minimize the application, while you work on the other.

                                        Such a silly phone.

                                        Nokia is seriously much better. Itz reasonably priced. Itz affordable. Mr Steve Jobs, secondary phone is Nokia. Infact, sometime back, his primary phone was Nokia, but then his wife did not allow him to enter home, only because she quoted stating that she was insulted in front of her friends as they stated that her husband uses Nokia but manufactures Apple and they nicknamed her Nokia. Sad for Mrs Nokia Jobs, but the other sad part of the story is that Mr Jobs had to make Apple his primary phone, but no worries Nokia is still his secondary phone. And when there is no cameras/ media people around, he uses Nokia for multi tasking and for checking out GSM Arena Nokia Opinions.
