Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- F1@
- 18 Jun 2010
I have always buy Nokia phone due to its high resell value. For example i bought a Nokia Navigator 6110 with plan for SG$98 in 2008, in 2010 i can still sell it for SG$100 since i am renew my 24th month contract for a $68 Nokia 5800.
Based on this logic, N8 has no appeal to me. Nokia 5800 is a good phone. Cheap! and does everything i need. Rock solid after 5 firmware upgrade.
- P
- Pancho
- P%G
- 18 Jun 2010
The HDMI out on this phone is gonna rock.
Considering that you can also pair this with a Bluetooth keyboard+mouse, thus turning it into a mini computer
- P
- Pankazz
- s8a
- 18 Jun 2010
Oh yeah. Nokia will again repeat the success story of nokia 5800 when it just blewed away the iphone as 5800 was "iphone killer". Now apple launched iphone 4,so nokia launch n8 even far better dan iphone 4 or even they launch any iphone 5.
- ?
- Anonymous
- F1@
- 18 Jun 2010
The Nokia Service Center swapping of battery is within warranty period. After a year or two, will Nokia Service Center still be swap the battery for a nominal fee plus battery cost.
The issue here is control. Who has the control, the consumer or the manufacturer. With swappable battery a user could still buy OEM battery and swap at a fraction of the cost of what nokia is charging us.
Go ahead and buy your iphone and N8, its your money!
- N
- Niraj
- 18 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 18 Jun 2010Unswappable battery good for manufacturer bad for consumer.... moreI dont think you have any valid point. You can replace battery in Nokia service center for a nominal fee when ever you want. But you have to pay standard price for the battery..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 18 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 17 Jun 2010I think I don't need this telephone its waste our moneyWhat kind of phone u need then?
Yea, you are rite.. maybe this phone is not for u anyway.
Its for someone like me who knows how to appreciate all the great features in this phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- F1@
- 18 Jun 2010
Unswappable battery good for manufacturer bad for consumer. Unswappable battery is apple way of curbing the used phone market. Therefore limiting the RESALE value of the phone. I would never buy any phone with fix a battery.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 18 Jun 2010
I have a good advice to nokia
from now on, please put 3d hardward acceletor in e x c and of course n series phone to fight with apple iphone games domination
- q
- quain
- t7E
- 18 Jun 2010
this phone is amazing and about its price, its incomparable with iphone s,hahahhaa iphone is so expensive and less usable features, less application, no way iphone can go ahead of time with mokia phones,hehehe
- D
- Deep space bar
- kDi
- 18 Jun 2010
andy burgin, 18 Jun 2010Nokia have got to start some deal with a computer software ... moreRemember microsoft and nokia partnered up office '11 for sure
- ?
- Anonymous
- w7n
- 18 Jun 2010
in case you miss out the food things about this phone
support bluetooth mouse and keyboard
xvid divx support
smiley emotion icons support
d class mono speaker, which is a quality speaker even it is mono speaker
microphone is great at recording audio
sim card, memory card are hot sawpable
and answers to some question here
usb charging of course
ovi maps would be updated to support pinch to zoom
- a
- andy burgin
- 3pH
- 18 Jun 2010
Nokia have got to start some deal with a computer software supplier to help them get themselves back running again,Apple,Samsung an Htc have had some advantage over Nokia,knowing to produce software for there laptops an can easily produce it to work on its mobiles,but nokia had help with the N900 but then dropped it,so want some help to produce better an more efficient software than Symbian if the new ^3 an Symbian ^4 does not get rid of the software bugs
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7A
- 17 Jun 2010
ooohhh, the N8 is now snappy except the autorotate in pics but screen response is comparable to top notch touch phones, i love it.......
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7A
- 17 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 17 Jun 2010I think I don't need this telephone its waste our moneyyou're right a $500 for this phone is a lot of waste of money. hey man' how much can you spend for an all around goody2x phone $10 or buy one take for $5 dollar phone. please please can you link the site too...
Or maybe ur willing to spend $1k usd for an iphone a worth of every cents and still counting coz ur only limited to calls and SMSs if you don't have a $5 to spare in every oter things u want to do..
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCM
- 17 Jun 2010
I think I don't need this telephone its waste our money
- z
- zag aka jess
- vj1
- 17 Jun 2010
i realy like d features very well its very complete overall from camera & thru software, very nice ders an fm transmiter, but 4 me i would b excelently impressd if it would have stereo speakers, d screen looks slugish & i dont lyk it & poor design & d screen borders gona kind a wide for me its waste of space in front, from its pics i didnt see a stylus..
- ?
- Anonymous
- LaI
- 17 Jun 2010
ksenia, 17 Jun 2010Nokia X7 with stereo speakers,3.2 inches Capacitive Touchsc... moretell me the website
- I
- Its an awesome fone!
- 17 Jun 2010
Nokia N8 is an awesome fone,, I'll get one,, cuz its al in one,, a cameraphone, internetphone, gaming, music, n u name it!! haha!! da onli weakness is dat Nokia N8 should have faster processor,, like around 1GHZ, da new gyroscope in Apple Iphone 4 n maybe a keyboard version of it to offer customers more choice,, cuz keyboard does sometime, come in handy!! haha!! n Symbian 3 is way better!! more flexible den my Nokia N97,, n more uniform,, example, da scrolling mechanism,, all da same,, zooming,, all da same, haha,, no more diz n dat in n97!! haha! so I'll buy diz great ALL-in-One fone!! =D
- ?
- Anonymous
- PEd
- 17 Jun 2010
Nice N8 Video
Man, That using a Bluetooth mouse to control the phone is awesome! Specially using the web!
- R
- Reyals
- naL
- 17 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 17 Jun 2010a newbie question.. can N8 charge via USB?Connectivity
* Bluetooth 3.0
* 2mm Charging connector
* Micro USB connector and charging
* High-Speed USB 2.0 (micro USB connector)
o USB On-the-Go
* 3.5 mm AV connector
o FM Radio
o FM Transmitter
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