Nokia N8
- D
- Dev
- s8e
- 05 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 05 Jun 2010waste of specs having the very old symbian in it. oh wai... moreIf you think S^3 is just a new theme, you never used and tried to undertood what S^1 is! Come out of non sense talk.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ke1
- 05 Jun 2010
jericho, 05 Jun 2010may i ask something please
which one is better N8 or 5800X... moreYou sould ask n8 or x6
of course n8
- N
- N8 Response Speed
- mp%
- 05 Jun 2010
Mark, 05 Jun 2010Stop spreading FUD or incomplete stories. The guy is using ... moreMark,
Don't paste someone elses comments
4 days ago 5
This is Ahmed,
First his SW is old (I can tell)
Also something is CLEARLY wrong with his fingers....getting to the phone application is quick all the time!!
I dont know about this guy, but seems like his using his NAILS...and if you know how capacitive screens work....they dont work with NAILS (maybe he thinks its a resistive screen)!!!
Just take a look at my vids
- j
- jericho
- Kxd
- 05 Jun 2010
may i ask something please
which one is better N8 or 5800XM??????????
i'm gonna buy one of those phone,please help me
- D
- Dev
- s8e
- 05 Jun 2010
Mark, 05 Jun 2010Stop spreading FUD or incomplete stories. The guy is using ... moreLol.. thats really funny. He is trying nail on capacitive screen! And screen protector for proto! too much care for device. How he supposed he can review it?
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 05 Jun 2010
N8 Response Speed, 05 Jun 2010 moreStop spreading FUD or incomplete stories. The guy is using a capacitive screen with a screen protector for crying out loud! You can tell by the blue triangle in the corner.
Next to that, our chinaman here is using his nails on a capacitive screen with a protector. Next to that, that device is so beta, the flash is sticking out even.
Look at this video instead. It registers instantly, and is very fast as well.
I am happy you are trying to inform us, but please do it right and give us the complete story. Responsiveness is fantastic for this device.
Or do you think otherwise after seeing the video I link to?.......
- N
- N8 Response Speed
- mp%
- 05 Jun 2010
I think everybody who claims N8 is very responsive must watch this video
He presses the dialer Button 5 times every second.
From 0:53 to 0:57 and then he gets it exactly the CALL DIALLER open at 0:58.
Even the hardware button, he presses twice or thrice and then it responds.
Please watch it carefully. This video will give clear picture of responsiveness of N8.
I am not going to judge and tell you whether it fails.
Watch it yourself.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vx7
- 05 Jun 2010
Video: Nokia N8 Multitouch pinch to zoom photo browser
- ?
- Anonymous
- vx7
- 05 Jun 2010
n8 is btter than x10!
vote it 10 10 10!
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 05 Jun 2010
fadjar, 05 Jun 2010Hello there !!!
please help with these 2type of phone, N... moreHi fadjar,
good question, I own the N900 and I am very tempted to get the N8. I think the N900 is more of a computer, qwerty, resistive screen, and fantastic os.
N8 is better cam better flash, capacitive screen, very new OS (S^3).
N8 has better build quality too.
If you are a nerd like me get the N900, if not get the N8!
- ?
- Anonymous
- vx7
- 05 Jun 2010
Low light Video Sample: Nokia N8 at Rihanna Concert
This video of a Rihanna gig (I think in Tel-Aviv, Israel) is supposedly captured on a Nokia N8 according to uploader, Tal Tetievski.
* The video is in 720p and recorded in stereo audio.
* Stereo separation is obvious but this probably isn’t the best scene to demonstrate it.
* Considering how loud concerts are, the N8 performed extremely well picking up the audio without too much harshness (only audible on left side -seems to be more wind blowing rather than inability to record extremely loud audio which most camera phones fail beautifully at)
* Lots of changes between quite dark to lots of light and N8 handles transitions extremely well.
* Quality is quite impressive as this isn’t optimum lighting conditions for video, look at the confetti and the richness of the colours at certain scenes.
* Check out the usable digital zoom, which is actually worth using compared to most digital zoom that just blows up pixels.
* Shakiness is an issue, but then again the recorder is at a gig, thus jumping up and down, waving their hands about often results in shaky video.
* Video looks sufficiently fluid. No jerkiness, the frame rate looks smooth.
* Wide angle for widescreen 16:9 video looks fantastic, capturing more of the scene within the frame.
* People at Rihanna concert should be banned from bringing umbrellas. Yes, we get it. Man, so many eyes that could have been stabbed out! -_^
- ?
- Anonymous
- vx7
- 05 Jun 2010
Jump to 2:10 for some pinch and zooming. It looks much smoother from second attempt onwards.
Video playback is almost instant after pressing. No loading screen, just playback.
- j
- jericho
- Kxd
- 05 Jun 2010
fadjar, 05 Jun 2010Hello there !!! please help with these 2type of phone, N... morei think N8 is better because i've seen many of those video that tell's much about this phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- whA
- 05 Jun 2010
waste of specs having the very old symbian in it.
oh wait.. it has the new symbian?
nah.. that is just a new theme created by a fanboy..
the thing that would only like from this phone is the camera.. i would really want that to be on a samsung wave.. XD
- ?
- Anonymous
- vx7
- 05 Jun 2010
n8 multitasking
really excited to get one here in Philippines
590 USD right + 12% vat
- j
- jericho
- Kxd
- 05 Jun 2010
dude which one is better N8 or the 5800XM...
need your answer i want to buy one od those phone
- f
- fadjar
- sEJ
- 05 Jun 2010
Hello there !!!
please help with these 2type of phone, Nokia N8 vs N900...which one is better? worth buying, I mean ^_^
- ?
- Anonymous
- uth
- 05 Jun 2010
SE has FM Transmitte, 05 Jun 2010I think you are wrong. SE does have FM transmitter funct... moreAND TELL WHY FM TRANSMITTER NOT THERE in new phones.. it was already there in Nokia N79, a one and half year old phone and it was hit.. if the feature is well received, why sony doesn't include them? its a fact that SE compromise on features..
- ?
- Anonymous
- uth
- 05 Jun 2010
SE has FM Transmitte, 05 Jun 2010I think you are wrong. SE does have FM transmitter funct... morethen what about other features?
- S
- SE has FM Transmitte
- mp%
- 05 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 05 Jun 2010to continue, SE doesn't have hdmi, usb otg, amoled screen, ... moreI think you are wrong.
SE does have FM transmitter functionality and they included it in Model launched in 2008, July. The model is Sony Ericsson W980. This is 2 years before and Now you are talkng about N8 having FM transmitter. Nokia is always Late.