Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • shiras
  • utN
  • 03 Jun 2010

it gud smart lukin phone i hav a doubt wheter blutooth 3.0 will connect wit 2.0?

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • IWH
    • 03 Jun 2010

    so some perhaps all of us got leave the symbian and go to android? hhmmm nahhhhhh i still have other reasons to choose n8

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • IWM
      • 03 Jun 2010

      Anh u beo, 03 Jun 2010to nokia: why can't you make a phone like the E72 but with ... moreJust my dream mid range phone

      e71- touch capacitive screen , 5mp carl, euro 250

        • k
        • kevinaux
        • RNy
        • 03 Jun 2010

        [deleted post]Tom, do you know the difference between installing a Software and a Windows extension?

        Anyways, whats the point of your last comment
        "Do you need to install anything at all to get full access to any Android phones memory?. No you don't."
        We were talking about the possibility of using the USB OTG to read from an Iphone and then browsing Iphones with Windows Explorer and you jump to Android's mass storage capability?
        But still, thats good to know as this means the USB OTG can be used to slave the Android devices (Pun intended).

          • b
          • brynn
          • mXK
          • 03 Jun 2010

          [deleted post]its not us bashing its x10 forum they cause nowt but trouble,,go read a 100 posts or more and see what that forum has to say about samsung..

          I said i may buy x10,,wave or n8 but being a nokia symbian addict i will buy n8 ,,in fact in reality if alcatel brought out a high spec smartfone clamshell i would buy that if it was good..I dont care who makes my next fone its the quality and htc dont do that even tho their high spec..

          My last point is some people definetly think they know what they are on about when they dont,,most is copied or read from other ideas that are just not possible..Ive read some brilliant questions asked on gsm ie how many MB is the camera,,is the 16GB hard drive in n97 solid state or motor driven type,,how many GB is camera module,,can htc pro support windows 7 or vista..

          Best is x10 forum with se 2010/phoenix etc giving full advice when they dont have the x10..

            • T
            • Tom-Helge
            • Srd
            • 03 Jun 2010

            kevinaux, 03 Jun 2010Tom, as far as I know, I'm not the one making the excuses h... moreWell ok ok ok, 5-6 products then. Like that's gonna be so much more then.

            5-6 products is nothing compared to how many Bluetooth 3.0 devices / accessories it will be out in one year.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 2CC
              • 03 Jun 2010

              you all have too much time on your hands clearly to have an argument online in a forum for phones. Grow up. All I wanted to do is see normal feedback on the damn phone. Clearly you have wrewened those chances as your bickering over absolute pathetic crap

                • A
                • Anh u beo
                • tsZ
                • 03 Jun 2010

                to nokia: why can't you make a phone like the E72 but with a big capacitive touchscreen?

                my suggestion: take the N8, throw away ALL fancy features (tv-out, HDMI, 12mp camera), install 5mp camera, put in a 1500mAh battery, change the name to something like E82, sell it for 400usd and i bet many people will be crazy to buy it.

                  • s
                  • sameer
                  • TL5
                  • 03 Jun 2010

                  i had dreamed that nokia n98 is released and in 3 difrent vriations ... 8gb 32gb 64gb vriation ... 12mpcam slide out qwerty pad just like n8 with a qwerty ....

                    • k
                    • kevinaux
                    • RNy
                    • 03 Jun 2010

                    [deleted post]Tom, as far as I know, I'm not the one making the excuses here.

                    Didn't think it would be hard for you to do it your self but here, list of other laptops that come with Bluetooth 3.0.

                    Funny how you went on and on about the Iphone browsing issue when I did admit I might have jumped the gun there but since you asked, this is how you browse the contents of your Iphone and Ipod :

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • RNy
                      • 03 Jun 2010

                      [deleted post]Dude, are you lost?

                        • k
                        • kevinaux
                        • RNy
                        • 03 Jun 2010

                        [deleted post]Tom, why do you say "long gone and outdated and abandoned" before Bluetooth 3.0 devices come out. Bluetooth 3.0 is already out :
                        Just because as you pointed you'd only get Bluetooth 3.0 device next year, it does not mean its not relevant. And if you forgot, your X10 is not a PC that you can you get Bluetooth 3.0 and upgrade it with.

                        Good luck with your FM transmitter dongle that you have to purchase and carry with you already expensive X10.

                        Well perhaps I got ahead of myself when I added Iphone but I have successfully browsed the contents of an Iphone and Ipod with Windows Explorer. You just need to get your feet wet if you know what I mean. Anyways let me tell you this, just because you can't use it, does not mean USB OTG isn't one of the coolest addition to this device.

                          • k
                          • kevinaux
                          • RNy
                          • 03 Jun 2010

                          [deleted post]Just clarify, I never said N8 was future proof or the device to last. Infact, if you read carefully, I never mentioned N8 at all. I only pointed out the flaws in the logic that that dismisses useful technologies as "don't need it yet, will pay extra for it, not 'really' useful".

                          The N8 will be a device that will bring together a lot technologies (whether or not Nokia came up with it first) that will be useful today and maybe even for another 2 years.

                          In fact if anything, you should ask future proofing questions to Tom since if anyone started the future proofing, its him.

                          By the way;
                          1. Divx support may or may not be included, you can't argue it does not because it does in pre production models.
                          2. It Does support Flash lite 4.0.
                          3. As I said, my preference is Bluetooth A2DP for play audio in cars but the FM transmitter is an added bonus when you don't have a Bluetooth receiver or a 3.5 jack.
                          4. And to other things like FM recordings, these are not common requirements and can be fixed with apps, like in my N95.

                            • D
                            • Don't you sleep
                            • mp%
                            • 03 Jun 2010

                            [deleted post]Hi Tom,

                            When do you normally sleep?

                            I can see your comments from my evening time.

                            I am from UK

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • ibc
                              • 03 Jun 2010

                              Why 360x640 pixels

                                • I
                                • Is N8 future Proofed
                                • mp%
                                • 03 Jun 2010

                                Is N8 future proofed?

                                Bluetooth 3.0 cannot be future proofing either. It is definitely better than having v2.1. But if N8 has to do future proofing, then they should have gone for v4.0 which is already been signed by Bluetooth SIG.

                                Connectivity Still 3G
                                With 4G already been accepted by HTC EVO 4G, N8 is still 3G

                                Display – AMOLED
                                With Samsung Wave being Super AMOLED, N8 is still AMOLED. Better than TFT but not future proofed.

                                Still old ARM11 architecture.

                                Media Playback
                                No DivX or Xvid support out of the box. With Samsung wave and other phones supporting the above codec, N8 still do not.

                                Flash Lite v4.0
                                No word on whether N8 will support Full flash which is next version of Adobe Flash.

                                FM Transmitter
                                This feature is good but hope you know that FM works at bit rate of 96 kbit/s.
                                So if you are going to listen to your MP3 songs (average for decent quality 128Kb/s) on your CAR audio, you would need to compromise on quality. But Bluetooth connectivity or AUX in might support more bitrate music.

                                FM recording Missing
                                If they can transmit, why they cannot record. A good feature if you want to record something straight off from FM radio though with reduced quality.

                                No Video Recording Autofocus
                                Video recording do not support AUTOFOCUS.

                                N8 is an interim device.
                                Note that Symbian 4 was supposed to be out this year but Nokia delayed it. But they cannot wait till 2011 and hence Nokia had to release N8 as an interim release to keep people happy. One thing that I want to highlight is S3 is not a new OS, it is same OS with touch optimization and all previous bug fixed.

                                Good feature, I liked it but it can be supported on device with required power of 200mAh and not any better. That’s going to be a problem but not a big issue.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Kxb
                                  • 03 Jun 2010

                                  Anonymous, 03 Jun 2010i see new video! more laggy and slow! N8 fall down.... li... moreyeah right. this phone fall in hell with you. what a shame :)

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • MB1
                                    • 03 Jun 2010

                                    Anonymous, 03 Jun 2010i see new video! more laggy and slow! N8 fall down.... li... morelink?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Kxb
                                      • 03 Jun 2010

                                      Anonymous, 03 Jun 2010i see new video! more laggy and slow! N8 fall down.... li... moreyeah right. this phone fall in hell with you. what a shame :)

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • mi6
                                        • 03 Jun 2010

                                        i see new video!
                                        more laggy and slow!
                                        N8 fall down.... like votes...
                                        yes... people now see ... this is big garbage!