Nokia N8
- D
- Dave
- 3Hx
- 02 Jun 2010
Generally speaking there isn't a decent phone out there at the moment that can do everything people want. The ideal handset in my opinion is one that comes with a decent processor with enough memory to back it up, enough space for all your pics/music/movies etc... a decent OS (i.e. Android) and a decent camera (i.e. 8MP-12MP) with a good lens but will we ever get such a thing? Probably at some point but for right now I reckon its too expensive for phone manufacturers to do that and make a decent amount of money on it at the same time!
A new snap-dragon processor at 1.2ghz and android 2.2 at the helm, decent graphics and a 12MP camera should do the trick, at least for now!
Bottom line is, the gadget hungry will never be satisfied as they will always want something bigger and better!
- ?
- Anonymous
- PS6
- 02 Jun 2010
people that are not so happy and hunt and struggle to get more than what was thrown in their way will never be satisfied*. They think they are wise but they are not wise.
They keep complaining about every damn thing. They think that their idea is the best. When the idea is wrong what they do is just stick their tongue out cant hear any words from their mouth.
If nokia cant satisfied your needs there are many brands out there u can choose.
We have freedom to choose.
Nokia is full of choice. From crap to good phone.
** correction again LOL
- A
- Anis
- 3EV
- 02 Jun 2010
[deleted post]simply , well said my friend :).
The idea is What suits you might not suit others!
- ?
- Anonymous
- vCN
- 02 Jun 2010
se's good nokias good htc good samsung etc apple the only one thats crap!
- i
- igo
- tWg
- 02 Jun 2010
sagar, cellphones are not meant for pockets, and you dont buy them because they are scratch resistant, come on, look at the features before those ok?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3WM
- 02 Jun 2010
Tom-Helge, 02 Jun 2010I don't need to have such high expectations on Sony Ericsso... moretom are you blind and you cant compare the specification , so what is the screen resolution lower it is amoled is sharper and what if the cpu is 680 mhz in symbian desnt need more. lok the other things 12 mp ,xenon blic , large sensor,hd video ,hdmi output,bluetooth 3.0 , fm transmiter , usb otg - im happy with this
- S
- Sagar
- s8e
- 02 Jun 2010
N8 is scratch resistant so it will look new for years
but se x10 got scratched. It will be fresh for only 1 yr.
X10 dont fit in pocket.
- k
- kevinaux
- RNy
- 02 Jun 2010
Tom, help me understand somethings. Based on all your rants here recently what you are trying to say is that your SE X10 is far better than Nokia's N8 with all its feature list and hardware spec simply because the X10 has a faster processor and 'lifetime support' which according to you means you'll be able to use your phone for 3-4 (upto 6 you say) with endless Android updates?
Has SE promised this "lifetime support' for any other devices other than the X10?
Do you honestly think that's how long every other mobile user users his or her phones? Or do you think that is how long one should be using their devices?
I have a turnover rate of about 2 years (Nokia 6630 in 2006, N95 in 2008 and hopefully N8 in 2010 and most of the people I know have similar or even shorter life expectations on their mobiles. I'd be honest, the reason I change my phones is partially because of the newer OS but mostly because of other HW upgrades ; (6630 - 1.3 MP, 3G)(N95 - 5MP, 3.5G, A2DP, TV Output, USB)(N8 - 12MP, HD Video, 10.2 HSDPA, HDMI, Bluetooth 3.0, FM transmitter, USB OTG, 16GB memory). The reason I made that list is just to point out that just because you future proof a phone in terms of its OS and CPU, there are other things that means as much if not more to some people.
I do hope you'd respond to my questions. I don't mind if you skip the snide way you try to put down anyone saying anything remotely good about the N8 but do answer my questions, I am really curious.
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 02 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 02 Jun 2010Dont give SE such a high expectation on life time support u... moreI don't need to have such high expectations on Sony Ericsson that will just end up by suing Sony Ericsson when they don't gives us the things they promises.
Then why haven't i sued Sony Ericsson to now then?.
Well it just explains that they have done everything that have promised.
Simple as that. I'm not trying to get more peoples to buy Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10, i'm trying to explain why the XPERIA X10 is a better phone to go for if you want to have a good working phone with many many new OS updated for many years.
It's fully up to you what you choose.
And if you haven't seen it already, i'm very happy that you will go for a Nokia N8 or Nokia N900 instead of the junk that is called iPhone.
Never ever go for that jail fail phone. And i mean it.
Sony Ericsson will support the XPERIA X10 as long the phone is suspected to live. A normal phone today have a lifetime of 3 years at least with daily use where the phone is getting used alot every day.
So that's what called lifetime support. Did you think that i was talking about having 15 years with support when i said lifetime support lol?.
Yeah, but isn't it a bit waste of money to have a mobile phone that can only be supported 7 enjoyed for around 1 year that cost 420-440 euro when i can buy a phone to 530 euro that have lifetime support (support for at least 3 years) instead?. And then enjoy the mobile phone for 3 years.
I want to enjoy my phone for more than 1 year.
But i'll guess most of the Nokia crowd are so used to it to just throw away a mobile phone after 1 year to buy a new one, so THAT'S nothing new.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jZT
- 02 Jun 2010
Tom-Helge, 02 Jun 2010Like i have said many times already, i'm not trying to stop... moreWell said
- ?
- Anonymous
- 9D$
- 02 Jun 2010
It kills me to see that Nokia does not put letters on the number pad when dialing... did they forget that it can be usable sometimes (say calling '1-800-MY-APPLE') *AND* that it does not take an hour to implement?
At least DRAW the letters on the interface! Bastards.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PS6
- 02 Jun 2010
Dont give SE such a high expectation on life time support u'll end up suing SE in the end.
Dont entice ppl to but X10 so that you hv more ppl complaining to SE so that u will hv update eventually
or u want X10 to sell about 1 billion so that SE will support ur mobile forever.
Come on every cheap or expensive phone have end of life time.
Maybe after 3~5 years u can brag about ur X10 support if SE still support it. Not now, since future is un certain cause any thing can happen any time. If recession comes, any company will change its policies to cut cost. Do you think supporting X10 forever will be costless?? Unless SE make all it new phone base on X10 spec but different casing. Do u want that??
Even if N8 will hv only 1 year of life at least we can enjoy 1 year with our N8. We dont hv to wait 8 month for an update OS that still not confirm.
When the update comes at least 3~4 update version of android OS already used in Android Phone except X10.
- ?
- Anonymous
- u73
- 02 Jun 2010
The problems some experts here point out are not important to mass market and the price of this phone can allow these complaint
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 02 Jun 2010
[deleted post]Like i have said many times already, i'm not trying to stop you from buying the Nokia N8, i'm trying to make sure that you know what kind of phone your gonna go to.
Because i have alot of experiences with mobile phones, and i'm very updated on todays technology and mobile phones.
So i'm just telling you all the facts about the hardware that is in the Nokia N8.
1. I'm basicing out how the Nokia N8 is most likely to get by looking at it's hardware. The poorer the hardware is the shorther time the phone will be supported for new OS releases.
2. No i'm not from Sony Ericsson or any other companies like that. This is something that is common to say to others when someone makes some hard facts about something.
Like the example when i made a topic about Android 2.2 on another forum, they all thought that i was from Google lol.
3. I'm not working as an IT guy atm, but that doesn't change the fact that i know what i'm talking about.
I'm mocking Nokia for releasing N8 with such poor CPU and crappy screen. Haven't you got that before now?. In that case, welcome after.
I respect others peoples opinion as long they are true. When some Nokia fanboys here just start to praise the Nokia N8 up to the sky that it's the fastest mobile device out there because of the GPU gives you smooth OS experience, then something is wrong and someone have to step in to correct him that Nokia N8 is far from being the fastest mobile phone.
And to tell him that the GPU have nothing to do with how fast you load things. The GPU is there to give you higher FPS and smoother experience in games and in the Symbian UI.
This is something that even my little brother that is 15 years old understand fully.
4. No i'm not a journalist, and i don't have any plans on being that ever.
And you said what truth i have been saying?. Well, does this finally proves that your guys are totally blind?. If you haven't seen the posts i have made here earlier and the whole day today, then i'm sorry to say it, but your to dumb to understand anything in the world then.
Read my earlier replies and read them good. And if you don't see what i'm talking about, then fine, i won this discussion then.
I'm happy to hear that you would erase all of my comments here and ban me from here if you had been a moderator here. Like i wouldn't do the same to you if i had been a moderator here. So booohoooo.
I will get a life in the X10 forum when you guys can start to realize the things i have been trying all day long to tell / explain you here.
The day you guys can go so far to just look 1 min outside of the box your in now to see what the real world actually is when it's about mobile phones and technology, then the day i will leave this Nokia N8 forum for good.
So it's up to you to get the finger out and start to see what i'm talking about.
I would gladly work for Sony Ericsson, but i'm not that lucky. If i had been working for Sony Ericsson, i wouldn't even comment anything here, because you know, they can track my IP and find out where those replies are coming from.
So, does this shows how ignorant you are when it's about mobile phones and technology?.
It's time to wake up.
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 02 Jun 2010
nataku, 02 Jun 2010rendering fast and rendering smooth have everything to do w... moreAnd the other reason games on the Nokia N8 will runs so much better than XPERIA X10, is because......... have you ever seen what resolution the Nokia N8 have on the screen. it's pretty low and horrible.
Now compare 360x640 in resolution to 480x854 resolution in games.
How much more power do you think it's needed to run a game smooth with 480x854 resolution over 360x640 resolution?.
You needs at least 2 times more powerfull CPU than the CPU in the Nokia N8 to be able to run that game in 480x854 in resolution then.
Because you know, 360x640 is exactly 230400 pixels, while 480x854 is 409920 pixels exact.
So that's almost double the pixels on the XPERIA X10 over the games who runs on the Nokia N8.
But then i prefer to have games that runs on really high resolution that just looks awesome on that resolution with good enough fps rather than having low resolutionon that looks bad in the games with 60 fps.
You should know this if you knows about technology.
- K
- wrk
- 02 Jun 2010
goron goron, 01 Jun 2010ind? internet speed from 3G gsm provider in there is suck.u... moreda*n, forget crime rate!! What's crime rate got anything to do with phone???
talk bout the phone here man, dont mention about the crime rate!!
Yeah2, I know and I realize it very much that here in my country the crime rate is high, but leave that alone will ya?? you talk like all of Ind people is criminal...
and btw, yeah, totally agree with you bout the internet connectivity on mobile device, it's not just me right? it's sucks here right?? I'm using Axis provider right now, since they offer the cheapest packet data for mobile and pretty fast too, in competition with another if I might say...
And for BB, yeah, I totally agree with you too, alot of people using BB here just for a status symbol and because of the trend. Dear god, they use it mainly just to chat using BBM and update their status in facebook, twitter, or whatever. a lot of important feature is left out, it makes me sad, people here has a very high consumerism rate without knowing the reason why they buy stuff, just to follow some stupid trend...
Like I said before, I really wonder, do they know that if they only wants to chat and update their status at any social networking status, or stay online for 24/7, then there's a lot of phone other than BB out there is also capable of doing that?? Geez...
btw, where you from?? are you form Ind to??
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 02 Jun 2010
nataku, 02 Jun 2010rendering fast and rendering smooth have everything to do w... moreYup, making things to goes smooth like that is a totally different thing than loading a big map in a game really fast.
While the Nokia N8 will get good FPS in games, it will still use ages to load the maps in a game.
Lets say that my XPERIA X10 loads a map in a game in 5 secs and have 30-40 fps that is pretty fine to be on a mobile phone.
Then take Nokia N8 with the same game. Here the Nokia N8 use 15 secs to load the map, but have 60 fps in the game.
Ofc you will see the game more smoother, but i rather have a phone that can give me good enough fps while being lightning fast.
- n
- nataku
- 4Va
- 02 Jun 2010
rendering fast and rendering smooth have everything to do with each other. try playing a video that was captured at an "example" 5 fps at a very fast speed and one at 24 fps at moderate speed "regular." the vid in the 5 fps example may play fast but the action is not gonna be smooth due to the limited frames. The n8 is capable of 60 or more fps making it extremy smooth. NO SUCH THING AS "STUTTERING" SMOOTH. if it stutter due to slow cpu, then it's not smooth
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 02 Jun 2010
why im so full of it, 02 Jun 2010Enginner Man:
Symbian doesn't need a fast CPU, apparently ... moreIf you think the GPU is going to decide how fast your device is going to be, then what the freaking hell is the point with the CPU in a mobile phone then?.
So you mean a GPU can decide how fast your going to load your game?. I mean wow, you fail hard.
The GPU is there to give you a smooth experience in the game. It will NOT decide how fast you will load a map to a game.
The CPU is there for a damn reason. Learn how technology works before you speak ever again.
And i will say that there are already pointed out that Symbian ^4 might not be able to run on the Nokia N8. So it means the CPU is horrible in the Nokia N8 if that really is the case.
The time will show, but i have a good feeling that the Nokia N8 might dissapoint you alot when it's about that.
So care to explain whu developers are running like chickens from Symbian to Android and other OS'es, there is a reason why they do that. And it's because Android is more open and the developers have much more choices when it's about making applications and games.
Doesn't it rings a bell for you here?.
Yeah, Symbian is loosing more and more to Android, and Symbian will lose ALOT if they don't change Symbian totally.
Atm Symbian is leading, but like i said, Symbian is loosing customers like crazy for Android.
This is somerhing you can't get away from.
ROFL, that's like saying, nah, XPERIA X10 doesn't have to run the next Android OS, because it's not needed because it have Android 1.6.
Ofc you need the next OS of Android, because you will miss a butt load of new things in the new OS'es if you can't update to the new OS'es. Simple as that.
How fun do you really think it would be to sit on Android 1.6 in August 2011?. Would that be cool?. No it wouldn't.
And mega lol at you again. You know it's 2 different things than getting bug fix updates some few times here and there than getting a totally new OS. Ofc the phones likes Nokia N82 will gets update fixes from time to time.
And can i ask what OS the Nokia N82 is running now?. LOL it's running Symbian OS 9.2, S60 rel. 3.1. HAHAHAHAHAHAH, yeah awesome firmware updates you have got pal.
And the Nokia N82 is abandones as a phone for big major updates. End of story.
Good for you that you want a Nokia N82 over my X10, because your not a smart phone user then, so what's your dumb point?.
And to the last thing. The prices might change before the Nokia N8 is released. So before Nokia N8 is a phone worth to get, it should cost around 380 euro. Before that happens, it wont be worth it.
Yeah, we have to wait until Q4 to get Android 2.1. Do you even have a single clue on why?.
it's because Sony Ericsson have to create TimeScape and MediaScape and theur UI from scratch, since those can't be ported from Android 1.6.
And once that is done for Android 2.1, it's going to be really easy and fast to port TimeScape, MediaScape and the UI to Android 2.2, because Android 2.2 is about the same as Android 2.1.
So they most likely needs to change out some few codes in the programs.
So what does that mean?, it means that Android 2.2 mmight come pretty damn fast after we have got Android 2.1.
Now when i have explained all of this to you, you sounds pretty clueless about things here.
- w
- why im so full of it
- mJd
- 02 Jun 2010
Enginner Man:
Symbian doesn't need a fast CPU, apparently the CPU is down clocked from 720MHz or something similiar. 680Mhz is only needed for Multitasking & opening Apps, the rest of the 3D UI wil be GPU driven & this is a powerful GPU.
Tom, you reply with:
'Yeah, about the GPU and the rendering on the N8, that's true. But rendering stuffs and running stuffs very fast is 2 different things. Get that into your head now.'
Yes Tom, they are 2 different things, other that pointing the obvious, care to explain a little more in technical detail? No? What, you are not a dev? Hmm, guess thats why you failed on that point.
And you continued with:
'The OS will be driven by the GPU since the UI effects goes via the GPU, well true, but still, the GPU doesn't controll how fast your device is. The GPU controlls how smooth your UI experience is going to be.'
Man, how ignorant can you be...if your device UI is smooth and every other thing you do on is runs with no hiccups then how do you measure up the device regarding speed? With a benchmark? Is all this a number to you? The user does not see any number when he uses the device, he just 'feels' how responsive the UI is...and you said the GPU in N8 is strong and is controls the UI so.....again....are you for real?
Then you came with:
'On the next thing, yeah some of that is true, but doesn't help to have a fast working phone that goes smooth today when it will be outdated and abandoned in one year because the CPU is terribly and can't get support for the next Symbian OS'es'
First you seem to comprehend that Symbian is a light OS, then you completely contradict yourself by saying one year from now the CPU will be the bottleneck. Any links please? A link would be nice you know as it seams all of this is coming from your a**. They could leave the same CPU, put a even better GPU(some other phone, not saying the N8 will not get the S4 update as only Nokia know that, not you Tom, not you boy) and I'll bet you the thing would run smooth still.
Tom: 'There should ring a bell for you here about what i'm talking about here.'
How about you ring a bell in a blender and tell SE to invest a little in their workers as they lack grammar skills.
Tom: 'Calling Symbian for a more open OS than Android is a pure lie. I will say Android is more open and better.'
And you are? Who are you to say that? If you post a link I'll believe you but to take your word for it is like buying a product just because the commercial said its 'future proof'. Nah, not buying it man. Try a little harder, get a dev friend to complement you of something.
Tom: 'And not only that, more and more developers are going from Symbian over to Android. Is that good enough evidence for you to realize that Symbian is not so good as you want it to be?.
Because if Symbian had been so good as you say it is, then why are developers running away from Symbian to Android now?.'
Oh, this is so rich I could not resist. Running away? Like in 'Run for the hills' from Iron Maiden? Here is a link to help you a little- The market share IS falling but it's STILL there and will be for a long time. Developers are not running away as you so drastically put it, they just have another market open. Do you think they would pass on such a huge user base of 130m devices that run Symbian? Do you think they cant code in java if they coded in C++ before and vice versa? If you see an app for Android do you think the same developer will not make a Symbian version? Man, come on, are you sure your not a bot?
Tom:'Yeah, you better hope that the current Symbian ^3 devices that are announced now will be able to run Symbian ^4 and the next OS'es after that.'
Stop it, they don't have to run the next OS BECAUSE the apps will be backwards compatible! Read a book, please! Help yourself to a wax job, something, anything to relieve the anxiety.
Tom:'Symbian ^3 will have good memory management?, yeah I'm sure it will have, but again, doesn't help to have a good phone with good memory management when the phone can't be supported any longer after 1 year or something like that. Don't you get that?.'
Again, you agree at first and then disagree with a statement thats so unfounded ist ridiculous. One year? My 2007 N82 still gets regular firmware updates as many other Nokia phones....just look at the 5800XM, thats how Nokia does it. But do they have faults? Of course, what manufacturer does not? But to say they will abandon the N8 is just a year is pure speculation, its unfounded, a lie, ill informed, and plain ignorant. The phone has everything you need what is yet to become mainstream....I will not spec the phone AGAIN.
And, lastly, I dare say that I would take my N82 over your X10 ANY day. Why? Because there is nothing I cant do with it. Its was the best mobile imaging device of 2008. I can change the look of the UI with shells, make it a Wi-Fi hot spot, play quake 3 on tv with BT mouse and keyboard at max settings (I did once just to try, not that of a games guy anymore) just to brag to friends, have total control of the file system (unlike the fruit company's joke of a phone) and well, anything else that comes to mind. Oh, and I cost me just 250euro in 2008 and I could sell it now for 100 euro and invest that money in N8 and would never look back.
Oh, and please, tell us more about how the N8 is a pathetic phone...last time I checked you paid premium for a phone that will have its full (and most importantly now paid for market price experience it latter), potential in Q4 xmas time this year, and, to TOP IT ALL, you will get a old OS update mainly the 2.1. You can just PRAY that the PETITION will come through and that you get 2.2 instead. Yes my friends, Tom paid premium for something that is yet to live up to its potential....why would anyone do that is beyond me. I, for one, would wait xmas time and buy it under 500 euro mark when it gets the update, or buy a phone now that has all the Android goodies, like the Nexus One. Sorry everyone for being negative, I just cant wrap my puny brain over the whole X10 idea.
But, Tom, really, don't mind me, I'm just talking jiberish anyway, or am I? ^_^