Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • T
  • Tom-Helge
  • Srd
  • 01 Jun 2010

Mark, 01 Jun 2010Really, Tom, first I was amazed, now you just crack me up, ... moreFirst i will say that the reason why XPERIA X10 doesn't get any good benchmarks now is because of Android 1.6.

Ask me the same question when it have Android 2.2.

And the thing that Nokia N8 will outsell XPERIA X10, well lets see. How many more devices of XPERIA X10 do you think Sony Ericsson will sell before Nokia N8 is out?.

But again, you can't decide how good a device is by looking at how many units that have been sold. Because you know, iPhone sells quite alot, while being the crappiest smart phone in the world now.

So that point is moot and not valid at all.

All i hear from you guys is that oooooh ooooooh the GPU is everything in the Nokia N8. Again, a damn GPU can't controll how fast your device is. GET THAT INTO YOUR HEADS.

This is like saying that yeah, my computer have an old AMD Athlon X2 4600+ CPU, but it have a Radeon 5870 GPU.

That means the GPU can run the games like Crysis Warhead and the games that comes out in the future, but can the CPU run the games like Crysis Warhead and so on without stutterling like crazy?.

The development of the mobile OS'es and mobile phones are going fast forward now, and it will be the same with both apps and games on mobile phones. So things will get much much faster and will require butt load more out of your device.

If you don't get this into your head, you simply don't know much about technology and mobile phones. End of story.

Then to you yourself. You say to me that i can't read or respond?. Oh so your saying all of those i'm discussing with here can reply and respond any better?.

I can tell you that all i see and hear from them are just whining and crying because i have proven them wrong in most things. And then can't do anything to prove me wrong.

I'm still waiting for the facts against my facts.

    • R
    • Rajesh
    • tA$
    • 01 Jun 2010

    Mark, 01 Jun 2010Really, Tom, first I was amazed, now you just crack me up, ... moreMark, your knowledge revolves only around processor and thats are not coming up with something have a look what GSM arena has posted about Qualcomm processors and what is going to be the fate of present ones is a anybodys judjement. The fact is N8 is going to have a terribly short life and will shred its value in terms of pricing very very fast. Even faster than the proccessor speed it carries. By the end of the year people will be expecting S4 with new line up of processors in Mobiles of all major companies including Nokia. whatever you have to say about traingles, GPU etc etc will not be even looked at by the end of 2010.

    Like in case of E72, Nokia delayed its launch by atleast 4 months...what happend to it...though its a Qwerty device with fastest processor it lost its 40% commercial value in just 3 months.

    You may praise the hardware of N8 but the point is it wont be the best option when Nokia will launch it unless Nokia goes ahead and launch it next week. By the end of 3rd Quarter of 2010 you will see loads of new models on the net and mind you Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung and every company is working on it. And above all 4G will be the added advantage...

    You keep speaking about processor it wont lead you will stay where you are and N8 will stay where it is supposed to stay...You cant change the pace of technological advancement...its is furiously speeding its way with will be history in few months and new technology will be the story in months to come...

    Thats why I said N8 is 2009 device....

      • M
      • Mark
      • mby
      • 01 Jun 2010

      Tom-Helge, 01 Jun 2010I know what i'm talking about. With a CPU from stoneage wit... moreReally, Tom, first I was amazed, now you just crack me up, spending entire days writing subjective dribble here. Honest question here, does your Android sporting X10 max out any benchmarks lately? I appreciate your energy, but it seems this is a paid job, and what worse, you deliberately choose not to understand technology. There you go again with your "big programs" etc, and NO GPU in your reasoning anywhere. You DO know the one in your phone is relatively poor no? And you DO know that better games will require this. A more efficient Dalvik is not going to change that, because it does not matter. Why do you insist on stating the obvious (lower spec CPU) while ignoring the much more interesting and important GPU. After all both games and the gui are hw accelerated. It is incredibly important. Why do you leave such things out of your reasoning?

      I can tell you one thing, whatever it is you say about the N8, or even your precious X10, the NOKIA N8 will outsell the X10 by a factor of 5 tot 10, at least. Let the consumer decide on its merits, as we are obviously not fit to have a grown up discussion here. The consumers have already decided on what they think of Sony, Ericsson and SE in the past. (I happily used one of those tiny Ericsson T28 (?) in the past)

        • T
        • Tom-Helge
        • Srd
        • 01 Jun 2010

        Anonymous, 01 Jun 2010I think the N8 specs can run most of the apps i need quite ... moreOfc the Nokia N8 will run things in Symbian ^3 good. But what i'm trying to tell that you guys don't want to see is that when me that have an XPERIA X10 have Android 1.6 today, then i can run the Android OS'es that comes out in 2 years.

        Can the Nokia N8 run Symbian ^4 or ^5?. No it can't after the statements that have been given so far.

        And because Nokia N8 can't run any newer OS'es than Symbian ^3, then what happens?.

        Yes, the Nokia will be so outdated and poor in 2 years that it's not even funny to think about that.

        XPERIA X10 have future proof hardware specs that is meant to be able to run Android OS'es in the future. And on top of that, be able to run programs and games that require much much more out of your device that time than it does today.

        Get it now?.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • PUm
          • 01 Jun 2010

          Tom-Helge, 01 Jun 2010I know what i'm talking about. With a CPU from stoneage wit... moreI think the N8 specs can run most of the apps i need quite well and after seeing some videos in youtube, i think the speed is much better than my expectation.

          With the superb camera function is just a irresistible plus point.

          I think this phone can last me more than 2 years.
          After two years i will buy a another another phone.

          In short, i will just buy this phone :)

            • y
            • your mum
            • mJd
            • 01 Jun 2010

            Tom, I'm so buying the N8...tell me again how lame is the CPU...and, please, don't forget the about the lousy battery.

            I sent an email to T.Dickson requesting he uses the X10 next time with the iblend function. :)

              • m
              • minjo
              • mJq
              • 01 Jun 2010

              guys... this thing have become a crazy circus...
              leave ur fight aside... or get the hell out of here...

                • T
                • Tom-Helge
                • Srd
                • 01 Jun 2010

                Dev, 01 Jun 2010You are clueless about the performance of application based... moreI know what i'm talking about. With a CPU from stoneage with 680 MHz and with a poor RAM that only have 256 MB, you can't expect much out of the Nokia N8 in comparsion to what you can get out of a device with a 1 GHz Snapdragon CPU and 512 MB RAM.

                Those phones with the Snapdragon CPU and 512 MB RAM can run extremely big programs and games that require a butt load out of your device.

                And on top of that, it's future proof for programs that comes out in the future that require alot more out of your device.

                Doesn't help what you say. The CPU Nokia N8 use is going to prevent it from being future proof and it will only work with Symbian ^3 after what some sites have said so far.

                So i rather have a phone that will be as good in 2 years as it is today.

                Now, imagine if Symbian ^3 is the only OS the Nokia N8 can run, then imagine how damn poor the Nokia N8 is in 2 years while the devices i use for example that is an XPERIA X10 will still be doing very good in 2 years because it can run on OS'es that comes out that time that are totally new and have a crap ton of awesome features that Nokia N8 users only can dream to have.

                And not only that, but most application / game developers use to move on to newer OS'es so they will only support newer OS'es on their programs and so on.

                So what are you gonna do with the Nokia N8 in 2 years that can't do nothing compared to the phones / OS'es that comes out in 2 years?.

                And not only that, devices with this CPU might come out right after Nokia N8 is released:

                And how badly do you think the Nokia N8 is going to look / be for the future then?.

                I hope you see now why i'm so against Nokia N8 in this case.

                  • D
                  • Dev
                  • upe
                  • 01 Jun 2010

                  [deleted post]You are clueless about the performance of application based no same SDK as that of OS. Once the OS is well optimized to CPU, a native application or game for the matter should deliver same performance without any lags or sort of stuff unless its poorly built without keeping attention to optimization of it with resourses and OS. I agree that Nokia Symbian^1 devices are quite laggy while playing HD games but lag is wholly due to insufficient RAM. Now N8 have got double the RAM, powerfull enough processor, HW acceleration, huge NAND flash etc, so with all this it would be very premature to say device will lag while playing/running heavy stuff. Take efforts to see reviews about gaming on N8. You can see Need for Speed (shift) playing flawlessly on device. Game developers pointed out that it was mainly possible because of optimization with Symbian^3 and its resourses. Hope you get what I am trying to point out.

                    • R
                    • Rajesh
                    • tA$
                    • 01 Jun 2010

                    As I have been saying 1 Ghz to 1.5 Ghz processor with loads of new technology on the way and above that 4G will be the story of early 2011 and rest will be history.

                    Nokia 600 or 680 mhz processors will be seen in sub 200$ handsets. Agree or not agree, my crystal ball will keep updating you all.

                    You can read about new Qualcomm processors on front page of GSM Arena


                      • T
                      • Tom-Helge
                      • Srd
                      • 01 Jun 2010

                      Rajesh, 01 Jun 2010Hi Tom, how are you doing...let me tell you something...the... moreHeh, good answer. Yeah i agree.

                      And to you again Dev.

                      Well, when someone is trying extremely hard to prove me wrong without giving facts or proofs of what they are saying, then what do you expect?. Ofc i will come back to tell them to shut up instead of lying so they can give us some facts and proofs instead.

                        • A
                        • Anis
                        • 3EV
                        • 01 Jun 2010

                        [deleted post]Sony erricson is a great company with great powerful devices ..

                        just don't expect everyone to like Sony erricson dude!

                        for me, ill go with any device that have all my needs in it, i didnt like android :S or i phone lol i know it looks stupid but they are not working for me, i feel symbian are more likely me!

                          • R
                          • Rajesh
                          • tA$
                          • 01 Jun 2010

                          As I have been saying 1 Ghz to 1.5 Ghz processor with loads of new technology on the way and above that 4G will be the story of early 2011 and rest will be history.

                          Nokia 600 or 680 mhz processors will be seen in sub 200$ handsets. Agree or not agree, my crystal ball will keep updating you all. Here is a link you should visit



                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • PFx
                            • 01 Jun 2010

                            KID, 01 Jun 2010hahaha, that's what I meant... not just your friend, a lot... moreMine N81 8GB was USD 400, what a rip off, I can buy N8 if I'm not buy N81, now I must trying hard to persuade my mom to buy me an N8 XD
                            Have a good night KID, let's have some talk tomorrow =)

                              • t
                              • tomas
                              • jZ{
                              • 01 Jun 2010

                              shape of the phone is ugly

                                • D
                                • Dev
                                • upe
                                • 01 Jun 2010

                                [deleted post]Ya, its pretty outdated but unfortunately its that only few can think so even before using it. And its been discussed & proved thousand times that 1Ghz is not a requirement of Symbian & you seems to be trolling again but with the same old agenda(?)! I still didn't get what you want to prove. I remember once you said I would stop commenting about x10 all the time when people get my point. Come on, we know what you want to point out, we got it though all may not agree with your thoughts, your comparison between N8 & X10 or between Nokia & SE but why do you start same sort discussion again & again? Is there anything new to discuss, I will appreciate.

                                  • R
                                  • Rajesh
                                  • tA$
                                  • 01 Jun 2010

                                  [deleted post]Hi Tom, how are you doing...let me tell you something...these people on this site are living with will notice that most of them have been here working hard to boast N8 to everyone who visit this site. I mean N8 is everything they have got to be in touch with modern day technology. Its an emotional attachment. You give them double or triple speed processor it does not matter. We must respect their love with N8 and must support them in their work. You see we say WORK IS we must not disturb their work but you must tell them if they make some mistake or try to mislead others. Let them live with N8...they are all good people. After all we are all tech lovers and we definitely want to be updated with daily news and outcomes...dont you agree Tom...

                                    • A
                                    • Angry
                                    • Lag
                                    • 01 Jun 2010

                                    Dev, 01 Jun 2010They are absent out of the box to be specific but you have ... moreОК, but SmartMovie runs with lags on i8910 (which has almost the same CPU as N8), despite the fact that the native i8910 videoplayer runs without any lags!

                                    N8 only 50-100 Mhz faster than i8910, and non-native players such as SmartMovie, will be also lacks...

                                      • D
                                      • Dev
                                      • upe
                                      • 01 Jun 2010

                                      sukrsa, 01 Jun 2010I donot know about symbian 3. Is it possible to install Sym... moreSymbian^3 is a backward compatible. It will not only able to run s60v5 applications but it can also run some s60v3 applications, those were supported by s60v5 as well.
                                      Plus it also support applications based on Qt framework which shall be fully implemented in Symbian^4 with whole new UI based on it. But Symbian^3 shall be able to run Qt based applications as said.
                                      In short, compatibility of Symbian^3 is like supported applications by S^1 plus Qt based (pronounced as cute).

                                        • D
                                        • Dev
                                        • upe
                                        • 01 Jun 2010

                                        T, 01 Jun 2010Can the hd videos play on the n8 its self or we always need... moreYes it can with its nHD resolution but full potential can only be seen on true HD or HD ready displays.