Nokia N8
- 5
- 5800xm_user
- wYx
- 31 May 2010
Anonymous, 31 May 2010Niraj... did you see this BIG illusion from UTOPIA??? That... moreLOL If that's your basis on everything you've obviously never seen real life videos of the phone. Don't get this phone man just don't. You don't deserve it.
- N
- Niraj
- 31 May 2010
Anonymous, 31 May 2010Niraj... did you see this BIG illusion from UTOPIA??? That... moreBy the way I have also seen the video posted by in which Rally Master Pro and Bounce tales are running quite smooth.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kx%
- 31 May 2010
Niraj, 31 May 2010Ok its slow but for me I can do most of my daily tasks easi... moreNiraj... did you see this BIG illusion from UTOPIA???
That is RESULT why i am ANGRRRRYYYY!!!!
See... some pixels moving from phone (display is montage video)... This video is FAKE!
- N
- Niraj
- 31 May 2010
Anonymous, 31 May 2010and... milions fans have INTERNET EXPLORER as default brows... moreOk its slow but for me I can do most of my daily tasks easily with this 'crappy slow device'. I love it because it has all the features I want. I only want to see if the symbian^3 is stable or not..
- ?
- Anonymous
- vCN
- 31 May 2010
4.5 inch screen would be the absolute limit of screen size b4 it would be to big to carry if ur wiling carry anything bigger buy a netbook maybe
- A
- Aseem
- 2SZ
- 31 May 2010
I own both Nokia N900 as well as Sony Ericsson X10 and after using both the phones X10 is no way near to n900. After spending soo much on x10 it lack in alot of features. No Divx Support, No flash Support, No Multi-touch, Android 1.6 since 2.2 has been launched, Only 8gb memory that too by a memory card. X10 is just good in looks. Both X10 nd N900 have a poor battery life. X10 should have been cheaper. Whereas N900 Leads the way in all the aspects nd i am very much sure N8 will also be a hell of a device. X10 dosen't even come near to it. If nokia would have launched N8 nw with X10 i am sure people would have not even looked at x10. Sony would have been in loss as it is nw also in loss. I am desperately waiting for N8. I am definately gonna buy it as soon as it is avalaible.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kx%
- 31 May 2010
Niraj, 31 May 2010I know Nokia has lost their millions of fans by symbian^1 a... moreand... milions fans have INTERNET EXPLORER as default browser, but it does not mean that the best browser...
UTOPIA have old glory (from Matrix '99), that is reason why YOU and other dum peoples love this crappy slow device...
- N
- Niraj
- 31 May 2010
Anonymous, 31 May 2010Unfortunately I was! since then, never again Utopia!I know Nokia has lost their millions of fans by symbian^1 and lets see what symbian^3 will do. By the way I will also not buy any phone by next year, so I will have a proper knowledge them. Infact if this phone will be fail like N97 then I dont think Nokia will able to save their credit on smartphones.
- m
- madeinaus
- vCN
- 31 May 2010
Rajesh, 31 May 2010Mark, I think you are living in the Triangular world where ... moreAn ipad aint no phone its barely a computer bring on the 42 inch screen phone .... not
- ?
- Anonymous
- kx%
- 31 May 2010
[deleted post]yes yes yes, bla bla bla...
if you want say something smart, show me better Utopia phone ...
This crap is big illussion!
- B
- BrianAW
- ibc
- 31 May 2010
Nokia totally doin g their best!!!
NOKIA bravos..
- ?
- Anonymous
- kx%
- 31 May 2010
BrianAW, 31 May 2010Nokia totally doin g their best!!!
NOKIA bravos..i don't think so...
Utopia going down :PPP
- ?
- Anonymous
- kx%
- 31 May 2010
5800xm_user, 31 May 2010And how many other phones have FM Transmitters? Eh? Answer ... morei dont need old analog fm transmitter (with noise) i have bluetooth stream in my car... THAT is point!
FM transmitter is lost of time and money!
- B
- BrianAW
- ibc
- 31 May 2010
Nokia totally doin g their best!!!
NOKIA bravos..
- ?
- Anonymous
- kx%
- 31 May 2010
Niraj, 31 May 2010Are you a owner of N97..?Unfortunately I was!
since then, never again Utopia!
- N
- Niraj
- 31 May 2010
DEEX, 31 May 2010YOU open eyes! or you dont't have it? N8 is biggest illus... moreAre you a owner of N97..?
- 5
- 5800xm_user
- wYx
- 31 May 2010
DEEX, 31 May 2010YOU open eyes!
or you dont't have it?
N8 is biggest illus... moreAnd how many other phones have FM Transmitters? Eh? Answer that you pos.
The N900's FM Transmitter worked like a diamond so what about this one's? Eh?
- 5
- 5800xm_user
- wYx
- 31 May 2010
Rajesh, 31 May 2010You think too wrong Dude and thats the reason you are never... moreOk so after a valid argument I stated all you have to say is I think wrong? Real smart man. lul
You can't disagree that any bigger than a 4" screen is ridiculous. Just like the useless iPad which is just an immobile unnecessarily enlarged iPhone which completely has the same hardware 'cept its screen.
- D
- kx%
- 31 May 2010
Niraj, 31 May 2010Open your eyes, I've already said that N8 has webtv and you... moreYOU open eyes!
or you dont't have it?
N8 is biggest illusion from Nokia, just like N97...
Do you know what is N8?
Nokia is now UTOPIA :))) LOL
- N
- Niraj
- 31 May 2010
Rajesh, 31 May 20104G expensive??? Mobile companies are working on possibility... moreOk thats good, by the way a smartphone bigger than 4" is still very big..