Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- mgx
- 28 May 2010
Leo, 28 May 2010i have 160 GBP up to now so i am half way there ..the N8 re... morerealy i like it...but when can i got it in my country..waw
- ?
- Anonymous
- 28 May 2010
When this phone is released, i'm sure people will be disappointed. There's only so much an upgrade can do. It's an upgrade of existing symbian. If nokia continues with symbian then symbian^4 will truly bring the change. Or it may be meego that they really put effort into. Whatever happens, there will be some people who criticize it, some people who absolute love it and some people who couldn't be bothered. This is my next phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 28 May 2010
Too bad the altek showed up to spoil the party. But the N8 is the real deal.
- m
- max
- ii1
- 28 May 2010
Awesome it has an FM Transmitter, the only reason I would by one over an iPhone :)
- a
- azm
- K15
- 28 May 2010
peace keeper, 28 May 2010symbian world.. What you posting links on the new ovi maps ... morein most cases b4 a phone is launch ppl will complain after its launched ppl will still complain. then they complained about their favourite phone even after they bought it.even if their favourite phone is fantastic they still complained about other phone. of course a better word for complain is COMMENT. pitty these complainers their life is never in peace. just choose,compare,read, patiently b4 deciding to buy. dont simply jump into conclusion to COMMENT/buy.
by the way i'm enjoying a good mobile here(its d best mobile i owned so far) its fits my budget(affordable), my lifestyle,my needs....
what Model? what brand? i keep it to myself otherwise ppl will start "COMMENTING" .... cheers...
oh d N8? i belive its affordable but i'll wait after 6months after its launched just to hear,read ppl's "comment" ahaks
- ?
- Anonymous
- ut3
- 28 May 2010
Ethan, 28 May 2010This is ultimate iphone KillER!iphone was already killed by 5800xm,this is a ultimate mobile with metal body & much more for reasonable[ price price leaked 22000RS]
- ?
- Anonymous
- jyU
- 28 May 2010
very impressive phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- jyU
- 28 May 2010
at roughly 500 US this will be a big seller.
- D
- Deep space bar
- kDi
- 28 May 2010
peace keeper, 28 May 2010symbian world.. What you posting links on the new ovi maps ... moreGood man i like the way you think
And that's why i'm still a loyal nokia user
They look after their users/customers
I've always came back to nokia since 2005
And i've always enjoyed every device and s60
And now maemo and soon to be symbi3n
- W
- Welshy
- BrE
- 28 May 2010
This or the Samsung i8920 Omnia HD2? I have the i8910 Omnia HD because it's better than the N97... Fact.
But the N8 vs The Omnia HD2 could be very very close. We'll have to wait to see what hardware the Omnia HD2 will be packing. The N8 is supposidly 244% faster than the N97 but only 90% faster than the Omnia HD. So does that mean like the N97 vs Omnia HD the Omnia HD2 will beat the N8. Both will be on Symbian^3...
- p
- peace keeper
- N7$
- 28 May 2010
symbian world.. What you posting links on the new ovi maps for? Everyone knows about it already and most have it, i got it the morning it was released thanks to my software updater, which nokia are so kind to have on every new smartphone for a while now, no links are needed since nokia keep there users up to speed with the latest, free software updates are a norm from them and all over the air, unlike most companies out there, nokia have the greatest mobile software in the world and there success is proof. I just updated my 6710 navigators firmware today (released yesterday) and all the upgrades are just what i needed, performance is improved drastically , accelerometer senser sharper than ever , gps improved , bug fix in one of the standby views , ovi sync application added , ovi contacts update and so much more. And its all for free, out of the goodness of their heart, why? Coz they care about customer opinion. All you people dissing nokia ask yourselves this..what does your manufacturer give you thats free? Free apps? Free maps? Free voice guidance? Free updater over the air? Awesome content in box? Massive range of styles of phones? Come on people most samsung and blackberry phones look the same, same software on most , same interface over and over again, and apple? Apple who? While they sleep nokia is taking back whats rightfully theirs? Competition? I'd rather there be no competition coz these other people are just fooling customers with gimiks and false marketing.. Lg chatter box springs to mind.. Now that phone is being sold second hand everywhere coz people didn't like it after they bought it.. Just get a nokia. Problem solved, i hope gsm don't block this message coz of my dissing of other brands but this is freedom of speech and i have a point here, take time to read and think twice before you eye out the next samsung touch
- t
- tshedi
- MkX
- 28 May 2010
it loohks like it si a very cool phone to have
- E
- Ethan
- u7m
- 28 May 2010
This is ultimate iphone KillER!
- p
- peace keeper
- N7$
- 28 May 2010
sshhh... people please chill! The phone hasn't even been released yet!!
- b
- brynn
- nF@
- 28 May 2010
You are correct but not as big a build up as n95 that was a big breakthru but as N8 gets nearer the tension is building..This will sell as good as 5800 i think due to nokia software update promises, bug fixes ,price and sheer raw specification..
- L
- Leo
- Bw@
- 28 May 2010
should have read exciting build up as n95.
- L
- Leo
- Bw@
- 28 May 2010
i have 160 GBP up to now so i am half way there ..the N8 reminds me of the exciting build the n95 had with truly ultra spec,
- C
- Cran
- mp%
- 27 May 2010
Tom-Helge, 27 May 2010320 dollar?, what dream world are you in?.
I would rathe... moreTom,
I believe u don't understand the difference between dollar and pounds.
Its 370 EURO on official Nokia N series Blog which equals roughly 320 pounds.
Please get away from N8 page and stick on to X10. This is N8 page and don't advertise your X10 here. We had enough of that CRAP.
- P
- Paul
- Ia9
- 27 May 2010
its only about 460$ the nokia N8 will be a big hit on the nokia technology mobilephone to me i like it more the iPhone