Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • m
  • minjo
  • mJq
  • 24 May 2010

[deleted post]with all these features and u say this phone is weak? u got to be kidding....

    • D
    • Dr. Shazid Hafiz
    • Pxx
    • 24 May 2010

    aaffrreenn...means excellent... phone, no dout.

      • s
      • suckre
      • Lij
      • 24 May 2010

      oo this is e very good phone

        • N
        • Niraj
        • KFP
        • 24 May 2010

        Ali, 24 May 2010hahahaha this first time for nokia i think to have ( AMOLED... moreAnd its also dream for Samsung to gain market share like Nokia.. They release hundreds of crap every year and still behind Nokia.. If Nokia starts to release phones like that than think for your Samsung..

          • A
          • Ali
          • fv$
          • 24 May 2010

          hahahaha this first time for nokia i think to have ( AMOLED touchscreen ) >> but its dream for naokia to beat Samsung >> hahahaha

            • N
            • Niraj
            • KFP
            • 24 May 2010

            Anonymous, 24 May 2010Please read: moreI think you should carefully read the article with open eyes before saying such a nonsense.. Its shows "location based developers" are moving from Symbian to Android.. Since Nokia already have Ovi Maps, Google Maps and Garmin so I dont think people will die without any other location based applications..

              • c
              • cash88
              • mJq
              • 24 May 2010

              Anonymous, 24 May reports 7th july, you can pre-order n8!!!!

              u forgot the s in users...

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • w7n
                • 24 May 2010



                7th july, you can pre-order n8!!!!

                  • K
                  • KID
                  • sEK
                  • 24 May 2010

                  Looky, 24 May 2010So much excitement now and in the end so much disappointmen... moreit's a quite different case, when I purchased my 5800, I know that it's not like what I imagine, but it's still a good phone nevertheless. But when I saw the N97, X6, and the others phone, I looked at their spec right away, and I know that there's no crucial and big different in those phone, so I think, 5800 is still the smart choice, cause the other didnt offer anything new and much different. It's only things like camera (which is not quite great also, so there's no point purchasing another type for the camera), storage (not much different here either, since I'm not using those storage for anything big, so even 8 Gigs is enough for me), and screen (true that X6 offer the first capacitive display, but still no multitouch, so what's the point? I can manage using resistive quite alright).

                  that's why I said 5800 is still the smart choice in my opinion, and the other phone is just adding a cosmetic feature that doesnt really make any difference or important.

                    • L
                    • Looky
                    • 36E
                    • 24 May 2010

                    So much excitement now and in the end so much disappointment as usual with Nokia. Remember X6, N97, N86 and so many... Hope i am wrong.

                      • k
                      • kamian
                      • j6q
                      • 24 May 2010

                      early release early release i demand early release nokia you already had enough time when you said you will announce end of april / may. august is just so stupid. release it already. i don't give a s--t if it has bugs or errors i want it

                        • a
                        • arvind
                        • KFP
                        • 24 May 2010

                        a goooood lookng phone good hardwere bt symbian oprating system i not lke too much n i hope dt nokia make it touch phone

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • uSN
                          • 24 May 2010

                          As I said.
                          Symbian already has a declining market share and developers have lost interest in developing apps for it with only 9% left! And there's the 360x640 screen, same type of processor as the outdated 5800, same old symbian user interface, and nothing new. And all these on a nearly September release date. Oh, and that new flagship store of Nokia in America just closed. Good job Nokia! Uh yeah... Nokia is soo failing. The new Windows 7 Series, iPhoneOS 4, and the new Android will come out by that time and will wipe Symbians outdated *ss.

                          This phone sux and its 2000 and late. Theres not even one animation when switching between homescreens! WTF?!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • uSN
                            • 24 May 2010

                            [deleted post]Please read:

                            Developers has lost interest in Symbian and has moved on to Android. Do your research before you talk sh*t.

                              • L
                              • LOL
                              • NaD
                              • 24 May 2010

                              When will 3 mobile have this mobile phone?
                              They suck prob in 2020

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • uwY
                                • 24 May 2010

                                it would be better if the price of the pphone approximately given here.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • w7n
                                  • 24 May 2010

                                  without camera, this phone still rocks and even cheaper

                                  n8 camera free edition? that is even better than ipohne 4g

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Y22
                                    • 24 May 2010

                                    come on nokia plus android. what a joke.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • PEd
                                      • 24 May 2010

                                      [deleted post]E73 is just same as E72 but with US 3G.
                                      Just like the 5230 and 5235.

                                        • F
                                        • Frank
                                        • NHH
                                        • 24 May 2010

                                        Guys the picture quality is woooooow!!!!!!! Just hope thats its real camera production.