Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • w
  • why not
  • 3Yc
  • 16 May 2010

its great device, but why it doesnt up2date. No 1ghz processor, 512ram ,wvga ,,1500 battery, flashplayer10.1 ,ajax,avi xvid divx player,super amoled screen, bluetooth3 and wimax 4g.

    • T
    • Tom-Helge
    • Srd
    • 16 May 2010

    Scorpions, 16 May 2010 moreScorpions. Did you bother to read this at all?:

    Go to where it says 'Facts – dimensions, weight, performance and networks' in that pdf file. Then you go to 'Main screen' and then looks under 'Scratch-resistant'.

    What does it says after that?. Yes it says 'Yes. Shutter proof sheet on mineral glass'.

    There ain't much plastic on that screen pal. You should learn to read what Sony Ericsson them self are saying about the screen rather than listen to what some testers thinks about the screen.

    The proof is in that pdf file. And if you don't want to believe that, then i don't want to believe those who have tested the X10 and said it have a plastic screen either.

    Simple as that.

      • S
      • Shahzad
      • JEH
      • 16 May 2010

      If now only Nokia allows to install also Maemo/Meego on it, will make of it a killing device

        • S
        • Scorpions
        • mp%
        • 16 May 2010

        Tom-Helge, 16 May 2010Scorpions, you can say whatever you like, but your totally ... more

        Build quality.

        I love the shape, feel and quality of the plastics and buttons on the X10. Sony have done a great job in making it look good and with the rubberized back cover, it stays firmly put in the hand. The USB cover works well and although the back cover is a snap-on type, it’s easy to pull off and on AND it stays clean. My only issue with the build is that the screen is plastic. That’s a major let-down and obviously the reason why two screen protectors are included. I hate screen protectors so I’m choosing to use the supplied, high quality, slip case. It’s only a matter of time though before I get my first scratch.

          • S
          • Scorpions
          • mp%
          • 16 May 2010

          Anonymous, 16 May 2010whatch this nothing special... moreAlternatively, you can watch this VIDEO

            • S
            • Scorpions
            • mp%
            • 16 May 2010

            Anonymous, 16 May 2010whatch this nothing special... moreWatch this VIDEO


              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 0U@
              • 16 May 2010

              whatch this nothing special...

                • D
                • Dag
                • nh1
                • 16 May 2010

                Tom-Helge, 16 May 2010And some few months after Nokia N8 is released, then X10 wi... moreAny good options for a good cameraphone, which not is a smartphone? Basicly interessted in a good cameraphone, but like the possibillities of a smartphone...

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • PEd
                  • 16 May 2010

                  Anonymous, 16 May 2010You're right about that, the N8 will be a game changer. In ... moreWhat you mean No DIVX? My 5800 has apps to run DIVX/XVID and another app to run WMA/WMV files. THese apps should work even better now that the N8 has a graphic processor.

                    • C
                    • Core
                    • uSN
                    • 16 May 2010

                    Silver jet, 16 May 2010Come on nokia, its the OS that matters.. dont be left behin... moreYeah men,i think nokia is left behind OS-wise.

                    Nokia dont lag behind, you need to wake up and immediately come up with new smartphones as fast as Motorola,HTC,sonyericsson is churning up every month or so. The N8's success will be the deciding factor if nokia can regain its former status as the leader in smartphones. Everbody knows Nokia has been playing catch up OS wise. Why dont nokia instead power up the N8 with the MAEMO instead of symbian ^3 just to keep up with competition?

                      • T
                      • Tom-Helge
                      • Srd
                      • 16 May 2010

                      Anonymous, 16 May 2010newsflash...I don't really care about go ahead and... moreYou said this............

                      Oh, and on second thought, why buy a SE "smartphone" when their smartphones aren't even "home-made"...but by HTC, or using Symbian. Why not get the ORIGINAL Htc or Nokia. I'll tell you why: because SE is CHEAPER, using cheap materials, cheap port sockets, cheap build quality, cheap accesories, etc. SE is only good for using about 1year, after 1 year they get so "degraded" you ight as well throw them away.

                      I have ot comment on that. First of all, Sony Ericsson made the X10 them self. It was the Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 that was made by HTC. Not X10.

                      And you say Sony Ericsson is made out of cheap materials. Sorry but i have to lol hard at that. I had my Sony Ericcson S700i mobile for 6 years before the battery didn't want to live anylonger. And the phone is still working really good.

                      And my Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 is still working very good, except that it's kinda slow because of it's CPU. But it's still a nice phone. That's a damn solid phone.

                      I handle my phones very good, so they lives almost forever.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • IWM
                        • 16 May 2010

                        Anonymous, 16 May 2010i look at both your arguments, but i cant say i get carried... moreNokia care about geeks and mass market

                        that is why symbian is importaant to nokia

                        meego for computer in palm
                        symbian for high end and midrange smartphone

                        not every one like power computer ,phone although it is great for geeks

                          • D
                          • Dude
                          • uSN
                          • 16 May 2010

                          Silver jet, 16 May 2010Come on nokia, its the OS that matters.. dont be left behin... moreI agree with you dude, the last time nokia had a game changing device was the N95 series. The name of the game nowadays is have the best OS coupled with a great harware. Operating system-wise the N8 new sybian ^3 should be at par with android,web OS,windows 7 and the legendary Iphone OS. If not, do what motorola, samsung, htc,sonyericsson,etc did just to leapfrog and come up with the class leading iphone which is to adopt Android.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • m7I
                            • 16 May 2010

                            Scorpions, 16 May 2010Hi TOM, I think you always believe what u think and that... morei look at both your arguments, but i cant say i get carried away by a discussion of which is the lesser of two evils. X10 or N8, who cares, Android vs Symbian, not interesting... Meego is all that matters now, Maemo 5 is great already, real computer operating systems, very solid and almost unlimited in possibilities. Thats what ppl shud be concerned about, the new category of cellfones, where N900 is already showing the way, its more than a smartphone. The sucessor of N900 is the only cellfone worth waiting for. In my opinion =)

                              • T
                              • Tom-Helge
                              • Srd
                              • 16 May 2010

                              Scorpions, you can say whatever you like, but your totally wrong about the X10's screen. Take a look here:

                              And then you find this link in that topic:

                              Now, who is lying :-) ?.

                              When Sony Ericsson it self says the X10 have 'Shutter proof sheet on mineral glass' on it's screen, then it have it.

                              So i'm right.

                                • k
                                • killaudio
                                • vj1
                                • 16 May 2010

                                i have faith that the new symbian^3 OS will regain its respect..hardware are quiet impressive..will wait for the release and review about this phone..

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Kec
                                  • 16 May 2010

                                  Anonymous, 16 May 2010You're right about that, the N8 will be a game changer. In ... moreBelieve me new os ui is good

                                    • S
                                    • Scorpions
                                    • mp%
                                    • 16 May 2010

                                    Tom-Helge, 16 May 2010Sony Ericsson doesn't have plastic screen, it have a scratc... moreHi TOM,

                                    I think you always believe what u think and that should be always right.

                                    I am going to give you links which will prove what I am telling and reinforce the fact that X10 has plastic screen.


                                    In terms of appearance, we think the X10 is pretty polarizing, which might be a surprising statement considering that it's little more than a large slate -- and who doesn't want that, right? Specifically, we took issue with two things here: first, the front of the device is glossy plastic. Often, glossy plastic looks good when it's new and clean -- in pictures, anyhow -- but a few smudges and a brush with your car keys in your pocket later, it can easily be transformed into a war-scarred hellscape. As you might imagine, we didn't scratch test the X10 (we can't imagine our gracious handlers at Sony Ericsson would appreciate that too much), but it's a cause for concern.

                                    Trusted Reviews

                                    So in terms of external features, the X10 holds up well but sadly when it comes to build quality it isn't quite so impressive. This is largely down to a plastic screen, which instantly gives it a cheaper feel than devices like the iPhone 3GS and HTC Desire that use glass screens. Its buttons also feel rather mushy and wobbly, making them unsatisfying to press. Also, its pointy corners dig into your hand, which is a basic ergonomics fail!
                                    GSMARENA itself where u r posting these comments

                                    The build quality of the Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 is solid. The matt plastic on the back is quite fingerprint resistant and soft to touch. It's only the front panel that takes on an increasingly smudgy (blurry) appearance as the day goes by.


                                    Either these professional reviews are lying or you are lying. I can give you more proofs but engadget should be more than enough as a proof.

                                      • S
                                      • Silver jet
                                      • uSN
                                      • 16 May 2010

                                      Come on nokia, its the OS that matters.. dont be left behind by your competitors. They are releasing to the public awesome devices and your being left behind. Why dont you release an android powered N8 just to keep up with the pack and release the symbian 3 version later if they are ready. I cant wait long enough for the N8.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • LaB
                                        • 16 May 2010

                                        Tom-Helge, 16 May 2010Well first of all, i have been working with mobiles phones ... morenewsflash...I don't really care about go ahead and buy whatever wou want..."expert"

                                        i guess that this forum is for the N8, and not your personal blogspot, so i gues nobody realy cares WHAT you buy.

                                        So go ight ahead, buy one of those pieces of sh1t plastic phones. Oh, and on second thought, why buy a SE "smartphone" when their smartphones aren't even "home-made"...but by HTC, or using Symbian. Why not get the ORIGINAL Htc or Nokia. I'll tell you why: because SE is CHEAPER, using cheap materials, cheap port sockets, cheap build quality, cheap accesories, etc. SE is only good for using about 1year, after 1 year they get so "degraded" you ight as well throw them away.