Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • G
  • Gadget FREAK!
  • tV0
  • 15 May 2010

I'm comparing N8 with iphone 4G..which one is better??

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • w7n
    • 15 May 2010

    Spec,nokia brand all look good

    if s3 do not change the web browser ui, music player ui (back button), no animation in homescreen and menu, keyboard mini, and others that offred by iphone and android, this phone is fail

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • LaD
      • 15 May 2010

      Panky, 15 May 2010is there any hot swappable option for Sim card like 5800/52... moreyes

      on the upper left side of the phone are 2 slots. one is for MICROSD, the other is for the SIM card

        • M
        • Moonsorrow
        • RBV
        • 15 May 2010

        N8 looks really cool and the spec too.
        will definitely consider this when i need to upgrade my phone..

        seeing lots of guys banging others here,
        seems some samsung guys are posting vs nokia without
        seeing the phone itself ;)

        I work for Samsung India, but my personal phones are always Nokia ;)
        hope the last line summaries all

          • h
          • hasibur rahman
          • uNV
          • 15 May 2010

          I just look the new model of nokia n8, its very beautiful to look. Its dimension and technical specification are perfect. If the mobile cover and other accessories would be provide with the set, it will be appreciable to all. Now I'm using n82. Actually all of my family member are using nokia phone.
          I will try to buy n8.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 0xC
            • 15 May 2010

            What about Sar rate?

              • L
              • LOLO
              • P$u
              • 15 May 2010

              HIMESH RATHI, 15 May 2010i got this phone recently its can download 1... moreGOOD..

                • H
                • HIMESH RATHI
                • P$u
                • 15 May 2010

                i got this phone recently its can download 1000+ games on it

                  • Z
                  • ZZZ
                  • P$u
                  • 15 May 2010

                  padmasri laloo prasa, 15 May 2010this having vary bad battry. 1200volt anly. charging whole ... moregood ..........realy good....

                    • p
                    • padmasri laloo prasa
                    • TL5
                    • 15 May 2010

                    this having vary bad battry. 1200volt anly. charging whole din. i getting angry. i am putting this dustbin.

                      • P
                      • Panky
                      • vw3
                      • 15 May 2010

                      is there any hot swappable option for Sim card like 5800/5230, if battery is fixed.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • fuN
                        • 15 May 2010

                        Sunil, 15 May 2010Agreed. Omnia HD is still king of phones and will remain 'c... moreThe speakers is it stereo or mono?

                          • N
                          • Niraj
                          • KFN
                          • 15 May 2010

                          Anonymous, 15 May 2010exactly. and ditto to what i have told you about that e7... moreAgree..
                          I think Nokia just used an improved version of symbian^1 in the prototype to test it..

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • LaD
                            • 15 May 2010

                            Andy Burgin, 15 May 2010The N8 will be always take some time to get released,with A... moreExactly....

                            i also hate that....bgesides the orrid the Orange logo on the E71 etc etc .... possibly the worst is the "custom" software, icons, etc. I can't stand them. whenever i got the chance i changed the software with the intial and stuff like that. I mean...i guess that a preinstalled startup picture with the operator logo could be enough...but, damn, ruining the design and the interface....?!?!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • LaD
                              • 15 May 2010

                              Niraj, 15 May 2010I have also doubts so I dont replied him for several days a... moreexactly.

                              and ditto to what i have told you about that e72 i had.

                              Nokia has not finished developing the OS for the N8...just see the latest article here on gsmarena about the N8..the live photo-shoot in front of NOKIA hq...reporters could not turn the phone on to get in ideea of the OS.

                              Sure...there are a few prototypes there in SAFE hands (thus where all the photos of teh N8 turned out) ... but they just have a mock-up OS just for testing the hardware compatibility, etc...just to juce up the phone a bit and start testing and improving the OS.. This is just basic stuff every company does.
                              It may just as well have a kind of "nokia 5800" software...or a previous models OS on it just to make it run for the moment. In any case a lot of things get done by "trial-and-error" .to see what can be improved, how, etc, etc.

                              So it's very hasty to post impresions of a pre-release model that , even if real , is way different (for sure) than the final version.

                              I'm a pretty big nokia fan...i guess that everytime i see a nokia for the first time i can tell a few things, where the Af light is, if it's LED, Xenon, screen res, materials, ports, where every button goes and what it does, and stuff like that...if i see the specs i can tell pretty much ow it will work, what the strenghts/weaknesses are...but the truth is that the OS makes all the diff, the final version. otherwise it's just an object.

                                • N
                                • Niraj
                                • KFN
                                • 15 May 2010

                                Sunil, 15 May 2010I'm indian native...but staying with my brother in finnland... moreOkay but I dont think Omnia hd is king of phones.. Only it has advantage over n8 is stereo speakers. For lack of divx xvid videos, then one can easily install a video player for it. And Dont compare it with other phones since the software is not fully complete..

                                  • S
                                  • Sunil
                                  • uNV
                                  • 15 May 2010

                                  Bong, 15 May 2010Hahaha! N8 still's will have trouble with Pixon 12?! Wow.... moreDude.. I told repeatedly that my opinions are based on a very early unit so don't take me wrong. But omnia hd using custom firmwares produces video that are almost on par with vivaz which is quite brilliant. And seeing as the prototype N8 produce video close to that quality it may turn out better. But mind you N95 Nokia release sample video was too cool but in reality it wasn't so you may be disappointed. But never think of me a Nokia hater or something. I think my fair posts say that.

                                    • A
                                    • Andy Burgin
                                    • 3pH
                                    • 15 May 2010

                                    The N8 will be always take some time to get released,with All the U.K networks wanting there own software an Names put on the N8,thats whats always spoils mobiles,they get announced early Mobile Phones but then always get delayed because of the Networks like Orange,Vodafone an Tmobile an now "3" network wants some Logo an Software put on any mobile,if this did not happen the N8 would be released by now,which this would not happen,because then you have to pay to get it unlocked an spoils the apperance of Any Mobile

                                      • S
                                      • Sunil
                                      • uNV
                                      • 15 May 2010

                                      Niraj, 15 May 2010I have also doubts so I dont replied him for several days a... moreI never said I had one (see my previous posts)...My bro just took me to his office to secretly show the device and I extracted every info on it I can in the short 3 hours I had this. But if you have doubts I will post videos of it in 1-2 weeks when I get to see a closer retail unit to my bros though I don't care if you think of me fake or not. I was just trying to help people and make their choice and prevent posting false info here. Aftar all this is gsmarena.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Ke1
                                        • 15 May 2010

                                        Nokia software engineers are so slow to complete the firmware for their phones. Nokia need to hire more software engineer to rush out the firmware for this phone

                                        how many customers they lose in a day delay?