Nokia N8
- l
- lans
- t7x
- 12 May 2010
3D Graphics HW accelerator... yeah baby.. thats what im waiting for.. bye my old N95..
- N
- Niraj
- 12 May 2010
Karan, 12 May 2010Question??? If the cost of this phone is similar to desire... moreMyself this. Not just for the camera but also more exciting features like usb on the go ( I really need this), fm transmitter, its youthful colors and many more..
- K
- Karan
- P$u
- 12 May 2010
If the cost of this phone is similar to desire, Nexus one, samsung galaxy 9000 S, X10
Which one you will prefer??
- N
- utX
- 12 May 2010
The Nokia N8 is a powerful combination of internet, video, photos, music, maps with Symbian^3 operating system. With a large capacitive touch screen supporting pinch to zoom, social networking integration, a Carl Zeiss 12 megapixel camera with wide-angle lens and Xenon flash, shooting 720p HD video, on demand Web TV, HDMI connectivity and USB OTG, you can create, discover and share a world of creativity. Additionally, for the software developers, the device includes Qt 4.6.2, Java MIDP 2.1 and Flash Lite 4.0.
The Nokia N8 brings also compatibility with popular Internet video formats and desktop Flash. With optimized video streaming and playback support, Nokia N8 provides a fantastic platform for bringing your favorite TV and other video services to a mobile computer. We’re in the midst of finalizing the Web TV developer framework and will release a customizable open source Web TV app template, created and used in a collaboration with dozens of globally acclaimed broadcasters
- M
- MightyMow
- vp1
- 12 May 2010
Wow. this is Nokia's Best Phone So far. can't wait for this to be launched..
- S
- Symbianworld
- p@E
- 12 May 2010
A nice video of the N8:
- a
- azu_ichi
- uEx
- 12 May 2010
680MHz huh.... sounds very slow to me in this year and age.I hope the spec will be upgraded when the time this thing officialy launched...
- a
- amartey
- fuI
- 12 May 2010
i think its very nice and i would like to be among the first people who will be using it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kec
- 12 May 2010
Good product from nokia
keep on making good phone, your market share will rise significantly
- A
- Amir butt
- uWx
- 12 May 2010
i think n900 is much better
- ?
- Anonymous
- nsI
- 12 May 2010
im also a se fan.but this is better than any se;in features and performance.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kec
- 12 May 2010
SAM, 12 May 2010I think Nokia should introduce this mobile with inbuilt 32 ... moreNo we want the price to be as low as possible
i hope there is n8 mini with 3.2 " screen, 5 mp xenon, 8g storage, price to be euro 270
- S
- 2S%
- 12 May 2010
I think Nokia should introduce this mobile with inbuilt 32 GB memory so it will have massive storage of 64 GB.
- ?
- Anonymous
- w7n
- 12 May 2010
oho, 12 May 2010Yes, S^3 is just a polished version of S^1 but that's in te... moreSticky comment
- ?
- Anonymous
- P@Q
- 12 May 2010
truth be told, if u havnt researched enough to know S^3 is an under the hood job more than facia i.e. UI, ur comments here become moot. secondly, okp, what was ur point if not to compare to non-released phones and dog pro-hardware users as opposed to the dogma over at Apple (and urs) with its Form over Function paradigm. And for those comparing this to the N95...jus dont..that was a top-tier phone, this, if u cant tell by its price point, isnt...its meant for people who want VALUE FOR MONEY...arguments to the contrary are opinions, and urs to keep, not to dictate on others and call them ignorant because of it...we know the iphone's good..we jus want more
- o
- oho
- Mfx
- 12 May 2010
Anonymous, 12 May 2010This phone is not putting anything new on the table.Symbian... moreYes, S^3 is just a polished version of S^1 but that's in terms of UI, lots of code have been changed, not talking about adding multi-touch or kinetic scrolling, but the OS is now open source, supports Qt applications, changed the way it uses the CPU and RAM to a more sufficient way (hence the low values of RAM and CPU, I suppose) I think Nokia found that the OS works smoothly on such RAM and CPU that they don't need higher ones, this also helped to cut some of the cost. If you have a mobile company, you don't add a 1GHz processor for the sake of adding one. We yet to see the performance of the OS on them.
Yes, the screen resolution should have been pumped up.
The glass over the lens is said by Nokia to be scratch resistant to protect the lens, they said they could have put a protecting cover but that would make it about 3mm thicker, and they also are saying applications would need to use camera faster, so you don't need every time to open the lens cover. And actually it does have LED flash for video recording. It doesn't have variable aperture but it performs almost equally to say N86 in low-light conditions thanks to the more sensitive sensor and in bright light, it uses Neutral Density filter that slides into the optics automatically when the light exceeds a certain threshold. You can find all you need to know about the camera here
- G
- Go1den3ye
- yUm
- 12 May 2010
Krug, 11 May 20101q - January , February , March 2q - April , May , June 3... moreNice year you have there, pretty sure Semptember and October need to change place
- G
- Ganesh Sha
- vGZ
- 12 May 2010
I heard N8 Has Kinetic Scrolling in browser but about in contacts and menus ???? Any idea
- o
- okp
- 2FY
- 12 May 2010
Anonymous, 12 May 2010hehe, okp, uv totally lost ur crdibility, yes, the N8 isnt ... moretruth hurts.......and you cant handle that....and you still cant understand what i wrote.......n86 was a good fone (was)
- b
- blackjack
- uC4
- 12 May 2010
Good review from * Anonymous..
we need comparison comments like this. not cursing @ bashing @ trolling. tq.
Good job