Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • e
  • edison
  • mtv
  • 28 Apr 2010

n8 looks different from other nokias but sony ericsson is still the best,was using satio but now xperia x10 and it will be my 20th sony ericsson phone nokia is wack......LOVE U SONY ERICSSON

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • PS6
    • 28 Apr 2010

    i like the specs of this phone, very nice, way batter then iphone 3gs. that phone suck cost me a arm & a leg to get. FxxK. sorry i not good with english.

      • c
      • cameraphonelovers
      • uCa
      • 28 Apr 2010

      i am not a symbian fan, but the features in this phone is amazing. and i kinda dig the design too, so much colors to choose! haha.. hopefully by the time of release they can create a great user experience over this symbian^3. :)

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • nDT
        • 28 Apr 2010

        Nokia, 28 Apr 2010Why Why Why Symbian is already dead Wake up Nokiasymbian is not dead,has future like android or other system,very good phone,procesor is ok,not hungry for energy

          • =
          • =)
          • tVw
          • 28 Apr 2010

          Niraj, 28 Apr 2010Nokia haters are jealous of this N8, this is way better tha... moreWe just have to wait and see. Pixon12 came out earlier than the Satio but still beats it. So , just wait for the results. =)

            • a
            • aidooon
            • pWH
            • 28 Apr 2010

            well ppl here seem to all be negative. .
            i am not understanding why ppl have to believe that more MHz of the CPU will make a faster phone :S
            wait to hold the phone by urself and then u can decide if it's fast or not. .
            everyone's here is talking about symbian . .
            well symbian is in its new version now. . and no one has seen it yet. . so why to curse it from now??
            the camera samples I saw on the site are jut perfect..
            and the battery who everyone's cursing can let the phone last for continuous 50 HOURS OF MUSIC!!
            that's much more than what i need from a mobile phone battery. .
            u only want to talk and talk and talk and u hate nokia cuz u want to hate it!!
            the phone is fantastic. . full specs. . there's no mobile phone in the market today with the same specs at the same price. . the price is just the thing which will attract ppl to buy the phone. . 500 bucks can get u a high end smartphone. . that's sooooo nice and no company offered the same. .
            the iPhone that everyone's talking about here costs the DOUBLE as N8. . so don't compare. .
            and in my opinion . . this N8 is MUCH MUCH better. .
            i am gonna buy this phone once it hits the shelves FOR SURE. . i don't want to pay 1000 bucks for an iphone or a nexus one and lose the fantastic camera of the N8 :S

              • h
              • hate nokia
              • ftZ
              • 28 Apr 2010

              chines nokia phone
              What this ugly look
              It's look huge and not used all the space in the phone i was nokia fan
              But now i se fan
              And will be htc fan if se not get a new smart phone better x10
              Se phones look's great
              If n8 be 10000...... Mp camera i will not buy it............

                • N
                • Nokia
                • 3xA
                • 28 Apr 2010

                Why Why Why
                Symbian is already dead
                Wake up Nokia

                  • I
                  • Isaac
                  • tVq
                  • 28 Apr 2010

                  why so skeptical about the 600hz processor? a 600hz iphone is smooth and yet a 1Ghz snap dragon still lag abit in's like back to the megapixel illusion be conserve and wait until u try the phone itself..

                    • b
                    • ben
                    • j01
                    • 28 Apr 2010

                    680 mhz processor?what kinda joke is it? lol

                      • B
                      • Billy
                      • TKj
                      • 28 Apr 2010

                      The Camera Sample Sure make me droolll>>^,^ Great Phone, i hope the browser full support for flash, or i don't wanna buy it, wait for win mobile 7

                        • a
                        • ardian
                        • 04P
                        • 28 Apr 2010

                        im sony ericsson fan but this N8 is amazing phone, i want one like this, i hope sony ericsson made a phone like this. and plz dont be like kids, cuz nokia is nokia when they made a phone they made will everything.... SE forever

                          • j
                          • jim
                          • 43C
                          • 28 Apr 2010

                          nice phone,but why symbia,andoid the best and the future pleaseeeeeee

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • v0I
                            • 28 Apr 2010

                            another thing, symbian 3 is really smart. its even a genius. this operating system is the newest among symbian and original to nokia. i bet, other manufacturers will have their phone also powered by symbian 3.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • v0I
                              • 28 Apr 2010

                              all nokia-haters are mean and bitter!!! LOL. they are just insecure that all guts of different phones of different brands has the nokia n8. they just can't accept the fact that nokia dominates (as of the phone itself for now). actually, even the experts who scrutinize cell phones are somewhat impressed by this phone. by that, no questions should be asked and ofcourse don't ask what is really obvious. you, who holds protests about nokia should hope that your respective manufacturers immediately create another device that could surely beat the specs of this nokia n8. goodluck!

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • x$K
                                • 28 Apr 2010

                                Representing, 28 Apr 2010This phone is great! Its a shame we don't get to see the ru... moreI don't hate Nokia at all. I like my N95. It's awesome after many software updates. But the battery is totally weak.

                                In Fact, I like N8 design. I am sure Nokia will use the best material to build.

                                  • R
                                  • Representing
                                  • fui
                                  • 28 Apr 2010

                                  This phone is great! Its a shame we don't get to see the rumored 1ghz processor. But the truth is even a 434mhz would have been okay. Its not like my n95 is slow! Most of the complainants are just hating on nokia.

                                  Why didn't they just stick the 1500mah on this phone? Nokia!

                                  The best looking phone ever(as far as i'm concerned). This is one killer gag.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • x$K
                                    • 28 Apr 2010

                                    Niraj, 28 Apr 2010Whatever you say symbian is true smartphone os, and way bet... moremay be you have never used touch smartphones after all. because Nokia didn't have one until recently.

                                    1200mAh battery for a big screen is nothing. symbian is a true smartphone os? you wish! it's getting a bit smarter, that's all.

                                    Even Nokia model numbers are chaos. Like N80 , 3 years ago, perhaps? and what? getting smaller or larger? none of that.. just random.

                                    I have used N80, N95 and 5800. Tell you what? Signal strength and camera, that's all. Nothing else.

                                      • N
                                      • Niraj
                                      • KFQ
                                      • 28 Apr 2010

                                      Nokia haters are jealous of this N8, this is way better than pixon and Satio.. They dont no about symbian^3, and putting troll comment on Nokia just by judging this phone by the early review of Eldar, who itself is a nokia hater...

                                        • L
                                        • Lambert
                                        • UDM
                                        • 28 Apr 2010

                                        He yo...It's a good phone yal...but not super...wanna know why? Symbian, CPU 600 mz, stupid design yawl...peace!