Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • m
  • maazoooo
  • u1t
  • 20 Aug 2012

HTC DESIRE or NOKIA N8 ? which one should I prefer ???

    • g
    • george_k
    • M}J
    • 20 Aug 2012

    Carol, 18 Aug 2012Ok, for those who realy own a n8 but, in my opinion, have n... more100% agree with you!!! I remember a comment (1 year ago)here at this N8forum. He was complaining about "hanging, freezing,etc...)" while he was keeping stored in memory hundreds and hundreds of emails and he was wondering why it happens!!!

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • IaH
      • 20 Aug 2012

      My goodness you N8 fanboys are worse than ifans.

        • :
        • :)
        • vpc
        • 20 Aug 2012

        Norton hack is a method of cracking your phone so you can install any unsigned apps in your phone but beware of it because it can bring some problems on your phone when you update the phone OS so be careful with that

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • IaH
          • 20 Aug 2012

          Carol, 19 Aug 2012This is not android area, please talk about android somewar... more*somewhere not someware

            • T
            • Tim
            • IaH
            • 20 Aug 2012

            Dear carol,

            You are ohhhhhhh so wrong. alot of the people who comment about the N8 have never used one or have never used symbian, that much is true however i have. Not only have i used the device but i have also sold it and i can tell you i got everyone that i sold come back into my store for ELF, DOA (dead on arrival) or just plain ui and symbian bugs. the phone is crap the operating system is crap and overall the phone and nokia nowadays are just an all round bad experience.

            Lastly before you rant that im and ifan or and android junkie as i actually run a phone store myself i have used most of the operating systems and they all have there faults even my favourite which is android but none so much as the N8 with symbian.

            Symbian may have been one of the first and as you said it is a grandfather and by that it means its old, useless and dying.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 7tx
              • 19 Aug 2012

              no doubt its great phone from nokia

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • tev
                • 19 Aug 2012

                It was a superb mobile I love it not only that but also i hate samsung

                  • C
                  • Carol
                  • L7g
                  • 19 Aug 2012

                  [deleted post]This is not android area, please talk about android someware else, you're confusing the name android with symbian, mamulea. When i here samsung, htc, sony, android, ios, i here rubish... But let me stop making fun of you and give you a clue about mobile systems! Have you ever owned an symbian? After your comment, 100 percent: NO! If there would'nt be symbian there would'nt you see today. Moa
                  stly everything you see is a cheap copy of symbian "IMPROVED" for some,that don't know much. Symbian is the father, mother, grandparent, big brother, of them all.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-67401
                    • XuQ
                    • 19 Aug 2012

                    Nice Phone by comparing others...

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • iwp
                      • 18 Aug 2012

                      What is the "Norton hack"? How is it help us?

                        • C
                        • Carol
                        • L7g
                        • 18 Aug 2012

                        AnonD-65654, 18 Aug 2012frndz pls pls pls pls pls pls help me iam confused btw Sam... moreSamsung note is more an internet tablet than a smartphone. If you want a phone that is smart and as a very good camera, choose n8 or pure view (better than the n8). If you want an internet tablet with some phone functions, choose samsung. But you need to know that this tablet here eats allot of battery so, you will need another phone to keep your self in contact with people.

                          • c
                          • carol
                          • L7g
                          • 18 Aug 2012

                          arjuna, 18 Aug 2012hey friends,witch one is better, nokia n8 or nokia 500?plz reply.After all specifications you've read about bouth of them, what do you think? I'd say that n8 way better, or? N8 is an older high-end smartphone and nokia 500 is a newer low-end smart. You do the math

                            • m
                            • mohit
                            • s8F
                            • 18 Aug 2012

                            sexy phone i like it very much

                              • D
                              • AnonD-65654
                              • tUs
                              • 18 Aug 2012

                              frndz pls pls pls pls pls pls help me
                              iam confused btw Samsung galaxy note & n8
                              pls pls suggest me its urgent...........
                              thanks in adv..........................................

                                • a
                                • arjuna
                                • PWD
                                • 18 Aug 2012

                                hey friends,witch one is better, nokia n8 or nokia 500?plz reply.

                                  • a
                                  • anirban
                                  • t}S
                                  • 18 Aug 2012

                                  Dheeban Sharma, 14 Aug 2012what ic the price of this handset,I know it is verry funny,... morePresent DP is rs. 18500/-

                                    • C
                                    • Carol
                                    • L7g
                                    • 18 Aug 2012

                                    Ok, for those who realy own a n8 but, in my opinion, have no idea how to use a smartphone.

                                    I will tell you some things so you can stop complaining. First and first of all. If you like to have ca costumize theme than: stop downloading crappy themes and look for a high quality ones. Look for this specifications: 9 pieces lightweight elements, full vector graphics so the phone won't lag because of the theme. For goodness sake, don't install 20 themes at the time. Install just the one you like, and install it in phone memory. If you respect this you won't see any lagging you all talking about. It is curious i never had my symbian phones lagg. Am i to smart?

                                    Second: Don't open 100 apps and expect it to run smooth after. It is not android, so it won't kill the apps that are consuming ram to make room for others. That's why it is called True Multitasking.

                                    Third: It is not a pc, so, maybe sometimes, you have to wait more than 0,00 seconds to open some apps, so don't press 20 times and than complaining that the phone laggs. Learn to use a smartphone, learn to us technology!!! If you press 20 times the phone memorize your action, so it will try to open those apps as many times as you pressed. Now you wonder why it blocked?

                                    And last: If you've installed allot of mods (though i doubt that) allot of crappy apps, THAN FORMAT THE DEVICE, it is normal to start lagging after to much writing and reading and deleting from the memory, this also affects the system components, so format the freaquin device. Do this and stop complaining, meaning also that you finaly learn some small things in the technology world, this applies to pc-s to;). Have a nice day.

                                      • a
                                      • amit_rulz
                                      • tE%
                                      • 18 Aug 2012

                                      whoever speaks for android just explain how its better when compared to symbian???
                                      i never found anything lacking in BELLE...infact it provided many more features than android.

                                        • a
                                        • amit_rulz
                                        • tE%
                                        • 18 Aug 2012

                                        kaberi, 16 Aug 2012i bought a new n8 and the prob is dat i m unable to open no... moreLight stays on???
                                        dont worry dude its amoled display the light stays on,its like a screensaver.
                                        better install nokia sleepning screen app which gives best notifications.