Nokia N8
- D
- AnonD-2665
- uvj
- 04 Oct 2011
george_k, 04 Oct 2011I am consdidering to buy N8 and i want an N8ing user to inf... morepurple tint is a hardware problem ! Pr.2 couldnt solve it but i ve changed screen from nokia care ! Only apps which starts automatically during restarting phone causes hanging problem (for me ) like wellness diary beta,netquin ! Dont install any antivirus,it hangs n8 like a hell !
- A
- Ali Abdulla
- 3LA
- 04 Oct 2011
Mahesh, 04 Oct 2011Can we do video chat through n8?? I've facebook a/c & i... moreyou can video chat using fring to fring..
or u can video chat using a video call... mobile to mobile
u cant use any other way for now :), same goes with most of other brands too :)
- D
- AnonD-22393
- 04 Oct 2011
To whoever is considering buying N8.I am using this phone for last 8 months.I have upgraded to anna now.With anna major improvements are,
No crashing or freezing of phone or apps
Better battery life(30-40%)
Email client has become very slick
Better browser speed.
New camera UI and major improvements in video quality.and lots more.You can check other improvements everywhere.
Now with Belle expected in November,no phone can beat N8's value for money,as belle promises to make the UI very good with increased battery life and many other goodies.
So N8 owners rejoice and prospective buyers,rush there is no substitute to N8 even after 1 year.Best Camera,free GPS,HDMI port,FM transmitter,awesome build quality,call quality,great battery performance.What else do you need in a smartphone with such price.
- s
- sweety
- 7wk
- 04 Oct 2011
everyone who recommend to skip n8 i think are wrong,,,i juss luv n8!!!its features are awesome n covers are cool too!!!
- M
- Mahesh
- w4g
- 04 Oct 2011
Can we do video chat through n8?? I've facebook a/c & i want to do video chat with my friends.. Is that possible?? If yes, then how??
- D
- AnonD-22393
- 04 Oct 2011
george_k, 04 Oct 2011I am consdidering to buy N8 and i want an N8ing user to inf... moreWith symbian anna onboard all the bugs have been resolved.Hence no crashing or any such thing.I have N8 since last 8 months.even with pr1.2 it was pretty stable,but anna makes it really smooth and fast.When u will buy anna run N8, u will see the beauty of nokia's cbd (clear black display).And trust me there is no hint of anything purple or yellow like Galaxy S2.It is 100% Nokia Black.
- D
- AnonD-15675
- U@3
- 04 Oct 2011
hi guys for Nokia E7,N8,C7-00,C6-01,E6 users that belle os available from November. so you guys can update on November 2011.
- g
- george_k
- M}J
- 04 Oct 2011
I am consdidering to buy N8 and i want an N8ing user to inform/advice me about:
1) If symbian anna causes problems regarding the device and/or its functions-operations(freeze-hang-crash etc..)and the battery life
2) headache of purple tint. It has been resolved? can it be fixed or avoid it? Its software problem or screen problem?
- s
- sukrsa
- JF5
- 04 Oct 2011
AnonD-2665, 03 Oct 2011If u download fring,u can but after restarting phn it ll op... moreI don't think so. I am using fring for long time. It never hangs. And from setting menu you can prevent from start itself while you restart your N8.
- J
- Jude
- Mfx
- 04 Oct 2011
jude45, 04 Oct 2011all for d love of symbian anna and belle. pls i want to go ... moreHi.
We have the same name. N8, as of the moment, is the best camera phone (with 12mpixels). Well, when it comes camera. I have N8 and have been using it for quite some time. I even upgraded it to symbian anna (you can check my old post) and I had not experienced any problem whatsoever. I'm planning to buy Nokia 701. It has much better specs than N8 (except for the camera). So, if you're planning to buy N8, I suggest you buy Nokia 701. Its the latest nokia smartphone. Personally, I don't like the 701 design but I love whats inside (features).
Hope this help you out. Think about it...
- D
- AnonD-4801
- P%%
- 04 Oct 2011
AnonD-22584, 04 Oct 2011Please do not buy Symbian Its having some major issues . yo... moreHey, do you get paid from Sony or HTC for speaking ill of symbian and N8? N8 is the best smartphone to's not eye candy, but you can do a lot of things with it which are impossible in htc and SE and samsung phones..I had an HTC dream long ago which I still regret buying...N8 is far better than xperia x10.
- g
- george_k
- M}J
- 04 Oct 2011
I am condidering to buy N8 and i want to ask
1) If symbian Anna causes problems (hangs or crashes or freeze or battery life)
2) What about the purple tint headache?
I'll aprecciate any suggestion/answer
george_k(nokia fun)and N8ing fun i hope
- D
- Dihan
- PEq
- 04 Oct 2011
Hey um also bangladeshi.....i also use n8...and um 15 years old.....u have to see da product of n8 which were made in finland....u'll get good n8 if ur n8 is made in finland...and it wont discolour if made in finland product because made in finland n8 doesn't have any becareful when buying
- N
- N8 Lover S
- vFH
- 04 Oct 2011
[deleted post]I bought an N8 (Green) from Bangladesh on November 11, 2010 & used it for a long time without the back cover. Later I bought another N8 (Orange) on February 2011. I had to order for the orange one as it is not available in Bangladesh. Later I gave the Green one to my wife & am using the Orange one. Surprisingly, the Green one didn't have any problem with color (even when it was thoroughly put into a purse) but my orange one got discolored on the hinge on it's back camera (though I put it safely in my pocket). So, truely speaking, I got astonished when my N8 started to discolor. But software-wise it never showed any problem (a few times it DID restart, but got rid of it with the PR1.2 update). Now, though my N8 has some discolor in the back, I love it the same as when I bought it. Hope it gives you the idea that it is totally upon your luck (and a 50% of your usage) on ANY electronic devices of ANY company that the device will run smoothly.
Keep N8-ing.
- D
- AnonD-22584
- vGk
- 04 Oct 2011
jude45, 04 Oct 2011all for d love of symbian anna and belle. pls i want to go ... morePlease do not buy Symbian Its having some major issues . you can also go to alternate with xperia x10 or some productswith htc or sony . or if want to buy symbian please skip n8 and go for c7 its the best ssymbian product
- D
- AnonD-13383
- syH
- 04 Oct 2011
N8 Lover S, 02 Oct 2011First of all, thanks for promoting my line "keep n8-in... moreyou can revert back but only with v11.5 firmware than update your phone to symbian anna....
if you downgrade to symbian anna without reverting back to v11.5 firmware you will brick your phone....
v11.5 firware is the only stable firmware to downgrade your nokia n8 than put anna on...
- j
- jude45
- ftV
- 04 Oct 2011
all for d love of symbian anna and belle. pls i want to go for dis phone tomoro pls i need ur advice over it.i have used N70, N79, 5530xpm, 5320xpm, C6 N97 E71, E51 presently E5. i nid anna or belle. should i go for N8?
- D
- AnonD-4801
- P%%
- 04 Oct 2011
[deleted post]I don't know what you meant by mentioning Bangladesh as a typical country...I am from BD too and have been using n8 for a year, my n8's colour is blue..My brother also has a silver n8...I haven't noticed any discolouration in either of the sets till now..of course, we use back-cover all the time.
- R
- Rolabouncer
- ftK
- 03 Oct 2011
N8 really surprised me yesterday, i completely watched a 90 mins movie with 20% battery at power saver + offline mode.
- s
- skitso
- RcZ
- 03 Oct 2011
when ever i switch my n8 from offline to any profile be it silent, general or any other it just freezes and restarts to offline.......any suggestion ppl........also i noticed if i have it connected to the pc it changes profiles but as soon as i disconnect it freezes a.s.a.p....