Nokia N8
- s
- sun
- PAv
- 29 Sep 2011
Nikola, 27 Sep 2011VERY important thing: VIDEO call CAMERA! I am nokia fan for... moreHei,me too loved x7 bcoz of big screen slim and build for music unfortunately no front cam for vdo calling then i choose N8 the gr8...:)
- D
- Dude
- 951
- 29 Sep 2011
muhammad yazid, 28 Sep 2011can we install android in N8 ?Can, only if you are a hacker or a computer genius. If you are not either one, then it is not possible.
- D
- AnonD-13383
- 2CE
- 29 Sep 2011
TechSpec, 27 Sep 2011Good to hear jb, are all your installed apps working as the... moreI have the hacked belle so there are no certificate errors...
early on there were not that many apps working with belle, but now the java issue is fixed..
and by the way have got heaps of free apps for belle, the new one is opera mobile v11 (wich wasnt working) but they brought out opera mobile v11 to work with belle and there are alot more on the way just get your free apps from for free,
the only thing that is not working is fring and skype but that is it everything else is working fine,
I use for instant messaging and it supports skype msn google yahoo and alot more.....
I love my n8 with belle now it is so smooth and alot faster....
they should push this belle out soon very soon it is what alot of people are waiting for....
im from australia by the way...
so cheers mate
- D
- AnonD-15976
- 29 Sep 2011
muhammad yazid, 28 Sep 2011can we install android in N8 ?No it's not possible
- m
- muhammad yazid
- 28 Sep 2011
can we install android in N8 ?
- D
- AnonD-15537
- uvb
- 28 Sep 2011
AnonD-23768, 27 Sep 2011Hahahaha.... Hello Everyone I Was Read EveryBody Comments H... moren8 does nt hv LCD it hv AMOLED for ur kind information & it also hs continuous auto focus in video after anna update
- v
- von
- v0q
- 28 Sep 2011
iOS and Android have pretty much set back mobile technology. What was the basic feature with Symbian back then are nowadays called advance.
- T
- TechSpec
- SkG
- 28 Sep 2011
Nikola, 27 Sep 2011VERY important thing: VIDEO call CAMERA! I am nokia fan for... moreThe X7 doesnt have a secondary camera, but the N8 does have one. And it works just fine for video calling in 3G networks, but of course not with the existing skype for symbian. Try Fring though for video calls.
- v
- virjee
- t}r
- 28 Sep 2011
Hie i hav updated my phne to symbian anna..i hav been facing dis particular problem from d past few days..wheneva i restart my displays a message.. "phone startup d retailer''..nd d frequency of dis problem hs been increasing..earlier it wud pop up lyk once in five nw four out of five tyms i see dis error..does ny of u hav ny to what cud b wrng..??
- D
- AnonD-10882
- 28 Sep 2011
Anonymous, 28 Sep 2011I love my N8 but I hate Nokia. Nokia, give me my damn Anna ... moretotally agree with you........over a month now and still no Anna update anyone knows when will it be available for Sri Lanka
- b
- bell
- fwc
- 28 Sep 2011
hmmm i am in the process of getting the nokia n8 simple question is - is it a good phone or not?
- n
- njitap
- fq8
- 28 Sep 2011
i need help, my Nokia n8 is not registering 3.5g and my provider is saying that there is nothing wrong with their network. what could be the problem?
- D
- AnonD-2203
- 28 Sep 2011
AnonD-23768, 27 Sep 2011Hahahaha.... Hello Everyone I Was Read EveryBody Comments H... moreThanks Mr.Aashir, u open our eyes.....
We were just fool in buying a phone which gives us free navigation by which I know many places which by god if use any other phone might have spend tomuch money.
Fm Transmitter I carry my favourite collection in my phone.
Usb connectivity - I connect my imp files and copy pics, mp4 to my usb instantly.
12 MP now i made up my mind I will not buy any dedicated camera.
music and application- good.
Then why the hell we go for anodroid.......
By spending lots of money with no updates and durability and resale value.
- P
- Pramukh
- uvb
- 28 Sep 2011
i love my N8 i bought this phone when it was just released.the specifications of this phone were awesom....E7 is more expensive even though specifications are lesser than my N8........
- ?
- Anonymous
- uRI
- 28 Sep 2011
upgrade n8 to Symbian Anna became the world best mobile phone!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 8fE
- 28 Sep 2011
I love my N8 but I hate Nokia. Nokia, give me my damn Anna and Belle updates! I paid over $500 for this phone when it was released despite huge criticisms. I deserve better treatment dammit!
- D
- AnonD-10497
- nyF
- 28 Sep 2011
AnonD-15976, 28 Sep 2011You can't blame Nokia there,developers at skype haven't hel... moreif you want video calls use fring, works fine for me. So does the built in video calling but you need the other person to have a phone that supports too and the operator needs to support as well. I've all options and have only used video calling once just so see what it was like
- D
- AnonD-15976
- 28 Sep 2011
Nikola, 27 Sep 2011VERY important thing: VIDEO call CAMERA! I am nokia fan for... moreYou can't blame Nokia there,developers at skype haven't helped symbian much where the video calling is concerned
- N
- Nikola
- mcU
- 27 Sep 2011
AnonD-23768, 27 Sep 2011Hahahaha.... Hello Everyone I Was Read EveryBody Comments H... moreVERY important thing: VIDEO call CAMERA! I am nokia fan for many yrs but, yesterday I was in a local phone store, wanted to by x7 or n8 and what? Only thing I need most VIDEO CALL I can not use whit this awesome phones :( I did not chose any android phone I am just disappointed :(
- S
- Sandi
- fuH
- 27 Sep 2011
I've installed the mobile tv application and yet to buy the Dvh headset that's that aerial to support the tv application. Tho the headset is expensive R750.00 . . Was wondering if the channels are free in south Africa if not how much does that cost and is it worth it to buy the headset Thou. Appreciate any info please south Africans. And other