Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • 20 Sep 2011

AnonD-22159, 20 Sep 2011it is true that sgs2 has heating problem but is fixed after... moreI think this guy will critisize sgs2 or sgs3 when he/she found somebody from somewhere come out with new actractive & effecient OS which can perform inutiative UI. Even that very low requirement. So called tech junkies ...

    • N
    • N8owner
    • IWb
    • 20 Sep 2011

    AnonD-22159, 20 Sep 2011it is true that sgs2 has heating problem but is fixed after... moreWhat is it you try to prove here? Every n8 owner knows s2 is faster,newer,got more apps from android store.

    But we like our phone. Like the camera, gps, built quality etc. We like symbian because we r used to it, so what if it lags a little?

    ur comment is hurting other people

      • R
      • Riz
      • U3x
      • 20 Sep 2011

      AnonD-22159, 20 Sep 2011it is true that sgs2 has heating problem but is fixed after... moreDear. I can't understand what you want to have in your pocket, what is the basic purpose of having mobile? making call,sms,emails and a few notes utilizing your spare time by listening music or watching videos and surfing net. and the key feature is camera a portable and good quality camera. because you can't take a handy cam or digital cam all the time in your pocket but a mobile. so if a mobile meets with all your requirements then why are you fighting here on os. whatever its android or Symbian both are here to operate a mobile. and it's true that all the latest os designed to compare other systems. but my dear if i am satisfied with old Symbian system then i will prefer Symbian because i am use to. so please stop fighting over android and Symbian. its Upto your wish whatever you choose. someone like camera and someone like to operate different apps on mobile. ok and the second thing is the price tag of mobile. what you want to have in your pocket? a mobile who's price is actually same to a bike?. so please just share your experience with your mobile and stop criticizing.
      Sorry for my words if it hurts u

        • S
        • Soti
        • utD
        • 20 Sep 2011

        Guys-esp dbrijwasi1993 and others of his ilk.It's high time that we have a fair and justifiable assessment of the N8 vis-a-vis the other Android handsets available in the market.We can fight it out as much as we possibly can but the million dollar question is that we must rate a mobile on the basis of how it satisfies our NEEDS, that we expect from a mobile.And everyone's criteria and NEEDS are different.Period.SG2 has a super duper screen, i haven't seen any other screen better than that.But at what price?SG2 costs 30k Indian Rs.My friends SG2 was rendered useless within a few days of purchasing due to a nasty virus he got by downloading some stupid Android app from the app market.!!N8 is just about 21k with the best camera available,HDMI,USB OTG.Believe me Carl Ziess optics are used in the Hubble Space Telescope and to get that on a phone is great.

        Ray--One big Problem with N8 esp. the new lot is the purple tint.I got an N8 in Nov. 2010 with the perfect screen but it went dead in May 2011 and was replaced by the NCP.But the new one had the wretched purple tint problem!!!.I sent it again to the NCP but the problem was not addressed at all.Anyway,i won't bang my head too much over it as I'm happy that at-least my phone was replaced with a working phone.The purple tint problem is universal and for that Samsung itself is responsible for supplying defective screens to Nokia.That might be a deliberate attempt to scuttle competition as Samsung is THE biggest manufacturer of AMOLEDs in the world today.No wonder Apple and Samsung are mired in sticky lawsuits!!!

        dbrijwasi1993--One question to you because i have no idea about it.Do you have any idea of the after sale service provided by Samsung?because i don't and it would be unfair on my part to criticize it without having any knowledge on this.My N8 was replaced as i said by Nokia within 8-10 working days.Which other company would do that?The new one i got has a universal problem plaguing it(the purple tint) and there was little Nokia can do in this.

        I expect an honest answer...

          • D
          • AnonD-22159
          • YTc
          • 20 Sep 2011

          AnonD-10458, 19 Sep 2011From which country u buy u r Sgs2? All sgs2 user complaing ... moreit is true that sgs2 has heating problem but is fixed after android 2.3.4 or 2.3.5 update.but symbian belle also nowhere stands against's outdated ovi store has many few applications compared to android marketfrom which most are worthless and useless.symbian is laggy platform compared to n8 nowheree stands against sgs2.processor speed and ram of n8 is 680 mhz and 256mb which nowhere stands against 1.2ghz and 1gb ram of sgs2.why don't you take account of adobe flash player support in browser.and why don't you take in account the video recording capability mhich is 720p of n8 in 12mp but 1080p full HD of sgs2 in 8mp.and also notice the capability of multitasking in both.also n8 lags sometimes in pinch zooming but sgs2 not.also sgs2 has fast kinetic scrolling and good touch response in comparison to n8.also android has great customisation but symbian lags in this too.these things disappoint me.but nothing disappoint me in sgs2 except heating problem which is fixed after 2.3.4 update.but synbian even symbian belle nowhere stands against android.we have upcoming nokia n9 which has many great features.also some great than sgs2 but we have also upcoming sgs3 which is enough to beat upcoming nokia n9.please check the specs of sgs3 and you will be amazed.

            • c
            • celladik
            • 9FM
            • 20 Sep 2011

            its a fact that n8 can't rec0rd 1080p video n0 matter software update n0kia will do, its a hardware requirement. And for the belle, it really change my p0int of view when i feel the difference n0w. Belle is a must have upgrade for n8. Looking forward for m0re updates or impr0vements of belle.

              • D
              • AnonD-13383
              • 2CE
              • 20 Sep 2011

              Manu, 20 Sep 2011Nokia.....i have used many phones of nokia....symbian is no... morethey have got there own version now, its called symbian belle and it works really well on the nokia n8 with 680mhz cpu (leaked symbian belle)

                • D
                • AnonD-13383
                • 2CE
                • 20 Sep 2011

                Borat, 20 Sep 2011What are you talking about? It is well known that N8 will n... moreif they were to put 1080p in the nokia n8 with a firmwaer update it would surpass any other mobile video camera because off the much bigger sensor,
                dont know what you are talking about bro....

                  • D
                  • AnonD-13383
                  • 2CE
                  • 20 Sep 2011

                  Borat, 20 Sep 2011What are you talking about? It is well known that N8 will n... moreoh but it is well capable of it mr :P

                    • B
                    • Borat
                    • nxE
                    • 20 Sep 2011

                    Ray Hipkiss, 19 Sep 2011@ Martin Raj Something else to add to your response is ... moreWhat are you talking about? It is well known that N8 will never have 1080p video recording because of it's hardvare limitations. 680 MHz ARM 11 processor and Broadcom BCM2727 GPUT just can't handle that. And that is why software update could never bring 1080p recording to N8. Period.

                      • N
                      • N8 Fan
                      • NH$
                      • 20 Sep 2011


                      I am facing issue while an Auto Sign In to the OVI Music. Once I open Music, it says "Please wait you are Auto Signed in", but then error comes up saying "You can be auto signed in, please sign in manually", but then again goes to auto sign in and loops the above steps all again, without allowing me to download anything. Please suggest what to do or whom to contact.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 2@X
                        • 20 Sep 2011

                        Before I got my Nokia N8 00 i was using N82. In N82 I had no problem with service provider's signal reception. However in N8 signal fluctuates too much and calls get cut due to poor signal reception. Can someone enlighten me

                          • l
                          • lavish
                          • PF0
                          • 20 Sep 2011

                          Can u plz tell me the price of this handset in India, i am cofused???!!!

                            • D
                            • Dav8
                            • kP0
                            • 20 Sep 2011

                            AnonD-9238, 19 Sep 2011Warning: Symbian support for USA is already dead. No updat... moreReally? No more updates for USA users?

                            I'm planning to buy an N8 from Amazon. I really like the free GPS, WiFi,the good battery life it claims and especially the camera.

                            What are some major downside of not being able to update Symbian OS?

                            I've been using Sony Ericsson W810i for 4 years, I don't mind not being able to update, long as it doesn't affect the basic usage of the phone(text,call,web).

                            Thanks in advance.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-4392
                              • 2SS
                              • 20 Sep 2011

                              AnonD-21172, 19 Sep 2011@ray will n8 battery last one day or more? if my daily u... more1 day most likely... mine lasts for 2 and a half days (moderate usage). Its 11 months old. Its usage is similar to my iphone 4 but my battery outlasts it...

                                • M
                                • Manu
                                • QDZ
                                • 20 Sep 2011

                                Nokia.....i have used many phones of nokia....symbian is not a good os....better nokia please cum in the market with android.....

                                  • n
                                  • new user..curious
                                  • K5g
                                  • 20 Sep 2011

                                  ..what's with the light dimming when the phone is tilted in such a's will it stay still??

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-2665
                                    • uv4
                                    • 20 Sep 2011

                                    Anonymous, 20 Sep 2011Thats pretty hard to believe. I get a day and a half with m... morei never disconnect my internet ! Only 4 hours ! So plz dnt compare itz battery life wid samsung,they ve introduced 2000mah battery ! Very good job !

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • jst
                                      • 20 Sep 2011

                                      AnonD-2665, 19 Sep 2011my n8 lasts 4 hours in 3g mode !Thats pretty hard to believe. I get a day and a half with moderate use. Allow your battery to drain empty then recharge fully. Repeat the cycle and backup should get better. Unless you are constantly downloading.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-7555
                                        • 9yx
                                        • 19 Sep 2011

                                        i miss my n8 sooo much.. im buying it AGAIN!