Nokia N8
- s
- snow_speeder
- fuj
- 10 Sep 2011
Teezy , 09 Sep 2011My N8 actually got slower and has more bugs after I updated... morejst flash it again if u experiencing problems, or get the new version of anna..
- a
- amit
- 10 Sep 2011
hi, is n8 is gd from c6-01
- k
- kingace
- n2J
- 10 Sep 2011
A week ago, I flashed my N8 to symbian belle ( I am fed up waiting for the firmware updates, before flashing,my N8 is in PR1.1 and I am not getting anymore updates.A colleague of mine already received the symbian anna update).I am satisfied with the belle on my N8 but still I want more like being able to have 6 homescreen ( mine is still limited to 3) and the vibration and key tones were not working.There is a newer version of belle which I download already.My question is this, can I re-flash my N8 to the newer version of Belle directly or do I need to downgrade by N8 to an older firmware first?
- e
- emy
- N7U
- 10 Sep 2011
plz help me
i have downladed symbian anna but it wasn't installed on the mobile
when i tried to update it again i didn't found the update
can anyone help me?
- u
- usman
- uWE
- 09 Sep 2011
use nokia updator to get anna on ur n8... thts tooooo fast......
- a
- ayat
- 09 Sep 2011
hi,its good phone with anna,video recording is now 30@s with continuo focuse and very very motion,i wait phone if very very better than N8 and galaxy sII
- D
- AnonD-3538
- BwV
- 09 Sep 2011
AnonD-2117, 09 Sep 2011thnx 4 replying ............nah man it is not working......... moreSwype doesn't support split screen portrait yet on the N8. You'll have to wait for an update from the swype developers.
- T
- Teezy
- 3sE
- 09 Sep 2011
My N8 actually got slower and has more bugs after I updated to Anna. Anyone else experiencing this ?
- a
- ammy
- fmD
- 09 Sep 2011
how should i know the original n8 nokia?
- d
- devildemon
- 9xx
- 09 Sep 2011
hay man, i am having problems with my phone, most of N8s can upgrade to symbian anna but my phone can't upgrade. in software updater,it says "your applications are up to date" please help me...what is the problem and why...
- R
- Rodijet
- t7A
- 09 Sep 2011
How is the latest Firmware doing? Are there still lots of bugs on N8?
- D
- AnonD-2117
- 09 Sep 2011
snow_speeder, 09 Sep 2011when you writing a msg, go to option an select qwerty keybo... morethnx 4 replying ............nah man it is not working.............i am getting normal qwerty keyboard with split screen but not the swype with split screen :(......what shud i do
- ?
- Anonymous
- fq5
- 09 Sep 2011
Its very slow..i am not happy with this phone
- D
- AnonD-2203
- HBx
- 09 Sep 2011
Nope u cant get certifcate from any where anymore ?????
why dont ask because no one know.
What i presume is for promoting widows and meego.
The solution is only flahsing.
Just go for it and enjoy the real essence of nokia N8.
I am using belle.
- 2
- 239
- 09 Sep 2011
Ray Hipkiss, 09 Sep 2011@239 If you are unable to get your own certificate from... moreyeah,i apply for certificate everywhere,but none is working..well i guess just have to live with it,thanks anyway mate..
- s
- snow_speeder
- fuj
- 09 Sep 2011
AnonD-2117, 09 Sep 2011plzz help ! i'm not gettin split screen qwerty keyboard WI... morewhen you writing a msg, go to option an select qwerty keyboard.. easy.
- D
- AnonD-2117
- bJ7
- 09 Sep 2011
plzz help !
i'm not gettin split screen qwerty keyboard WITH "SWYPE" after the anna update
Is there any way of getting split screen "swype" qwerty keyboard.......... ??????
- s
- snow_speeder
- fuj
- 09 Sep 2011
Ray Hipkiss, 09 Sep 2011@ angellite Firmware version 24.1 is for a limited numb... moreIm in Kenya, Africa i revived the update 024 last week, 7 days back.. it said it performance, speed and structural improvement. v024.001 is the latest and the most recent version on anna..
- D
- AnonD-11357
- t7W
- 09 Sep 2011
Ray Hipkiss, 09 Sep 2011@ angellite I already have my own cert and key so I'm ... moreive been using that website for my nokia phones except fir nokia e6 does not generate cert.
- D
- AnonD-11357
- t7W
- 09 Sep 2011
Ray Hipkiss, 09 Sep 2011@ angellite I already have my own cert and key so I'm ... moreive been using that website for my nokia phones except fir nokia e6 does not generate cert.