Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • J
  • JuveTube777
  • 4cb
  • 04 Jun 2011

Fix your "Purple Tint" problem by "Brightness Control"
It costs 1$, but I have the free sighned app and I can send it on your emails.

Watch the video:

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • Y2E
    • 04 Jun 2011

    I hope Nokia stays with the low-power consuming processors. With the WHO organization confirming that cell phones emit microwave radiations that are harmful to the brain, we do not need any more gigamongous, dual-processing power-hungry processors that they use for Android phones and iPhones. What we need is power in the software level, or OS. Thanks to Nokia that they can make such a phone in the N8. With a multi-faceted unit like this that can do all these fancy features and can last a couple of days without charging, it only shows that it can be done at the software level. To all Android and iPhone users bragging about their 1.2 Gz, dual processing, power hungry phones, please be careful with your brains. I think your phones are affecting your brain cells now. More power to you... errr I mean to Nokia, for thinking about our safety.

      • J
      • Jude
      • Mfx
      • 04 Jun 2011

      I had read most the comments, opinions and tech-specs opinions on this "opinion" page. Some are confused, some are happy (if not very happy) and some are just plain nothing-to-do and complain. I say, we are entitled to express our feelings or whatever in our minds just take your posts/opinions in a higher, more educated manner.

      If someone is saying Symbian is dead, I say, not yet. Why? Because there are still a lot of Nokia phones in the market using this OS. As long as there is 1 single phone in the market using symbian, one can not say symbian is dead. If you know the meaning of "dead" I'm sure you will know what I mean.

      Symbian had gone a long way. And base on my own experience, nokia phones are more USER friendly than the others. Easy to use and have many shortcut keys compared to other phones. Although Nokia had signed up with microsoft, let us wait for Nokia's announcement if they will abandon symbian or not.

      If you are confused with what phone to buy, get a hands on experience first (if possible) like borrow from friend, ask the sales clerk or users anything and everything about the phone. And posting on this page your questions is a good idea.

      I'm a proud user and owner of Nokia N8. I will not say its the best phone but rather say, its the best phone I have.

      Greeetings to all readers. Enjoy whatever phone you have in your hands right now. Be happy and contented. (",)

        • D
        • AnonD-6614
        • fnH
        • 04 Jun 2011

        [deleted post]Hey, I think you are the one who's dead, if the so called platform you are on is great why arent you posting on its forum, you are just envious and the fact that you cannot afford this great phone makes you turn green, well it aint going anywhere and you had better get used it and accept the fact that its got Class

          • D
          • AnonD-793
          • uC3
          • 03 Jun 2011

          AnonD-4392, 03 Jun 2011Here I hope these help.... http://discussions.nokiausa.c... moreHye There,

          Thanks for the reply..!!but what can i see there is just their complains about it only...i didnt found any solution there...mybe u know what to do n kindly let me know how please...!!!its too long comments on it...i cant stand to read it anymore...too long for me...

          mybe u know the solution rite..??

          will to share with me..??


            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • p@x
            • 03 Jun 2011

            this was the mobile that was going to save nokia and bring her back in the game, look at them now they are barely able to sell a fraction of these compared with htc and rim , they have to do drastic changes to their os or screw it and move into android if they wanna have a chance of not going down the drain

              • r
              • roDice
              • 464
              • 03 Jun 2011

              If you ever have a problem with the features and you need to reset the phone, you MUST remember the lock code because there is no hard reset. I have to send my phone in to my service provider repair shop to be factory reset, and I can't put my plan on hold so I'm paying for the two weeks it will be gone.

              The phone is good, just make sure you understand the implications of the applications your downloading. I was very happy with it untill this happenned.

                • t
                • trayce
                • mKs
                • 03 Jun 2011

                Quality phone, great functionality, flexibility. Very good value for the price. Great for business and with the stand alone GPS for adventure. Battery autonomy with high usage(internet, phone)would be up to 2 days which is acceptable considering the battery capabilities or smartphones found on the market. One considerable disadvantage: can be difficult to read the screen in direct sunlight.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • PUa
                  • 03 Jun 2011

                  [deleted post]symbian maybe dying out, but do tell weather ur personal life and banking info is secured using android?

                    • D
                    • AnonD-8044
                    • nGC
                    • 03 Jun 2011

                    [deleted post]Symbian is far from dead,,you could be dead in 2012.Symbian is alive and well and will recieve support till 2016.Just because something is announced it does not make the smarphone in your pocket obselete..There are millions of symbian users worldwide and still sellng millions.

                    I suggest you clear off pal with your gibberish and go to another forum.Why you even on here,you must be interested in the N8 or why else bother coming to N* forum.

                      • m
                      • matt
                      • sXc
                      • 03 Jun 2011

                      i have the nokia n8 and i dnt fink its as good as it could be i would prefere the samsung wave dnt get me rong it is a ok fne but a wast of muny

                        • Z
                        • Zee
                        • wHU
                        • 03 Jun 2011

                        When i take a video at night. The the flash is red. How can i change the red flash to white flash with nokia N8? bcoz the video is not clear with that red light. Help me...

                          • k
                          • kh
                          • N7U
                          • 03 Jun 2011

                          this phone is very nice but it needs senctive

                            • D
                            • AnonD-4989
                            • 0we
                            • 03 Jun 2011

                            Anonymous, 03 Jun 2011wow, never thought total hits would gone up to 14.4M, but a... morehow many day goes the battery of htc?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • T6r
                              • 03 Jun 2011

                              wow, never thought total hits would gone up to 14.4M, but anyway N8 had its golden spotlight before, that was the time between announcement and the release date the hype peaked, if you know what i mean,

                              i don't want to be rude, i was one of the disappointed nokia fan b4, thanks God i controlled my impulsiveness to buy this but instead got samsung wave 2 then after 5 months got a desire HD, one thing i would miss if i got an N8 is the camera itself ONLY,

                              guys, jus't don't be stubborn for sometimes, be open minded of the progress of technology right now, symbian is not uptodate and failed to update itself to be on par with android and IOS,

                              give weight to the "user experience" in the product, windows 95 is powerful but windows 7 had a better user experience, same with symbian (win 95) against android/IOS (win 7), symbian may had took the lead of phone features but fails to integrate them to cunsumer wise level in 2011 not in 2001, seamless integration of things that matter (communication),

                              tell me if N8 can integrate/sync seamlessly facebook/tweeter accounts directly to contact and messenging apps, can it it integrate facebook/flicker/picasa picture albums to a one gallery app in the OS, does it give you a better web browsing in general, i dont think the n8 can do these,

                              i was so surprised how windows phone 7 and android OS evolve in a short time, the symbian was given a whole decade and what do they did just mere change in cosmetic dept, that all... they failed to construct an ecosystem comparable to IOS/Andoird and soon to be win7,


                                • N
                                • Nico
                                • NH8
                                • 03 Jun 2011

                                Should I buy Nokia N8, BlackBerry Torch 9800 or Samsung Wave 2?

                                  • g
                                  • grynl
                                  • v0q
                                  • 03 Jun 2011

                                  im looking for a new phone and at first i decided continue symbian with N8. then i browse the net and i saw HTC desire Z. and here comes LG optimus Black.. im really confused right now which should i choose.
                                  well, im into multimedia... any suggestions????

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-4392
                                    • 2SS
                                    • 03 Jun 2011

                                    AnonD-9961, 02 Jun 2011Which mobile is better for Performance ,Application Support... moreE7 over N8:
                                    4" CBD AMOLED Screen vs 3.5" AMOLED Screen
                                    Hardware QWERTY Keyboard

                                    N8 over E7:
                                    Expandable Storage - 16 + 32 GB
                                    MUCH Better Camera
                                    Better Battery Life
                                    Lighter (135 gms) vs 176 gms for E7
                                    Better Headset in the retail Package.

                                    Hope this helps,,,,

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-9996
                                      • w6m
                                      • 03 Jun 2011

                                      Rollindice, 02 Jun 2011Does this phone have a pogram that enables you to hear some... moreyes it is called message reader it comes with the phone it reades your email and text messagers if that is what you mean)